Turmoil s1(background story)


Good morning,good evening.

This will be a short story based on fiction,a little truth,spice and everything fine. Girls are made of everything nice and sweet but this one is made of rocks on triple distilled liquid, with a drop dead gorgeous smile, politically incorrect, sarcasm at crack to roast ratio but she's also fine like mature wine. 

Her name is Nompendulo and this will be a story to catch up on. A little monologue and background on the story. 



Nompendulo: The day I met you was the beginning of a happy miserable life, regardless of the quickies and smiles..Since you came turmoil and confusion has been my daily bread.You know when you just want someone to touch you, to hear you breath, let them see you live through the reflection of their eyes? I have never wanted anybody as much as I wanted you. What’s so special about you? You not the first to sell me dreams, tell me sweet nothings, no you not 

the first, neither are you the second..oh but the way you smile, the giggle you utter when I make a 

stupid joke, made a madam irrational 

You know sometimes I feel you’re married, how I wish I could partake in that but I guess I’m not worth taking up your name,or will I ever? ever be? Sometimes I ask myself what is it about you that I like so much but I can’t seem to actually quite figure it out.  literally unexplainable, when I see you, I light up. I glow like a glow stick, you don’t make effort to make me smile but I smile regardless, that 2 minutes I get to see you, fuck butterflies,though I wonder if butterflies ever feel humans when they are smitten...?a question that remains answered like my phone's calls. When you touched my hand, my whole body surrendered, my whole entire existence shouted your name. The way I defend you, put in a good word, but what you want is the wet cookie and boy I never kept in the jar. I didn't  care how much you lied, how much you speak and promise me lies, all I want is 

keeping talking to you, keep seeing you, keep making love to you, keep fantasizing about how much I love you, your text poping on my screen, I try to fucks with other people but it never works because I’m hang on this dream that one day we will be together, one day you will see me for who I am not for the pretty face, the big ass but really get to know me ,get in touch with my soul, know what kind of chocolate I’d prefer, what kind of cars do I like, my favourite tv show, favourite dish, favourite colour but you seem so disinterested I don’t even want to bore you with none interesting details of my life. All my life I have never loved but you, you different..All this bullshit,I probably watch too much romcom movies and they screwed up my head. 

The day I met Turmoil, it was a bright sunny Monday morning. That morning I went to pay rent and I was little pissed off by little life. Walking in town, this is Pretoria by the way,walking down town, a car keeps hooting but I keep ignoring it. He drove past me and parked right in front of me. Got out of the car, tall handsome, in slim to for grey pants and a black shirt,bald headed, just how I like them, at this point Satan got me by the scrotum *laughs* 


Turmoil: "hey,i was kind of hooting and hoping you'd stop,how are you doing my name is T,and I'd like to take you where ever you're going." 


Nompendulo: "umh" (stuck,omg he's got,what the fuck do I even say,what if he kidnaps me,there's no way I'm going in) 


Turmoil: "you okay?" 


Nompendulo: "oh yeah" 


Turmoil: "soooooo, will I get your name?or?" 


Nompendulo: " noni" 


Turmoil: " where you going? I could take you there but I'm not familiar with Pretoria so you'd have to give me directions" 


Nompendulo: walking away " no I'm good,I'm almost there" 


Turmoil: running behind me " wait, can I at least see you sometime,I'm gonna be working at the union building for this week maybe we can hang out?" 


Nompendulo: "okay" 


Turmoil: "okay,so can I give you a lift?I promise I'm not a pedophile" 



Turmoil: "c'mon I won't eat you up". 


Nompendulo,she smiles,walking back towards the car and they take a drive. She's socially awkward so the drive is a bit weird and awfully quite you could literally hear a middle fall. She gave him directions to the flat she lived in and they got there and it was time for her to say her thanks and leave. 


Nompendulo: "umhh, thank you" 


Turmoil: "you have really beautiful smile you know that?" 


Nompendulo: (smiles shyly) "oh thank you" 


Turmoil: "so will I see you again?" 


She obviously smitten and all,gave him her number and went upstairs. Later he calls to make a meeting.She agrees to it. 


***later that day he arrived*** 


Turmoil: (on the phone) "hey I'm downstairs" 


Nompendulo :" I'm coming" (she quickly wears shoes,apply new lip balm and fixes her self on the mirror) 

On her way out,nana her room made looking at her and laughing) 


Nana: "bathong, waw'kgafisa guy neh? Lipgloss e kana?" 


Nompendulo: rolls eyes " waphapha waitsi, shap see you in a bit" 


Got downstairs and got in the car*** 


Turmoil: "hey stranger things, you good?" 


Nompendulo: "yeah absolutely,I'm good..sooo you're done with work now" 


Turmoil: "ooh no,I'm not done yet. I'm waiting for my boss to call me,I have to take him home then I will be done for the day" 


Nompendulo: "ooohw, what is it that you do again?" 


Turmoil: " I'm a driver for a Carter president" 


Nompendulo:(eyes popped))" excuse me,a what?" 


Turmoil: ( smiles) "I'm just screwing your brain,I'm part of the  VIP protection for the mayor" 


Nompendulo: " oh okay,so you carry guns and all? But why aren't you wearing all black and hideous shades? And you here,that's odd" 


Turmoil: "wow hideous,I take offense. Well I'm also the guy's personal investigator so I don't have to always wear the hideous shades. My Job is to make sure he gets to where he's going on time, safe and sound. I think we need to move here, do you know a place we can drive to and relax a bit?I just want to get out of the car." 


Nompendulo: " not really would you wanna sit in a park?" 


Turmoil: "a what?okay I think I know a place in the east,can we go there?" 


Nompendulo: " yeah sure" 


**and took a drive to voortrekker monument. Site seeing the view of the city from above here is amazing. It's so beautiful and fulling. 


Nompendulo: "this place is beautiful" 


Turmoil: " yeah it is very refreshing" 


Nompendulo: "since you said you're not familiar with Pretoria,where do you live them?" 


Turmoil: " I live in Krugersdrop,is still Pretoria but it's closer to Joburg than it is to Pretoria,I'm familiar with JHB" 


Nompendulo: "okay,so I am here with someone that I hardly even know, how safe am I?" 


Turmoil: "you're not safe at all" 

**They both laughed and smiles and sparks flowing through the atmosphere,one could tell that tonight it's a good night. 


Turmoil: " so what about you,what do you do? You look like a young blood,still in school?" 


Nompendulo: " yeah I'm studying psychology in the university of Pretoria" 


Turmoil: " oh so you psycho analyse people huh? Can you tell what I'm thinking right now?( he smiles,with perfectly aligned dentals) 


Nompedulo:" I can tell that you want to hug me but you also contemplating on how my reaction will be,you don't mean to be forward but you yearning for it" 


Turmoil: "oooh am I now? No actually I was thinking of something totally different,come close let me show,close your eyes" 


Nompendulo: ( she comes closer,and closes her eyes anxiously awaiting for what's about to happen) 


Turmoil: (smiling and looking at her pretty looking face,he touches the side of her face slightly and gently holds her from the back of her neck,and licked her side of her face) 


Nompendulo: (laughs and opens her eyes) " ewwww, that's an awful first kiss" 


Turmoil: "oh my God,hell no,I didn't kiss you though so you can't judge me based on that." 


Nompedulo: "owh really now" 


Turmoil: " unless you wanted me to kiss you?" 


Nompendulo: " what?ofcos not" 


Turmoil: "haha,owkay,so what else do you do besides school and being beautiful and stealing hearts on a daily as you walk down town?" 


Nompendulo: (blushing) "well sometimes I write" 


Turmoil: "owh,show me what you write" 


Nompendulo:" I mean". 


Turmoil: " are you shy?" 


Nompendulo:(I ran my finger tips on his arms,drawing a map no ways land,and I could feel his blood rushing and hers of his skin stand to my command and deadly looked at me in the eye and I smiled" 


Turmoil: " what is that?you command attention?" 

Nompendulo:"no I said I write,and you said show me" 


**phone rings 


Turmoil: "excuse me,one sec" 

                "Hello,...Yes,I will be there in 10 minutes okay bye" 

             (Turned to Nompendulo,"hey umh,I got to go,let me        take you back" 

Nompendulo: "okay" 

Turmoil: " look,I really enjoyed this little moment with you,can we do it again some time?" 


Nompendulo: " yeah sure" 


Turmoil: "great I guess I will give you a call then" 



(He drove me back to my place. I got back and my roommate didn't cook again,gaddamit really though. I made myself some bread and sat on my bed binge watched young Sheldon.we didn't have tv so I didn't know what was going on the sopies and drama world. Later took a bath and slept.I thought he'd text but I got no texts,no calls days went by and it was pure silence and the last time he called it was a line that had no whatsapp. I felt so irrational,why didn't he call? Is he busy just disinterested?after a couple of days) 


***phone rings*** 


Nompendulo: "hello" 


Voice: "hey,how are you doing" 


Nompendulo: "I'm owwwkay,who am I speaking to?" 


Voice: "Turmoil,you forget about me already?" 


Nompendulo:(rolls eyes) "wow so you're alive?" 


Turmoil: "I'm a die hard" 


Nompendulo: "owh good for you" 


Turmoil: "how have you been beautiful?" 


Nompendulo: "fine" 


Turmoil: "just fine?" 


Nompendulo: "yup" 


Turmoil: "oowkay,are you sure you okay? 


Nompendulo: "it doesn't matter I'm fine,any way I got to preps for class so.." 


Turmoil: " yeah absolutely,I will call you later" 

*****later that day,phone rings 




Turmoil: "hi,done with your day?" 


Nompendulo: "yup" 


Turmoil: "since I feel I have offended you in some way,can I apologise?" 


Nompendulo: "I mean,you show up one sec everything is all rosey,claim you want to see me again and you don't call or text for a whole week?" 


Turmoil: "rosey?interesting but I just didn't want to intrude. I was away from Gauteng a couple of day,I flew in this morning hence I called to see how you doing..but I'm sorry that was wrong on my part not to text or call. Listen I'd like to see you again, again and again." 


Nompendulo: "okay then,fit me in your schedule and let me know" 


Turmoil: "great,what about tonight?" 




Episode 3 





(Nompendulo is contemplating but after all what can honestly go wrong this time around,the last little outing was perfect) 


Turmoil: " I'm growing old here,is tonight okay for my beautiful African princess?A queen with gorgeous eyes and a body to be worshipped,I would love to take you out tonight princess please" 


Nompendulo: *sigh 


Turmoil: "I'm sorry, I understand we can always do it some other time" 


Nompendulo: "no,I mean it's okay. You can see me tonight..say 6pm?" 


Turmoil: "perfect,see you later then" 


Nompendulo: "alrighty then,bye" 


Turmoil: "bye princess" 


Nompendulo is really so excited and the smiles are out of this world. Gigging in her closet to find something nice to wear but she doesn't know if it's another out door date or a fancy date or just a hang out. 


****through the door enters her roommate**** 


Nana: " hey wassup" ( she puts her backpack on the bed and sits) 


Nompendulo: "nothing much,just looking for something to wear tonight I have a date(she smiles) 


Nana: " VIP niggah is back or you got you a new madafcker so quick?yeeeeeasss queeen!" 


Nompendulo: (rolling eyes) no NAna the VIP is back, and he's taking me out tonight" 


Nana: "yoh! Okay so where you guys going?" 


Nompendulo:  (whilst digging for clothes in the closet)"I actually don't know,so I don't even know what to wear, what if he takes me to a fancy place,or just to a chilled place I am over dressed?"  


Nana: " okay we have to play it safe here, rock that nude dress of yours and sandals..And girl please paint your toe nails and take a bath,they look ashy as fuvk." 


Nompendulo: "okay whatever,please do my makeup just don't over do it make me look a bomb ass bitch but I still wanna be settle and cute neh" 


Nana: " sawara, tsamo hlapa is five o'clock dude" 

****off she goes 


Nana: "okay so lace undies okay?" 


Nompendulo: "oooh no no, we not going that far" 


Nana: " far yang wena? Bitches always that but okay just wear them forrrrrr incase wabo?" 


Nompendulo: " rather I don't wear any at all" (they laugh) 


(Hair and make up done,dressed up on ready on a Tuesday night. Waiting for text or call at this point. He calls and she leaves and gets down stairs,Owh I forgot to tell y'all she has that Zulu girl boom body with naturally assorted curves and calves) 


Turmoil: ( gets out of the car,in shorts and t-shirt and gives her a hug)" glorious heavens you look amazing" 


Nompendulo: "thank you" 


Turmoil: " so where would you like to go,I think I'm a little underdressed and I feel bad" 


Nompendulo: " surprise me" 

Turmoil: "okay,there's a place called Eastwood,very chilled I think you might like it. They have great food too..Hope you haven't had dinner yet?" 


Nompendulo: "sounds good" 


** on the road*** 


Turmoil: " so tell me about you baby girl,where you from?" 


Nompendulo: " I'm from a small town in kzn, in a village called emadadeni,so I basically lived there till I was 18" 


Turmoil: "okay nice, so I presume you're 20 now? Are your parents alive?" 


Nompendulo: " I'm turning 21 in a couple of weeks, yeah my parents are back home" 


Turmoil: "but seriously you look amazing tonight,I can keep my eyes of you,I can't even concentrate on the road" 


Nompendulo: "well you better keep your eyes on the road,I don't plan on dying without have kids" 


Turmoil: (laughing)"owh owkay, so how many kids do you want to have ma'am?, I already got a son he's like 6years old right now" 


Nompendulo: "well I don't know but probably three is okay" 


Turmoil: " ooh yeah thats cool,means we will have four kids then, owh yeah we are here" 


***upon arrival at Eastwood,walking towards the entrance, nompendulo thinking to herself the place looks like a nice vibe,and Turmoil thinking how beautiful she's looking.. 


Waiter: "Good evening guys table for 2?" 


Turmoil: " umh yes please" 


Waiter: " okay follow me......,right here, here are your menus,I will be right back to take your drink orders" 


Turmoil,nompendulo: " thank you" 


Turmoil: " so what are you gonna sip on my lady?" 


Nompendulo: " I'd have coke" 


Turmoil: " coke?Why coke?" 


Nompendulo: " I don't see anything else I'd rather drink than coke, plus I don't sip on alcohol during the week" 

Turmoil: (smiles) "right so is that some kind of a commune rule or it's self inflicted?" 


Nompendulo: " it works for me,perfectly" 


Turmoil: " owh okay if you say so..I just pictured to be a beer kinda girl" 


Nompendulo: "absurd! I'd never drink beer." 


Turmoil: "what? Girls that consume beer are very attractive,okay at least I find them attractive rather than champagne drinking" 


Nompendulo: " owh really? That's too bad" 


Turmoil: " it is,I think I got me a wrong one, owh have you tried this cocktails it's amazing" 


Nompendulo: "does it have vodka,that shit messes me up quick, I don't wanna take chances" 


Turmoil: "we can always put other spirits rather than vodka" 


Waiter: " you guys ready to order?" 


Nompendulo:(pointing on a picture on the menu) " I'd like to try this but no vodka please" 


Waiter: " owwkay,we will sup that with jack Daniel rather than vodka,is that okay with you?" 


Nompendulo: "great" 


Turmoil: " windhoek for me please,thank you....so noni are you currently seeing anyone?" 


Nompendulo: "what do you mean?ghosts or hallucinations?" 


Turmoil: "okay,she got jokes too" 


Nompendulo: (laughs)" if you're asking if I'm single,the answer is NO,it's complicated" 


Turmoil: "ooh ,what's complicated,indulgence me" 


Nompendulo: "he went back to kzn and I'm here,so that's the complexity" 


Turmoil: " you love him?" 


Nompendulo: " umh yeah". 


Turmoil: "then why are you here?" 


Nompendulo: *sigh and breathes in 


Turmoil: " I'm just screwing with your mind, don't worry about it,I know it's almost hard to impossible to find someone single but to be honest I'd like to have you all to myself" Nompendulo: ( smiles) wow 


Turmoil: "seriously, treat you like the queen you are" 


Nompendulo: " argh stop with the cheesy talk,you gonna make me throw up already" 


Turmoil: " owh so you want the skhanda gangstar love?" 


Nompendulo: "at least they don't make empty promises" 


Turmoil: " is that so? Just to throw is out there?I'm a man of my word" 


Nompendulo: " good for you"  



(They order food and eat,conversation flowing and drinks flowing,a Tuesday night. After a 

couple of drinks, now it's time to go home and Nompendulo is drunk.) 

Turmoil: " hey, hey, mamacita is time to go" 


Nompendulo: " no you go I will stay" 


Turmoil: "okay drankie,come"  


(picks her up and walk to the car and outs a safety belt and her and drives to the flat,he realises it's almost 1 am and he doesn't know which floor or room number and she's fast asleep) 


Turmoil: " hey, hey, noni get up, ( shakes her) hey get up" 


Nompendulo: (mumbles) 


Turmoil: (annoyed)"this is great, she said she wanted coke but no I had to suggest a cocktail with 7 spirits way to go T" (drives to his place) 


Nompendulo: " hey siyaphi?" 


Turmoil: " just go back to sleep okay, you will better in the morning" 


Nompendulo: (hardly seeing the road) "okay" 


Turmoil: "what did I get myself into" 






****The following morning**** 


It was a pretty heavy night,and some daunting shenanigans happened and now it's the morning after at exactly 8am. 


Nompendulo opens her eyes slightly, they are so heavy, trying to move her head but it feels bigger than a bakery. She finally does open her eyes and figures she's at a place, she doesn't know. 


Nompendulo: " omg what the the hell,where the he'll am I?( panicking and tries to get up and discovered she's naked) shhhiiit,did he rape me?" 

(She sees her phone on the side of the bed,and it's off,she tries to switch it on..eventually it does come on and the battery is still okay, then she wonders what the hell,did he switch it off? Still contemplating, messages start coming in) 

Voicemails,missed calls from last night, whatsapp texts and she looks and start opening them up and reading.. And a voice notes from her roommate. 


Nana: @10pm the previous day " hey bitch, just checking up on you,are you having fun?" 


Nana: @00:12 " are you coming back or you're hopping on cock?"(laughs) 


Nana: @07:00 am " dude hey,are you okay,tried to call you and your phone was off,fucken call me" 


Nompendulo: " shit,let me buy airtime fast" (still confused about the whole thing,she buys airtime and calls) 


***phone rings*** 


Nana: " hey wassup bi... 

Nompendulo: (crying) "chomy omg I'm in trouble and I don't know where I am,I think the guy drugged me last night so he can have sex with me" 


Nana: " fuck omg,where is he?" 


Nompedulo: " I don't know,I'm in bed and I'm naked nana" 


Nana: " do you think he penetrated you?can you feel anything?" 


Nompendulo: " no bra I don't know,I don't feel anything but I feel a mess,my head is heavy and I'm naked alone,and I don't know what to do?" 


Nana: " call the cops" 


Nompendulo: " wow,clever choice,wtf??? and say what nana huh, that I went out drinking with a man I hardly know and ended up waking with no clothes on,at gadd damn no name place?" 


Nana: " okay okay,calm down,can you take a look at your window and check where you are maybe?" 


Nompendulo: "seriously" ( as she gets out of bed and picks on the window) dude it's a like a block of flats,except they look a bit fancy" 


Nana: " do you see anything else?" 


Nompendulo: " No,I'm panicking bruh" 


Nana: " shit shit,okay did you go out of the room? Probably he's inside the flat and you guys can talk" 


Nompendulo: " gaddamit are kidding me right now, why will try to talk to someone who tried to rape me?" 


Nana: "shit, try taxify and view where you are?" 


Nompendulo: " umh okay,hold on.....shit dude I'm in sunninghill in Midrand,I thought he said he lived in krugersdrop?" 


Nana: " fuck,how much is it?" 


Nompendulo: "R486,I don't have money bruh,omg I'm dead as a madafckr right now" 


Nana: " dude relax, go check out the other rooms maybe you're just freaking out for nothing" 


Nompendulo: "okay,I will not hang up so stay on the line okay?" 

(Grabs a towel on the bed,and like a thief she opens the closets and they are almost empty,just a few fresh towels and blackets. She opens the door slightly and sneaks out on the passage only to find that she's in a loft apartment,she goes and opens the other door and leads to another room and she finds the bed is made but sees his shoes on the floor. She opens the closets and there's clothes, and stuff that might belong to him.) 

Nompendulo: " girl,I'm in this other room it looks like his room all his stuff is here but the bed is already made or he didn't even sleep in it" 


Nana: "damn okay,what else did you find?,how many rooms are there?" 


Nompendulo:" 3 I think,I'm walking towards the other one...wow it's a baby room,look like his kid's room" 


Nana: " oooh okay so what now,is he there?" 


Nompendulo: " I don't know,I'm going downstairs" (walking down the stairs,tip toeing and gets down and it's house to let) umh friend he's not here" 


Nana: " bitch request and get your Ass out" 


Nompendulo: ( running upstairs looking for her clothes and they are nowhere to be found,and ruins back and heads for the main door and it's locked)  

" shit the door is locked and I can't find my clothes) 


****crackling key sounds,and the door opens*** 


Nompendulo: " fuck he's here,call you back" 


Turmoil: smiling and whistling " owh hey,you up" 


Nompendulo: " what the fuck did you do to me last night? Did you really sleep with me? Why the hell would you do that?" 


Turmoil: " wait what?" (Laughs) 


Nompendulo: "you find this funny,?" 


Turmoil: " yes it is funny that for a sec you think I would do that to you" 


Nompendulo: " what the fuck happened then,did you fuck me or not?" 


Turmoil: " wow,okay,no I didn't,maybe if your vomit was smelling like apricot jam I could have, what the fuck do I look like to you?" 


Nompendulo: ( staring at him,scared but agitated) 


Turmoil: " so in that little head of yours you thought I drugged you and had sex with you?" 


Nompendulo: "did you? It doesn't make sense that I don't remember anything,and I wake in the morning my phone is off though it had enough battery,I'm naked in bed alone" 


Turmoil: " first of all I'm not a pedophile,when I want sex I get sex okay? Last night you drank almost 6 jars of alcohol,I tried to take you home but you were to out to even know where you were and I don't know your room number or what floor you're on" 


Nompendulo: "so you drove here,who's place is this you said you lived in kruggersdrop...And that still doesn't explain why my phone is off and I can't find my clothes" 


Turmoil: "okay I lied about staying in Kruger,I know how most girls react when you tell them you live in midrand,they become typical and think you're just a party boy who has no furniture and sleeps on a camping chair" 


Nompendulo: " seriously,you except me to believe that bullshit right now?" 


Turmoil: " no I don't,last night I got here and your phone wouldn't stop ringing so I switched it off,you were vomiting all over my gaddamn floors and your dress was covered in vomit,I just put it in the washing machine last night,I'm sure is fine now....look if I wanted to have sex with you I'd do it with you sober,I was wasn't even tempted to have sex with you because I knew you wasn't gonna respond the way I want you to" 


Nompendulo: (rolling eyes)" take me to my place" 


Turmoil: " umh okay, I had to go buy some toiletries for you,so do you wanna freshen up or" 


Nompendulo:(harshly grips the plastic out of his hands and walks upstairs) 


Turmoil: " owh okay,2nd door to your left" 


While she's bathing,she's thinking is he really telling the truth?I'm so mad at my self right now. I'm really not sore down there, it really doesn't feel like I'd been penetrated or was it small? Omg I'm going insane in this bitch. He seems genuine but then again I can't trust this niggah he's shady like a madafucker,while sitting in tub texts her roomy all the info,and they keep texting back and forth. 


Nana: " that story is weird bruh,you think he's telling the truth?" 


Nompendulo: "I don't fucken know what's up right now,I was totally out" 


Nana: " maybe he is,you said you're a virgin right? So if he penetrated you would feel it" 


Nompendulo: " bitch! I lied about that,I'm not a virgin but I haven't had sex in like 7 months after you know who" 


Nana: " damn okay you're practically a virgin,so did he call you last night?" 


Nompendulo: " surprisingly so he didn't" 


Nana: " okay that's... ,come back so you can spill the tea while I'm looking at you in the damn eye,this shit sounds like a movie" 


*** finishes bathing and walks downstairs*** 


Turmoil: " owh let me get your dress(opens the dryer and take it out and hands it over) I made you something to eat before you leave.......damn"(eyes pop) 


Nompendulo: ( drop the towel and gets inside the dress )" what??you saw this last night when you undressed me didn't you?" 


Turmoil: "I was forced by circumstantial reasons" 


Nompendulo: " I'm lactose intolerant,I won't have anything cheese" 


Turmoil: " owh,we not gonna,okay...it's okay here you go beacon and eggs,and sausages with no cheese" 


Nompendulo: "coffee" 


Turmoil: "I'm guessing it's black then?" 


Nompendulo: " just how I like it" 


Turmoil: " you do?, I mean okay" 


Nompendulo: " it could be thick and  creamy, but I'm allergic so" 


Turmoil: " creamy,I could make it cream ,I do like it creamy" 

Nompendulo: " excuse me?" 


Turmoil: "my coffee,i mean..milk and all" 



They both eat,finish eating and he suggest to go take a quick shower and take her home as he also needs to go to work. He came downstairs looking fine as ever, with all back suit,Brown belt and Brown shoes,the suit so dapper,like it was knitted on this body.  


Turmoil: "alright, are you ready?" 


Nompendulo: (in her head:damn he looks good,I'd like to take him out of that suit and lay him down on this carpet) 


Turmoil: "hey,you okay?" 


Nompendulo: " you're fine" 


Turmoil: " what?" 


Nompendulo: "I mean I'm fine...Yup let's go" 


Turmoil: "owwwkay" 


Nompendulo: (as they walk out)"I thought you don't wear all black" 


Turmoil:" yeah it's not my everyday dress up,but we have a gala dinner tonight,and I don't think I'd have time to come home and change" 


Nompendulo: " sounds fancy" 


Turmoil: " not really, trust me they are pretty stuck up, shiiiit! 


Nompendulo:" what's wrong" 


Turmoil: "I'm late,and I forget my gun" (and he gets out of the car back inside the house he goes 










Turmoil comes back from the house and drives her home and he goes to work. She gets the the flat and narratives the whole story to her roomy and later they laugh about it and life goes on. Nompebdulo is still triggered by the fact that the guy didn't sleep with her,in the back of her mind she'd really wanna experience and experiment with his Willy. Unfortunately this is not happening,it's been 2 weeks and they have not been talking since the saga. 


****on campus**** 


Nompendulo: "mxm nana you know,he has not called me in 2 weeks or sent me a simple text" 


Nana: " so,why do you care?I thought you don't wanna see him again?" 


Nompendulo: " I don't,I just thought he cared a little" 


Nana: " well there you have it,he doesn't" 


Nompendulo: " yup" 


Nana: "wait a minute,you fell for him,didn't you?" 


Nompendulo:" what !girl please,never" 


Nana: "be real with yourself,call him if you think you miss him bruh" 


Nompendulo: "and say what exactly,I don't wanna embarrass myself yoh" 


Nana; "how about you just tell him you miss him and that's it?" 


Nompendulo: "stupidest idea I've ever had,bye I got class" 


****later that day*** 


Nompendulo is going through the net trying to Google anything and everything she can find about this guy but it's coming out blank. No hits on Twitter accounts,no instagram,no Facebook nothing. Like a ghost in day light he has no digital foot print on social media. 


Nana: " what are you doing,you've been on your phone ever since this movie started?" 


Nompendulo: " nothing I'm searching for something" 


Nana: " heyy,so I been meaning to ask you,did you go to the clinic after that night just to go check if everything is okay?" 


Nompendulo: "I did, the clinic on campus and I'm good,I'm not pregnant,I'm not positive and no stds... turns out,maybe he was telling the truth" 


Nana: "okay that's good, emotionally are you okay wena?" 


Nompendulo: "yeah!...Okay actually I don't know how I feel,I keep thinking what the hell was I thinking going out and drinking on a school night,I also can't figure out what really happened that night,and I just can't get over T and it's all hitting me hard and I honestly don't know what to do" 


Nana: " do you think you need counseling,just a few sessions" 


Nompendulo: "what,no it's not that deep bruh" 


Nana:" anyway, tomorrow is Friday and month end we going out" 


Nompendulo: " yoh yes heavens I could use a drink or two hopefully I don't pass out this time" 


(They both laugh) 


It's Friday,let's go party! Them girls are back from school and ready and excited to go jiggles with other kids. They dress up and get ready,they taxify around 8pm to meet with they other friends and head to Ayepyep in menlyn. They are literally looking like a bunch of stock. Drinks left right and centre, food platters and shots,bubbly. Everything nice nje ku on,dilo stofong. Time to go home comes Nompendulo and nana waiting for their driver.. 


Nana: "blue shirt was looking at you all night did you see that? And he's hot,shuuu" 


Nompendulo: " yeah he's hot,guess what? I got his number" 


Nana:"seriously did you get the right one,bruh you sloshed" 


Nompendulo: " I got it earlier" 


Nana: "ooh, our ride is here" 


While on the way home, Nompendulo falls asleep and passes out.. 


Nana: (shakes Nompendulo) "dude wake up we here" 


Nompendulo wakes up and they get out of the car,make their way upstairs,laughing and talking so loud not paying attention that it's 1am. 


Nompendulo: "I have an idea" 


Nana: " is it not late for ideas?" 


Nompendulo: " maybe not" 


Nana: " yeah?" 


Nompendulo: "let us prank call Mr fancy pants" 


Nana: "seriously,I thought you had something better like what we gonna eat I'm hungry asf,forget this guy" 


Nompendulo: " you're such a bore, change then let's walk to MacDonald" 


Nana: " are you kidding me?" 


Nompendulo: " I know Mahlatse and Teddy will still be awake playing those stupid games,they could accompany us" 


Nana: "alright text them,lemme change" 


Nompendulo: "alright they coming" 


They all they a walk and get to MacDonald and order food, sit and wait for the order while talking and having a good laugh. Nompendulo accidentally calls Turmoil's number, He answers but she's not aware so they keep laughing and talking and then he calls back. 


*****phone rings**** 


Nompendulo:(looks at the phone and looks at her friend) " omg look" 


Nana: "  Don't answer" 


Nompendulo: "hello" 


Nana: " arg for fuck sakes" 


Turmoil: "are you drunk" 


Nompendulo: "excuse me" 

Turmoil: "are you drunk?" 


Nompendulo: "no,I just had a few drink" 


Turmoil:-"where are you?" 


Nompendulo: "MacDonald" 


Turmoil: "that's not safe,why are you even getting food at this hour?" 


Nompendulo: " last time I checked I didn't need permission to do anything" 


Turmoil: "why did you call me then?" 


Nompendulo: "call you??" 


Turmoil: "you know what? I don't like playing games so I'm just gonna hang up" 


Nompendulo: "fine,you always leave me hanging anyway" 


Turmoil: "what the hell are you talking about?" 


Nompendulo: "seriously?so you don't talk to me for 2 weeks and you call from nowhere to tell me what to do...nahh no way" 


Turmoil: " let me get this straight,you accuse me of rape,then you don't apologize,you don't text or call me yourself but you expect me to do it?" 


Nompendulo: "I thought we were over that" 


Turmoil: "oooh pardon me I didn't get that information,if you don't mind I'd like to go back to sleep,I have obligations in the morning" 


Nompendulo: "listen,I'm sorry okay...is just I was confused and I had to find something or someone to blame,I'm really sorry" 


Turmoil: "it's okay Noni,bye" 


Nompendulo: "can I see you again?" 


Turmoil: "umh" 


Nompendulo: "please" 


Turmoil: "okay,I will let you know" 


(While still talking,the orders comes and they have to go) 


Mahlatse: "yow,we leaving" 


Turmoil: "who's that?" 


Nompendulo: "just a friend,he accompanied me and my roommate to come get food" 


Turmoil: "I guess will talk in the morning then" 


Later that morning,the roomies are so hanged,head buzzing and the only thing necessary to do is sleep. Still in their deep sleep Nompendulo's phone rings 


****phone ringing*** 


Nana: (gets the phone from the study table,shake her and give her the phone) "dude" 


Nompendulo: " thanks,hello" 


Turmoil: "I was thinking we could grab lunch,pick you up in an hour?" 


Nompendulo: "sounds good" 


Turmoil: "alright cheers" 


(Hangs up) 


Nompendulo: "dude,I just said yes to lunch" 


Nana: "fuck you bruh" 


Nompendulo: "and then wena yin ngawe?" 


Nana: "dude why are you after this niggah,you know his trash but you keep going back,whats up with that?" 


Nompendulo: "I just like him nana,and I genuinely think he likes me too" 


Nana: "get the fuck out'here,are you listening to yourself?" 


Nompendulo: "you don't understand" 


Nana: "okay,whatever...go bath" 


Nompendulo gets herself ready without the help of her roomy this time,get herself in a beautiful white sun dress,white nikey sneakers,gets her face beat up and she's looking fine and arrives and they go for lunch,they try to talk about what happened the last time. She apologises and he also apologises for not talking to her. Walking out of the restaurant toward the car.. 


Nompendulo: "thank you for the lunch,I needed just a glass nyana, you know after last night" 


Turmoil: "don't worry about it,I just figured you needed just one" 

Nompendulo: "well so what now,are you going back to work?" 


Turmoil: "no actually,I'm on stand by waiting for a call at anytime,but right now after dropping you off I'm just gonna chill by the house" 


Nompendulo: "well can I come with?" 


Turmoil: "I mean sure,but are you sure you wanna do that,the last time you were there...it d.." 


Nompendulo: "I know,but I'm cool this time and I'm not drunk,so I'm coming with you willingly" 


Turmoil: " okay then let's go, thank God what was I gonna do with myself the rest of the day?" 


Nompendulo: "I am your guardian angel" 


Turmoil: " absolutely" 


They take a drive to the crib,all smiles and laughter like 'homonate man' (I'm literally doing the Bonang voice) so they get to the crib and chill. 


Turmoil: " let to change I will be right right back" 


He comes back with a muscle vest on a sweat pants looking like a pack of snack. 


Nompendulo: "so you work out" 


Turmoil: "sometimes,I just do boxing though,I don't lift or go to the gym" 


Nompendulo: " you got a great body though" 


Turmoil: " thank you,so I got wine,some tequila,gin,whiskey,juice coffee,tea and water" 




Turmoil:" okay,let's try this one.."  


He mixes the drink and they start chatting about their childhood,aspirations and dreams, except is Nompendulo spilling her guts out and Turmoil is doing all the asking. In no time it's already a bit late, the time is almost half 9 in the evening. 



****phone rings**** 


Nompendulo: "hey baby" 


Nana: "hey are you okay?" 

Nompendulo: "yes babe don't worry I'm fine,talk to you in a bit" 


Nana: "okay shap" 


Turmoil; "is everything okay?" 


Nompendulo: " yeah she just wanted to check up on me" 


Turmoil: "she's a really good friend" 


Nompendulo: "yeah I know" 


Turmoil: "refill?" 


Nompendulo: "yeah but can we take shots?" 


Turmoil: (laughs)"are you trying to kill yourself?" 


Nompendulo: "no, c'mon" 


Turmoil: "yeah but we have to play a game" 


Nompendulo: "I'm listening" 


Turmoil: "never have I ever,if your answer is never,you have to take one items of you clothing off and take a shot" 

Nompendulo: "what..." 


Turmoil:" those are the rules,you game or you chickened out?" 


Nompendulo: "I'm game" 


Turmoil: " great, first question...never have I ever been in a plane" 


Nompendulo: "I have, I use it every time I go back home...so your turn, never,have I ever shot someone" 


Turmoil: "I have" 


Nompendulo: " what happened, did you kill them?" 


Turmoil: " that's not part of the game,can we play the game?" 


Nompendulo: "yeah sure,your turn" 


Turmoil: "never,have I ever skinny dipped before" 


Nompendulo: "never" 


Turmoil: " owkay,one items baby girl..." 

Nompendulo: " damn"(takes of the dress and she's in her underwear,and take one shot) so never,have I ever got married" 


Turmoil: "never" 


Nompendulo: " take it off please sir" 


Turmoil: "yes ma'am (he takes if the muscle vest he had on,and takes one shot) so my turn never,have I ever been in an orgy" 


Nompendulo: "what? Never" 


Turmoil: "alright you know what to do" 


*****phone rings****** 


Turmoil: "shit,I got to get this...Hello,yes sir" 


On the phone for a couple of minutes and Nompendulo is impatient,the alcohol has kicked in and she wants some touching and rubbing at this point. 


Turmoil: " umh baby girl I have to go,so sorry,I don't know if in should leave you here or take you home,what do you think?I mean I will be back in couple of hours" 


Nompendulo: "but it's almost midnight?? umh I think is better I go home" 


Turmoil: " shit,owkay let me call you an uber so I can head to work ( he went upstairs to go change) 


Nompendulo: " mxm right" ( puts back on the dress and sit on the couch annoyed) 


Turmoil: " alright all done,your ride is outside..when can I see you again?" 


Nompendulo: "you tell me" 


Turmoil: "I will text you okay?" 


Nompendulo gets in the car and goes to her place and assuming he won't to work. 



********to be continued******* 



S1 Episode 6 


Just a few minutes later,driving like a maniac he got to the general's house. 


Turmoil: “general I came as soon as I could is everything okay?” 

The G: “ I think there was someone in the house but I didn’t wanna call the police” 


Turmoil: “ what happened did you hear something?” 


The G: “ they tarnished my study, I think they were looking for that flash drive” 


Turmoil: “ shit, who else knows about the flash drive, except me and you?” 


The G: “ I don’t think anyone else does,except you” 


Turmoil: (he goes in the study room, books and files all over the floor, drawers open, the safe broken 

into and nothing appeared to be stolen and clearly shows the person was looking for something.) “ so 

you say they didn’t take anything, were the cameras on in the house and outside?” 


The G: “ I think so, I never switch them off anyway” 


Turmoil: “I’m looking at this and it appears someone hacked into the system before they entered the house” 


The G: “ you know what? We will talk about this in the morning, go get some rest and I will tell the lady to clean up in the morning” 


Turmoil: “ but General are you sure you gonna be alright here alone, I don’t mind ,you know 

I can 

stay right?” 


The G: “ no worry papi, I called the security company they should be here in no time” 


Turmoil: “ okay I will leave when they get here” 


They both sit and wait for the security company to come in, while they do that they have a class of whisky. 


The G: “ anyway, you know what man im sorry I had to wake you up” 


Turmoil: “ don’t worry about that, I was not in bed anyway” 


The G: “ why? Ghosts haunting you? I know our job can never be easy.. maybe you should 

try that 

Jesus guy,I had he really loves and forgives..but he also says thou shall not kill” 


(they both laugh) 


Turmoil: “ nah my ghosts are very settle these day, I was actually entertaining a guest. The saviour scenario won’t work for me, I have already put down some serious number down.” 

The G: “ owh, I hope you and the guest is nothing serious because you cannot afford to be close with anyone, they will use them to hurt you” 


Turmoil: “ it’s nothing serious I’m trying to releasing some tension, owh I think the people just got here and that’s my que” 


The G: “okay, see you tomorrow, have lots of coffee in the morning so you don’t sleep on the job,understood?" (He smiles) 



Turmoil: “ I hear you, cheers” 


He walks out, briefs the security company and get in his car and leaves. While he’s on the road he 

could see a car that looks dodgy is following him, there are no cars on the road. He starts speeding and the car following him starts speeding as well. He call the general. 


The G: “ papi are you home already?” 


Turmoil: “ theres a car tailing me, im trying to speed they just started speeding too” 


( while still on the phone) 


BRRRRRT rratatttt bang bang 


 *Gun shot* 


Turmoil: “ shit, this madafvckrs are shooting at me” 


The G: “ stay on the line, drive straight into Thaba Tshwane, don’t go home, don’t drive into a quiet neighbourhood, I’m calling the boys they will meet half way.. what route are you using?” 


(gun shots) brrrrrt rattttat boom 


Turmoil: “ fuck!! They got SMGs, fuck my windows are down, those madafuckers from thaba better 

hurry the fuck up” 


The G: “ keep driving don’t stop” 


He kept on driving and was also on the line, they keep and shooting and they tried to aim on the 

wheels but the boy kept on slipping, they shoot down the back glass, in a few they had caught up with him and they started shooting from the passenger seat. He got hit. 

Turmoil: “ shit I’m hit,( he reached for his gun on his waist) fuck you bitches” 


Brtttt ratttr pew pew pew 


*gun shots* 


He got hit again, and finally his car slowed down and eventually stop. The guys got out of the car and walked towards his car… while still walking 2 red gold7 approached and the guys from the red cars 

pulled out their own SMGs (automatic riffles) shot at the X5 and finally pulled over and killed all the 

guys in that car. Turmoil was hit bad but was still alive, the police arrived , turmoil was taken to the hospital. 


Officer: “ what exactly happened here boys” 


(One of the boys) kabelo: “ the general called and said one of the boys was being tailored and we should go check, when we got here it was this bad” 


Officer: “ so you shot and killed all of them” 


Kabelo: “ I mean they were shooting at us and our boy, and we are licenced military personnel, so..” 


Officer: “ do you perherbs know why they were after him?” 


Kabelo: “ maybe they were after the general, you know these political affiliations” 


Officer: "you realise it's 3am in the morning?" 


Kabelo: “ so what, people don’t get shot at in the morning? Remember that boy is the personal 

driver and head PI of all operation concerning the general? Don’t ask stupid questions man” 


Officer: “ I’m trying to understand what actually happened here, we have four dead bodies” 


Kabelo: “ we already told you, here are the guns, take them for testing, do whatever, right now we 

just gonna leave, its been a long morning” 


The boys got inside the cars, left the scene and straight to Thaba Tshwane. Took a different car and went to the general’s house. 


The G: “ how’s my boy doing, was he badly hurt?” 


Kabelo: “ you know he’s a die hard, just had 2 minor shots on his abdorminal erea and one on the back of his shoulder, he is going to be alright” 

The G: “ so did you manage to clean up the scene before the cops arrived?” 


Kabelo: “ we couldn’t do that, those madafuckers arrived earlier than expected but I managed to take T’s phone. So what did those madafckrs want anyway?” 


The G: “ I have no idea, but I want you boys to be on alert, this isn’t over.. we basically just started a war, those identification and photos of the faces you sent me, those boys are cartel gang members. 

I’m still trying to figure out who sent them or they themselves are after me.” 


Kabelo: “ okay we will be your eyes and ears” 


The G: “ You have to go back to the compound see you guys in the morning, I don’t want people asking too many questions that we can't answer” 


The boys left, showed up to work the following morning like everything was normal. The day after 

that they did the same and continued the same routine everyday knowing that the police are investigating them, but with no luck the police found nothing to incriminate them and they now waited for Turmoil to recover and tell his side of the story. 


****two months later*** 


Turmoil was out of the coma,he had recovered a bit, he was still in hospital, the boys will come on a daily to check up on him and check up on him, then the general on one morning also decided to visit. 


The G: “ yes papi” (standing at the door with a bag of food, books and a new phone) 


Turmoil: “ ta’G” 


The G: “ how are you feeling sean?” 


Turmoil: “ I could really use a glass of whiskhy, these labour pain are bitching” 


( they both laugh) 


The G: “ thank God you didn’t lose your sense of humour” 


Turmoil: “ id be a depressed fuckr if I did” 


The G: “ so the cops came to you yet?” 


Turmoil: “ I told I went out to see a friend, on my way home I saw that I was tailored and try to run 

to the compound, and called the boys for assistance, he asked me why didn’t I call the cops, so I told 

him I knew they would’ve killed me before they even arrive so I called people that knew would come for me” 


The G: “ okay good, I don’t want anything tracing back to the fact that you were in the house that nigh, until we know for sure that those sons of guns were after that flash drive” 


Turmoil: “ you don’t have to tell me twice, so what meat you got in that bag?” 


The G: “ your favourite, I got you a new phone.. you might be out of this place soon enough so you can call your ‘guest’” 


Turmoil: (opening the bag and taking the phone) “ I doubt she will ever talk to me again” 


The G: “ okay well, my daughter created a dating profile for you so I guess you can find another guest from there” 


Turmoil: “no way, I’m not doing that thank you. I need to call my son” 


The G: “ thats not idea,but I'm sure you miss him make the call, these people are still out there, for now you need to lay low, I called his mother the other day, she wanted to fly over but I told her it wasn’t safe” 


Turmoil: “ okay that’s fine” 


Turmoil Makes recovery at home for another month, he lost contact with nompendulu and tried to find a way to contact her but with no luck he doesn’t win.nompendulo had just moved from the flat where she stayed moved into the university commune. Nompendulo knew nothing about Turmoil being hospitalised, she just thought it was one of his stunts again and moved on with her life. She got herself a new man and this guy treats her well man, he's a very nice guy, very chilled, makes promises and keeps them, when he makes obligations he fulfils them. Listen at the end of the day the heart bantase, it wants what it wants. Nompendulo in her mind she has moved on but she hasn’t really made peace with the fact that turmoil ghosted her without saying a word, she hopes to see him one of these good days and just have a little bit of closure. At times she catches herself day dreaming of the first time she met him, looking out for every yellow sticker cars, hoping it could be him but no luck. 


***** one Saturday morning on the call with her new boyfriend***** 


Nompendulo: “ whats happening are we still on for tonight?” 


kabelo: “yeah I will come and get you, remember we going to a friend of mine’s house” nompendulo: “yeah, I don’t know why we have to go there, I thought it was me and you time 




kabelo: “ babe, he’s one of my good friends he was in hospital for 2 months and we hosting a braai 

nyana for his birthday for him at his house, I promise we will leave early so we can have some me and you time okay?” 


nompendulo: “ okay fine, I love you, see you later” 


(he hangs up) 


Nompendulo: “ wtf, did he just hang up on me?” 


(she calls back again) 


Kabelo: “babe” 


Nompendulo: “wtf” 


Kabelo: “ hau whats wrong manje my baby?” 


Nompendulo: “ I said I love you, and you just hang up?” 


Kabelo: “ babe I'm driving,I’m sorry, I love you too” 


Nompendulo: “ mxm fine see you later” 


Kabelo: “ okay shapo babe” 


Later in the day, Kabelo picks Nompendulo up. She looking dashing as ever, looking pretty and dressed to perfection. 


****on the road**** 


Nompendulo: " so babe,where are we going again?" 


Kabelo: " sunninghill my love" 


Nompendulo: (coughs) 


Kabelo: "are you okay?" 


Nompendulo:" yeah absolutely,I'm good, really good" 


Kabelo: "owkay, anyway you look beautiful my baby" 


Nompendulo: " ncaww thank you babe" 

( while looking at the road they literally park outside turmoil's apartment complex,and call for access and get in, she is literally slowing her heart out. Praying it should be a different person that they are going to see) 


Kabelo: " so you ready to meet my friends?" 


Nompendulo: ( fake smiles) "yeah sure" 


( They walk in, and  go upstairs) 



*****to be continued****** 




S1 Episode 7 


🔞 (I'm sorry but in this episode,there might be a lot of nudity) 




As they walk up the stairs, nompendulo’s mind is flooded with question except at this point nobody 

can answer this questions. She starts shivering with fear. She immediately felt sick from the pit of her intestines. Something was just not right with he but she kept quiet. They arrived and there were people already outside the apartment. 


Kabelo: “ fellas, dintshang?” 


The guys: “sho mfana” 


Kabelo: “ wheres the host, yow T where you at niggah” 


(The guys laugh) 

Kabelo: “ where is this madafcker at?” 


Turmoil: “ what the fuck, I’m here” 


In that moment Nompendulo and Turmoil interlocked eyes and it was as though the world stopped and stood at a stand still. It was deep silence in both their heads, shocked was the emotion or rather fear. 


(kabelo holding noni’s hand) 


Kabelo: “ yow boy lemme introduce you to somebody, I never got a chance because of the whole hospital thing you know, we met just a few days after your accident she went on and on about this fucked up niggah she was trying to give a chance to you know” 


Nompendulo: (squeezed his hand) “ hau” 


Kabelo: “ ouch, okay askies…anyway boy this is nompendulo, nompendulo this is my boy T” 


Turmoil: “nice to meet you madam” 


Kabelo: “ yey only I can say that” 


Turmoil: “ relax boy”( laughs) 


Nompendulo: (fake smiles) “nice to meet you too” 


Kabelo: “ okay where the fuck is them drinks, why is this a weak ass party” 


Turmoil: “ this is not the hood” 


Kabelo: “ owh is that so?” 


Turmoil: “yup, don’t even think about it” 


Kabelo: “ who are these people anyaway?” 


Turmoil: “ I mean all of yall brought a plus one, or three so I don’t know any of them” 


Kabelo: “ babe what are you gonna drink?” 


Nompendulo: “ gin and tonic” 


Kabelo: “ okay, ama get you that so you can chill with the girl right?” 


Nompendulo: “ what? I mean sure” ( she walked over to the girls) 


Kabelo: “ she’s fire right?” 


Turmoil: “ shes absolutely gorgeous” 

Kabelo: “ cant wait to tap that ass, its been like 2 and a half months and I never even got some but tonight is the night..she’s spending the weekend at my house” 


Turmoil: “owh is she now?” 


Kabelo: “ yeah man she finally agreed to come over” 


Turmoil: “I see” 


Kabelo: “ let me go get some booze in the car,I got you your favourite bottle but as a birthday gift that means you gonna put it away and drink it some day on your own” 


Turmoil: “ ma man” 


(Kabelo walk out to go get the booze, Turmoil walk over to the girls) 


Turmoil: “ladies,(looking at nompendulo) can I speak with you for sec?” 


Nompendulo: (fake smiles and stands up and they walk to the balcony) 


Turmoil: “ so like you and kb” 


Nompendulo: “ im sorry what? You seriously want to talk about Kb?” 


Turmoil: “ I mean he’s my friend and all but this niggah aint good for you” 


Nompendulo: “ let me guess and you are?” 


Turmoil: “ no, no of us” 


Nompendulo: “boy bye”( walked back to the girls) 


The party went on and everything was going great, nompendulo couldn’t wait to just get the hell 

out. Sometimes we do evil so that we get ourselves in the right, ironic right. You can not do right by doing evil but hey. Turmoil wanted to talk to Nompendulo so bad, he wanted to explain his side of the story but that wasn’t happening without Kb being hurt so he decided to eliminate a player from the game. The party was running out of people and people started leaving one after thee other. 


Nompendulo: “ babe we need to leave” 


Kb: * mumbles* 


Nompendulo: “ shit, this niggah is out” 


Turmoil: “ I’m gonna take him upstairs so he can nap for an hour, you guys can leave around 1am its only half 12 right now” 


One of the boys(Tebogo): “ alright lemme help you take him upstairs” 


Turmoil: “ this is the first time Kb got fucked up” 


(the boys and turmoil laugh)  and the took him upstairs to the guest room. 


Nompendulo: “ how long do you think he will be out for?" 


Turmoil: “ I really don’t know, like I said is the first time I actually seen him drunk, this niggah never 

ever gets drunk” 


Nompendulo: “ shit” 


Turmoil: “ do you want me to take you home? Or actually these guys can take you they going to 

thaba Tshwane” 


Nompendulo: “ no I will wait” 


Tebogo(one of guys): “ buddy, I think we gonna bounce now, thank you for hosting us man.. 

we had a good time, well happy birthday once more” (fist bamp) 


Turmoil: “ alright fellas, yall drive safe, don’t hurt these beautiful ladies.. and thanks for coming 



Tebogo: “ sure ntwana, mami stay cool yeah, hope to see you again some time soon” 


Nompendulo: “ okay, drive safe guys” 


Tebogo: “ alright, don’t worry you're in good hands” 


Turmoil: “ shap gents” 


And they left, now only turmoil and nompendulo are left in the house and awkward silence. 


Turmoil: “ so can I pour you a drink orrr” 


Nompendulo: “ I think its better I go sleep too” 


Turmoil: “ so we not gonna talk?” 


Nompendulo: “ whats there to talk about, I have nothing to say to you” 


Turmoil: “ well I got a lot to say,can you at least listen for a minute? That’s all I’m asking” Nompendulo: “ I mean, sure I’m all ears” 


Turmoil: “ I’m just gonna keep it short, I don’t want to annoy you, just know that I really do care about you” 


Nompendulo: “ get the fuck out’here”(rolls eyes) 


Turmoil: “ okay hear me out, that night when I last saw you, it was the most incredible night of my life. You’re different than what I’m used to.” 


Nompendulo: “ different enough to be ghosted huh?” 


Turmoil: “ I didn’t ghost, I was shot that night, I spent a whole month in a coma, another month in 

hospital being monitored, trust me I swear to God I tried looking for you after that,I went even as far as going to your place but nothing” 


Nompendulo: “ well I don’t stay there no more” 


Turmoil: “I know you’re mad at me all but I’m really sorry” 


Nompendulo: “ look, its really okay.i’m glad you’re alive and okay but I really can’t be with you anymore” 


Turmoil: “ but why?” 


Nompendulo: “ are you kidding me” 


Turmoil: “I would really love to know” 


Nompendulo: “ well you’re inconsistent, you never text or call, always working, you’re selfish, you’re 

dodgy and most of it all I have a man now” 


Turmoil: “wow that’s a lot, KB isn’t that different from me considering we do the same job” 


Nompendulo: “ at least maybe he's time management is better than yours” 


Turmoil: “ okay well, maybe you’re right” 


Nompendulo: “ yes I am” 


Dead star into each other’s eyes, Turmoil pulled her closer. Held the back of her neck and touched her face gently that her eyes automatically shut. She looked so beautiful and turmoil thought it was really wrong of him to actually do what he was about to do, but also he was the first. He kissed her. 

She kissed him back. He pulled away a little to look at her, she looked at him and they started kissing 

and its was affectionate. 


Turmoil: “ okay umh I can’t do this, you need to go to bed” 


Nompendulo: “ why do you always do that” 


Turmoil: “ do what?” 


Nompendulo: “you want me and the next minute you don’t, what the fuck is up with that” 


Turmoil: “ no, I do want you, I just…” 


Nompendulo: “ just whatt” (she stood up from the couch and hug him and looked up at him) 


Turmoil: “ I just wanna do it like this” 


Nompendulo: “ but I want you to do me” 


They kissed again and turmoil scooped her up bridal style put her back on the couch, they started undressing each other and kissing. Turmoil took her dress of and she took of his pants. 


Turmoil: going down on her “you never have any penties on do you?” 


Nompendulo: “ underwear can be uncomfortable sometimes” 


He went down on her, kissing her boobies, nibbling on them, kissing her neck, going down slowly 

and kissing her stomach, nibbling on her waist and inner thighs, kissing on the kitty cat, she starts 

moving and small moaning sounds escape her mouth. He hold her waist and still eating on that kitty, she starts moving and he bring her back and he’s at work. Eventually temperature changes she starts getting so wet and  holding his head feeding him the cat, many will call it face fuck but I don’t know. The moans increase..he grabs her thighs.. 


Nompendulo: “ please don't stop, ” 


The girl is dripping, turmoil isn’t stopping. He starts fingering her slowly while he eats it, nibbling on the clit a little bit, her moans gets louder and louder, she came several times and turmoil is loving it. She starts to shiver and holding on the couch tightly,legs shaking, He comes back up and they kiss again, nompendulo pulls a little from the kiss and 


Nompendulo: “ are you gonna make love to me now?” 


Turmoil: “ that’s really not my thing” (kissing her on the neck) 


Nompendulo: “ what is yourrrrrrr AHH(moan) 


He finally tries to penetrate, but its so tight, he had to breaks wall to get in.. 

Nompendulo: “ omg, you’re big” 


He pushes himself in, she's trying to puts her hands on his waist trying to stop him but he took bought hand and held them above her head,and finally breaks in and they both moan simultaneously with her eyes rolling to the back her head. They literally fucked in every way you could ever imagine, kitchen counter tops, on the carpet, on the stairs and finally they slept. Turmoil holding her tight and they fell asleep in each other’s arms. 



***** The following morning**** 



Kabelo finally wakes up and he finds himself in an unfamiliar room and hanged to the pits. He wakes up and stretches a bit and opens the room and yells while walking to the bath room. 


Kabelo: “eyow T, what the fuck happened to me last night” 


Turmoil: (opens his eyes) “ shit!” 


Nompendulo: ( rolls over and holds his chest) 


Tumoil: “ wake up, kb is up”( whispering) 


Nompendulo: “ fuck!” ( quickly grabs her dress on the floor and dressed up and put the bra in her bag) 


Turmoil: “ act cool” ( also dresses and goes over to the kitchen and puts on the kettle) 


Nompendulo: “ im am fucked, literally”( she lies on the couch and puts on a throw on top her and closes her eyes, pretends to be asleep) 


Kabelo: (walk down stiars) “ morning man” 


Turmoil: ( points at nompendulo) “ keep your voice down” 


Kabelo: “ snap, I fucked up. How out was I? I have never passed out before, what the fuck happened 



Turmoil: “ I don’t man, but yall were drunk, I wonder if those madafckrs made it home” 


Kabelo: (pointing at nompendulo whispering) “ was she mad?” 


Turmoil: “umh yeah a little, but I mean you couldn’t drive so” 


Kabelo: “ shit, need to find a way to make it up to her bro” 

Turmoil: “ ya boy, you do..” 


Kabelo: “ you know bro, considering what we do I can’t really be attached to anyone or anything, but I really like this girl” 


Turmoil: “ you know I’m really not good with all this emotional talk man” 


Kabelo: “ I know, I just like her so much, she’s different” 


Turmoil: “ yeah, she’s one of a kind, I mean she looks like” 


Kabelo: “ so what do I do bafo?” 


Turmoil: “just treat her right, make sure you always there for her man…” 


Kabelo: “ I hope she’s not mad at me” 


Turmoil: “ only one way to find out, coffee?” 


Kabelo: “ can you put whisky in that shit?” 


Turmoil: (laughs) “ wakgafa san” 


Kabelo: “ then nah, I will pass, in fact get your stupid ass out of the kitchen” 


Turmoil: “ in my damn house” 


Kabelo: “ niggah fuck you, this is my house too” 


Turmoil: “ moron” 


Kabelo: “ yoo mama” 


Nompendulo: “ hi” 


Kabelo: “ hey baby” 


Turmoil: “ owwwwkay….I’m just gonna give you guys some space, I will be upstairs if you need 



Kabelo: “ sho boy” 


(he goes upstairs) 


Kabelo: “ so…..how are you feeling?” 


Nompendulo: “ hanged, but I will live” 


Kabelo: “ that’s good, look I’m sorry about last night” 


Nompendulo: “ what exactly are you sorry about?” 


Kabelo: “ babe, I’m sorry “ 


Nompendulo: (folds arms) “ lets see, first you cancel our plans, you drag me to your friend’s house, 

then you drink and pass out… so I don’t know hey, which one I should I forgive and not forgive you 



Kabelo: “ baby, I promise I will make it up to you, I swear” 


Nompendulo: “ I really don’t have time for this crab, I need to home and shower and sleep” 


Kabelo: “I’m sorry though” 


Nompendulo: “ its fine, can we go?” 


Kabelo: “ eyow T” 


Turmoil comes down the stairs, after talking and shower and had brushed his teeth unlike some 

people ) 


Turmoil: “ hey guys, everything okay? I was just ordered food” 


Kabelo: “ owh we were about to head out, but we can stay a bit I’m starving…..well If that’s okay with you babe?” (looking at nompendulo) 


Nompendulo: “ yeah sure” 


Turmoil: “ perfect, so my lady if you want to take a bath, there are fresh towels, a new tooth brush for you guys in the bathroom” 


Nompendulo: “ you read my mind, excuse me guys” 


(Nompendulo went upstairs and got inside the bath tub and texted her friend to spill the tea) 


Nana: “ you’re fucking lying” 


Nompendulo: “ bitch I’m telling you, apparently he was hospitilised” 


Nana: “ dude these niggahs ain’t safe” 


Nompendulo: “ right, I have been thinking the same thing” 

Nana: “owkay so…. You letting them go?” 


Nompendulo: “I should, but like T is so different, he was so nice to me last night, we spoke and it was like the last time, I really had fun with him and it felt real again” 


Nana: “ what you mean he was nice to you?” 


Nompendulo: “ I don’t know, he was just different you know” 


Nana: “ get the fuck out’here, you fucked the niggah…” 


Nompendulo: “yes” 


Nana: “ nompendulo" 


Nompendulo: “ I want it again” 


Nana: “noni” 


Nomenpendulo: “ what??” 


Nana: “you’re a hoe, how do you sleep with someone with their friend, your man is sleeping upstairs?” 


Nompendulo: “ dude, is not like I planned it, it just happened” 


Nana: “so how was it, dick game lit?”(smiley emojies) 


Nompendulo: (fire and crying emoji) “ dude, the tongue game my friend..and he’s fuckin huge” 


Nana: “ sounds like you enjoyed yourself, any way I got to go..i have got a date with this other cutie 



Nompendulo: “ send a pic” 


Nana: “ what do you think?”(sends picture) 


Nompendulo: “wtf” 


Nana: “what, mubi?” 


Nompendulo: “ no, I saw him last night..he was here” 


Nana: “ wtf??? Hes part of them??” 


Nompendulo: “ I guess…. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck” 


(kabelo on the door) 


Kabelo: “umh, babe the food is here” 


Nompendulo: “ I’m coming just now” 


She quickly dresses up and heads down stairs, they ordered some pizza, and macdonalds for each. 

While they eat turmoil kept on eying Nompendulo and she was feeling uncomfortable. After eating 

the chilled a little longer, kabelo sparked a joint and they all smoked and sparked another one… the atmosphere became less tense, they all started drinking and having snacks with listening to music. 


Turmoil: “ eh dude, wena you shouldn’t even be touching alcohol” 


Kabelo: “ fuck you, you shouldn’t be touching alcohol, remember you’re on birth control pills?” 


Turmoil: “ mmaoo san” 


(they all laughed) 


Turmoil: “ mara seriously, I want you out of my house tonight, yall aint sleeping here, no offence my lady” 


Nompendulo: (smiles) “ baby we need to get our shit and leave” 


Kabelo: “ this madafckr is crazy baby, arevaye, he has a guest room..we sleeping here and we gonna 

make noise “ 


Turmoil: “wanya san’ not in my house, not on my bed” 


Kabelo: “yey, siyalala” 


The topic was getting a little uncomfortable considering the deeds of the previous day between the two. Eventually nompendulo and kabelo said their good byes. She got to the commune and went to bed instantly. Her roommate had went on to the date they spoke about. Later that night turmoil decides to call and sort of gage what the little did they had could be continued again or not. 


****phone rings**** 


Nompendulo: “ hello” 


Turmoil:” hey” 


Nompendulo: “ dude why are you calling me?” 

Turmoil: “ I just thought I should check up on you” 


nompendulo: “ seriously” 


Turmoil: “ look what happened this morning was..” 


Nompendulo: “ it was a mistake, I get it..i also had an itch and you scratched it..so don’t worry about 

it..we cool” 


Turmoil: “ what, no.. I thought” 


Nompendulo: “ no absolutely not, what happened will never happen again and I don’t wanna talk about this ever again” 


Turmoil: “wow that’s not the vibe I was getting last night” 


Nompendulo: “ I was a little tipsy, like I said an itch” 


Turmoil: “ I really didn’t expect this” 


Nompendulo: “ what exactly did you expect? That I will let you back into my life just like that?” 


Turmoil: “ I just thought maybe we could talk and find a solution to this, I really like you” 


Nompendulo: “ its really not gonna work, I’m sorry” 


(the door opens and its her roommate) 


Nompendulo: “ I got to go” 


(hangs up) 


Nana: (smiles) “ hey bitch” 


Nompendulo: “ someone is happy” 


Nana: “ and you look like shit” 


Nompendulo: “ dude I’m tired, wtf” 


Nana: “ the dick got you fucked up huh, or wait two dicks at this point” 


Nompendulo: “ you’re kidding me” 


Nana: “okay that’s a no , just one” 


Nompendulo: “get the fuck out’here, anyway tell me how your date went” 


Nana: “ okay first of all niggah is fine, like fine” 


Nompendulo: “ you don’t have to tell me twice” 


Nana: “ so like, he suggest we go the art gallery in jozi, there was an exhibition today” 


Nompendulo: “ okay,…” 


Nana: “ aowa, we get there and its chilled we look at art but our eyes are on each other, he keeps 

taking pictures of me, im there acting shy…we later get out and finally have some lone time and we 

go eat. We talk about stuff and I asked him where he works..” 


Nompendulo: “ please tell he didn’t say he’s in military” 


Nana: “nah actually he’s just a gig” 


Nompendulo: “ and no military background?” 


Nana: “ no, I mean I didn’t ask that part, all I know is hes in IT, he lives in centurion.” 


Nompendulo: “ ooh that’s good I guess… just that I saw him with some guys at the braai yesterday and they seemed to be very close with kb and T.. so nje that triggered my mind a bit.” 


Nana: “ mxm you know what, let me stock him on Instagram” 


They went to his Instagram page, he had less that 50 post.. they browsed through them. A particular picture stood out, it was 6 of them, Tebogo, t and kb, with the 3 other, and the picture was captioned ghosts. 


Nana: “ this is weird, do you think they belong to a gang?” 


Nompendulo: “ all I know is they’re into something shady, this morning I heard them talk about how they’re not supposed to be close with anyone or the people will be hurt” 


Nana: “ you serious?” 


Nompendulo: “ legit bruh” 


*****phone rings***** 


Nompendulo: “ what do you wa…” 


Turmoil: “ I’m at the reception” 

Nompendulo: (looks at her roomy) “ wtf, how did you find me?” 


Turmoil: “ a friend of mine got me your address” 


(hangs up the phone, angry stands up and puts on a robe and heads down to the reception) 


Nompendulo: “ whats going on?” 


Turmoil: “ look I know you..” 


Nompependulo: “ mxm this niggah, we can talk here.. let’s go the car, where you parked?” 


Turmoil: “umh yall have one parking, so I guess underground” 


Nompendulo: (rolls eyes and walks) 


Turmoil: “ those eyes hey” 



Nompendulo: “ seriously though why are you here” 


Turmoil: “ I want to talk,I know you don’t but I do. So I like you, always have,you’re beautiful but 

that’s not it, I enjoy spending time with you, I don’t want us to be like this” ( saying this moving his gently on her thighs) 


Nompendulo: (temperature changes and she bid her lip a little)“ I’m not a sneaky bitch, so what should happen to kb?” 


Turmoil: “first I need to know, do you want this?” 


Nompendulo: “I don’t know” 

Turmoil: “ well what more can I do to show you that I’m in this?” 


Nompendulo: “how will I know you’re just bluffing?”(rolls eyes) 


Turmoil: “damn this attitude, looks at me, do you think I’m bluffing?” ( holding her side of the face yet again and he knows that melts her up completely) 


Nompendulo: “but” 


(In that moment he kissed her, moved his hand up her thighs, and while kissing her.. pulled away 

and took his finger and put it on her mouth, without a word she licked the finger and he took it 

down and slowly in her kitty, she lets little maons escape. He rested her seat,she was almost lying 

flat in the car, the finger pace increased while looking her dead in eye, she moaned with her hands trying to touch T’s hand but he kept on slapping them away and he fingered her till she came, and her legs up on the seat and shivering) 


Turmoil: (whispering) “ listen, you mean a lot to me” 


Nompendulo: “ I’m just scared you will break my heart” 


Turmoil: “ I’m not that type, I rather break your back” 


(Nompendulo sits up straight and naughty smiles, he kisses her all over again) 


Turmoil: “ listen, you should come over tomorrow so we can finish this” 


Nompendulo: “okay, you gonna pick me up?" 


Turmoil: “ anything for daddy’s little nauddy” 




******to be continued******** 



S1 Episode 8 


The following morning nompendulo is just extremely jolly and its annoying. Singing in the shower, waking up everybody in the commune. Girls know what good dick can do to a girl, misconceptions of love and affection for a mere fling. She gets dressed heads to her classes and the day goes by and one thing you know it the day and lectures came to an end. 

****in the evening**** 


Nompendulo: “ hey so I’m ready what time do you think you will be here?”(texting turmoil) 


Turmoil: “ I can’t make it” 


Nompendulo: “ owkay” 


Instantly, the feelings of resentment comes crawling back. Thinking is this all he wanted and now he got what he wanted. The head can mess with you sometimes. A few hours later she decides to text him again. 


Nompendulo: “ why didn’t you come?” 


He sees the massage but can’t reply to it, so he doesn’t view it and continues to concentrate. 


Kabelo: “ whats wrong with that phone, did you break jell in there?” 


Turmoil: “ fuck you wena san” 


( the boys laugh) 


The G: “ I need you in a good head space T, I know you just got back from a terrible accident but you need to be fully committed to what we are trying to achieve here” 


Turmoil: “ I’m here sir” 


The G: “ very well then, continue with the preps T junior” 


Tebogo: “ thank you sir, so guys as you can see on the projection on the wall, these picture were 

taken yesterday at the art gallery, don’t mind the girl..these pictures show three members of the 

cartel. They own some of the art pieces and the art contains an underlying layer of about 26 killos of 

cocaine transported from Colombia. They use these art pieces to sneak in the coke into the country 

and host these exclusive exhibition for buyers to come and collect their stuff” 


The G: “ good work junior, so fellas Friday we going exclusive” 


Turmoil: “ so whats the actually plan here?” 


Tebogo: “ I’m the brain here, so let fill you guys in…we each need a plus one, mine is already in the pictures, Kb the bitch you brought to turmoil’s house the other day, is a perfect match. 


( Turmoil and kb looked at each other) 

So all you fuckers, I know you masturbate( he laughs) so I made a plan for yall and arranged a few hot huns.” 


The boys: (fuck you) 


Tebogo: “ thank you, so moving along, I got tailer made suits for you guys to fit in with the rich, each of you have a role to play, the master mind ‘I’..” 


Turmoil: “ arrogant madafcker” 


Tebogo: “ your humour is amazing T, anyway so guys I will deal with the cameras of the entire 

building, you guys at the end of the night need to steal the art, and remember nobody can know its 



Kabelo: “ owkay, so how do we steal this art, you suggest?” 


Tebogo: “ like I said only three member of the cartel will be present, the rest is buyers and the public.. so no police or security present, all you need to do is kill those sons of bitches take the art 

and get the fuck out’there, aftter the first gun shot, you will have 10 minutes to be exact, to exit the 



Turmoil: “ wait a minute, so the girls will be there to witness this? What if they snitch?” 


The G: “ then they are dead” 


Tebogo: “ owh well, that’s a shame” 


The G: “ junior your plan is reckless, we need minimal damage, less body count as much as possible.. this can not lead to me” 


Turmoil: “ I agree, we don’t need dates, we don’t need to be in suits.. we need an in and out hit.. 

that way it will look like a robbery” 


The G: “ I like that idea, less body count and less complications. Listen junior get us feed back on how you can heck the computer systems and cameras okay, latest tomorrow” 


Tebogo: “ on it sir” 


The G: “ okay boys, time to go.. work tomorrow, erh Turmoil a word please..” 


(The boys left) 


The G: “ is everything okay with you?” 

Turmoil: “ don’t worry about me general, I’m good” 


The G: “ no man, you know you can always talk to me right?” 


Turmoil: “ don’t worry about it ta’G, I’m gonna handle it” 


The G: “ maybe you should sit this one out?” 


Turmoil: “ no I’m legit, besides I’m letting these boys be alone” 


The G: “ okay, see you tomorrow.. owh and we driving to northwest, we gonna be there till Friday” 


Turmoil: “ I saw the bookings, do you need anything before that?” 


The G: “ no I’m good, goodnight” 


Turmoil left the house, on his way home he remembers that nompendulo texted. Instead of texting back he calls her. He calls several times but she doesn’t pick. He’s immediate response is that she’s probably angry. He wants to go see her but its late and he has an early morning so he just drives state to the house and crushes. 


****the following morning**** 


Kabelo: “ morning baby, you look so beautiful” 


Nompendulo: “ stop it” 


Kabelo: “ I have to go to work and I’m already late but its so hard getting out of bed today, you know 



Nompendulo: “I know you’re going to tell me anyways” 


Kabelo: “because I’m snuggled by isphalaphala,damn I love me a zulu girl” 


Nompendulo: (laughs) “baza koba at work wena” 


Kabelo: “ then that means I’m gonna spend my days with you, that’s awesome” 


Nompendulo: “ please humour me” 


Kabelo: “you don’t believe me?” 


Nompendulo: “ oooh no, I believe you actually” 


Kabelo: “ maybe I should get one nyana to prep me for work” 


Nompendulo: “ you already late, so am i..c’mon lets go shower” 


Kabelo: “ wantima?” 


Nompendulo: “ babe, c’mon, lets go already” 


Nompendulo is virtually not feeling kabelo, so they go take a bath together and her mind is still stood on turmoil and his big nasty winny. They finishing bathing and take a drive to her commune. 


Kabelo: “ heres five clippa for lunch” 


Nompendulo: “ umh thank you, I hope this is not compensation” 


Kabelo: “ hau, anyway when you get to campus send me your banking details, im tired of giving you money on hand like a slave” 


Nompendulo: “ owkay…” 




Kabelo: “ bye babies, see you later probably” 


Nompenpedulo: “ shap” 


****a few minutes later**** 


Nompendulo calls turmoil after the missed calls from last night, and he also doesn’t pick up the calls. She gets to her room and changes clothes and heads to campus, go on about the day and it eventually comes to an end, turmoil has not texted and called yet. 


Nompendulo: “ what does this niggah think he is?” 


***call again 


Turmoil: “ hey baby girl” 


Nompendulo: “ are you kidding me” 


Turmoil: “ what now?” 


Nompendulo: “ you stood me up and never got a reason why, I called you this morning and you didn’t return my calls” 


Turmoil: “I was at work, I knocked off late” 


Nompendulo: “really? So you couldn’t text?” 


Turmoil: “I really couldn’t” 

Nompendulo: “I knew you were never serious about us” 


Turmoil: “ nompendulo, you need to stop acting like a child” 


Nompendulo: “wow” 


Turmoil: “seriously, one minute you have a man, one minute you all blowing my phone, I’m too old for this crab to be honest” 


Nompendulo: “ you said you wanted to pursue this” 


Turmoil: “ maybe you didn’t understand me, for as long as you’re with Kb we can’t work” 


Nompendulo: “ so what you’re saying is I should leave him for you?” 


Turmoil: “ do what you must” 


Nompendulo: “that’s not fair” 


Turmoil: “you want to talk about being fair? When you juggling two dicks? Two best friends at that..” 


Nompendulo: “you know I’ve not slept with right?” 


Turmoil: “ get the fuck out’here, where were you last night? Did you not give it up?” 


Nompendulo: “ I was with Kb because I was angry, but I swear nothing happened” 


Turmoil: “ that shit sounds defensive as fuck,anyway I have a conference call..got to go” 


Nompendulo: “ wait can I atleast come see you tomorrow after wok?” 


Turmoil: “ I’m in north west with span, I’m not available till Friday evening” 


Nompendulo: “well can I see you then?” 


Turmoil: “sure” 


(hangs up) 


Turmoil: “ so this bitch thinks that she can just give up my cake just like that and there won’t be repercussions, she got another thing coming.” 


***a few minutes later on conference call*** 


The G: “ evening boys, brief me about the progress for Friday’s job” 


Tebogo: “ I got access into the camera system for the place, I’m gonna switch them for the in an out but it will appear as though they were on the whole time” 


The G: “so what else do we need to know?” 


Kabelo: “ I sorted out ammunition, I got SMGs incase the situation gets bad but I got silent guns also” 


The G: “ okay great, what else do we need?” 


Turmoil: “ transportation?” 


Tebogo: “ yeah, we gonna use a quantum” 


The G: “ these is gonna be an easy in and out, if we all work together, finalise all that you need to… 

me and T will be back on Friday evening before the job, sleep tight boys will talk in the morning” 


Turmoil: “ta, gents” 


Kabelo wanted to hook up again with nompendulo, but she declined the offer and said it was best 

they only hang on weekends. It seemed like the weak will be pretty much faded. Let’s just say in life there is no manual to do things,everybody thinks their opinion is the shit. I hate those, opinions are like assholes everybody has one. 


Kabelo: “ babe mara really though, you said tonight” 


Nompendulo: “ I got a lot of work, if I come over there, I’m afraid I wont be done by the morning, 

considering I was there last night and I lost time” 


Kabelo: “ I could help you while you work you know” 


Nompendulo: “seriously, give up I’m not coming” 


Kabelo: “okay fine, see you on Friday night” 


Nompendulo: “ okay great” 


Kabelo: “ nah actually scratch that make it Saturday, I got a work thing on Friday night and I don’t know how long it might take” 


Nompendulo: “work on Friday night, really?” 


Kabelo: “ oh no no babe it is really work” 

Nompendulo: “ what exactly do you do?” 


Kabelo: “no way I’d have to kill you before I tell you” 


Nompendulo: “ haha that’s funny” 


Kabelo: “yeah but is better you don’t know at least for now” 


Nompendulo: “ what are into drugs and stealing?” 


Kabelo: “not quite” 


Nompendulo: “ not quite? Its either you’re into it or not..” 


Kabelo: “ is a bit complicated than that, but I guess I could call myself a thief” 


Nompendulo: “ what do you steal?” 


Kabelo: “ classified information” 


Nompendulo: “ mxm, I’m your girlfriend for heaven sakes” 


Kabelo: “ no I meant we actually do steal classified information” 


Nompendulo: “ really? How does that work?” 


Kabelo: “ look we just steal information from the intelligence, from big cooperation companies, then we black mail them and we get cash” 


Nompendulo: “ damn okay” 


Kabelo: “ listen, you can not tell anyone about this” 



Mission day, a Friday beautiful and sunny, birds chipping in the beautiful purple city, at times will call it the jacaranda city. People obviously going about their normal day as usual. You know the thrill of not knowing what you don’t know because you don’t know, its very peaceful not knowing. Things happen in front of your eyes every single day but because you don’t know, it doesn’t affect you. How many people do you know that are drug lords, human traffickers, rapists, thieves etc that are constantly with you, live in your area, in your house, you date.. but you don’t know their external lifestyle. Not knowing is good, saves you from anxiety, saves you from being killed, saves you from being affiliated or rather feeling guilty. 


Later on that evening, the General and turmoil arrived at the house and a few minutes later came in the boys in a mini deemed van with a fake number plate, already dressed up. Turmoil changed, they said their good byes to the general and left. At the art gallery it was packed a wonderful evening for people that know, but it was about to be ruined. 

Tebogo: “ okay guys, lets go through the plan again.. so Christin you get in there and gun shot in the 

air to cause distraction, T you have good aim so you take now these three niggahs(pointing on the 

screen with the inside cameras) do not miss, straight to the head or these madafckers will kill us,none of them I repeat can escape okay?” 


Kabelo: “ okay bro we got you, I bet the painting are heavy as fuck” 


Tebogo: “listen I will be in your ear the whole time, I will coordinate you guys and what not and what 

to do okay?” 


****phone rings**** 


Tebogo: “T what the fuck bro, are you trying to get us killed? Tf you brought your phone for?” 


Turmoil: “ shut the fuck up…….umh hello” 


Voice: “ is this Turmoil Skhosana speaking?” 


Turmoil: “ speaking” 


Voice: “ this is detective welmar speaking, from SASS we are reviewing a case you’re involved in and we would like to talk to you” 


Turmoil: “SASS?” 


Voice: “ yes the south African secret service” 


Turmoil: “ yes I know that, why would you guys want to talk to me?” 


Voice: “Is not a matter we can discuss over the phone, we need to meet and talk” 


Turmoil: “ okay sure, I guess” 


Tebogo: “ okay guys, game time.. T!” 


Turmoil: “ umh look Mr welmar send me details of where and when and I will be there, bye” 


(hangs up) 


They all got out of the besides the master mind, they entered the premises with their all black overall and overhead covers and caps. 


Kabelo: “ everybody down now” 



people started screaming and heads down 


**gun shot** boom 


Kabelo: “ let me see a madfcker up, I will blow your brains all over this place” 


**gun shots** 

 boom boom phew phew 


The cartel members tried to take out the guns, turmoil shot two of them in the head and one almost on the shoulder and he ran out the back door. 


Turmoil: “fuck, the madafucker is getting away” 


Christin: “ I’m on it” (he ran out) 


Kabelo: “ shit, now this fucked up” 


Tebogo: “ what the fuck just happened? You guys are madafucken slip up, get the coke and get the fuck out of there now!” 


They collected the painting and rushed them to the car, while doing that Christin is buzy chasing the other guy and they shooting at one another. 


Tebogo: “ lets go, those fucken cops will be here in a minute” 


Turmoil: “ shit Christin where you at bro” 


Christin: “ fuck, I lost him guys” 


Tebogo: “ what the fuck you mean you lost him? The G is killing one of us tonight..” 


By the time the cops showed up it was finished, I mean we all know they’re always late. On the way to the G’s house they all shitting their pants. They know the man doesn’t play he kills. They got to the house and went inside and he was watching football and sipping on whisky and they got inside. 


The G: “ boys, ooh great you’re all here and in one piece…where is my coke?” 


Tebogo: “ we got all of it” 


The G: “great work, now we have to clean it from the art and package it” 


Tebogo: “sir we encountered a problem” 


The G: “what?” 


Tebogo: “we lost one guy, he was shot on the shoulder and he escaped” 


The G: “so you guys are telling me we have a cartel snitch on the lose? “ 


Turmoil: “it was my fault ta’G, I missed the shot” 


The G:”when yall saw that he was running, you waited and let him run huh?” 


Christin: “ no I ran after him but he got into a car in the parking and I couldn’t …” 


The G: “you guys got to be fuckin kidding me ( stands up from the couch) listen to me, I told you I 

don’t want none of these shit leading to me, I already have enough problems. If you don’t find that fucker by mid day tomorrow, consider yourselves dead, now get the fuck out of my house” 


They left the house, they took the minivan back to the rented service with a correct number plate and cleaned. They disposed the guns and the clothes they had on. 


Tebogo: “man you fucked us all..” 


Turmoil: “ it wasn’t on purpose, you know that bro” 


Tebogo: “nobody gives a fuck right now, your head is not in the game bro” 


Turmoil: “ fuck you niggah, who you talking to like that?” (he stood up and walked towards tebogo) 


Kabelo: “ fucking grow up both of you, how does blaming one another help us here?” 


Tebogo: “I’m not taking a bullet for non of you madafckers” 


Turmoil: “ the fuck you know about bullets anyway, grab a laptop and shut the fuck up” 


Kabelo: “ look, guys we need to work together here…we have a deadline and you know he doesn’t 



Christin: “ I’m shitting myself right now, I wish Bongs and Mandla were around” 


Turmoil: “ fuck those madafckers, I think I got a plan on how to find that niggah” 


Kabelo: “okay whatchu got bro?” 


Turmoil: “we go back to the area and pretend to concerned citizens, the cartel owners will obviously be there, we get as much information as possible.. play detective at the scene” They all agreed it was idea and they left to go to the seen, they arrived in about 2 hours later and the police already took the bodies and are now taking statement from the witnesses. 


Turmoil: “ good morning officers, what happened here?” 


Voice: “ who are you?” 


Turmoil: “Detective Mathebula from Pretoria I was send here” 


Voice: “ owh, there was a shooting and a claim that art paintings where stolen” 


Turmoil: “ whos the owner of this place?” 


voice: “ that gentlemen over there with shinny pjmas” 


Turmoil: “ great thank you” ( walked over to the man) 


Voice: “anything for you sir” 


Turmoil: “ good morning sir, how are you doing” 


Voice2: “like I lost 50 million” 


Turmoil: “ I hear you own the place?” 


Voice2: “yea and who are you again?” 


Turmoil: “owh investigating officer from Pretoria” 


Voice2: “this is jhb” 


Turmoil: “ I’m well aware but I was sent by senior, you know how they are” 


Voice: “I don’t relate” 


Turmoil: “of course you don’t,you’re a senior yourself… so please tell me what you know about what happened tonight?” 


Voice2: “ I was with my family, I received a call that my paintings were stolen and two of my guards 

were dead” 


Turmoil: “ strange, so your paintings you say… how come you were not present to interact with the 



Voice2: “ I have done this a couple of times, one of my trusties, she takes the appreciation on my 



Turmoil: “ I’m sorry, she?” 


Voice2: “ are you def?” 


Turmoil: “no I’m just… anyway so we hear that you had three guards and two are dead, where is the 

other guard?” 


Voice2: “who told you that?” 


Turmoil: “ the witnesses say he was shot on the shoulder and he ran out” 


Voice2: “well I don’t know officer, I also would like to talk to him maybe he would explain exactly what the fuck happened here?” 


Turmoil: “I see” 


Voice2: “ you better find him fast, because I do..” 


Turmoil: “ so what you saying is you don’t know where he is?” 


Voice2: “nice talking to you officer, you have to excuse me, I have to leave now” 


He left, turmoil left the scene and went inside the car and drove off, while are driving around the jhb area looking for him, making calls to their connections but no luck, tebogo trying to trace his calls but with no luck calls has been made from mid day on that day to the guy’s phone. They found him to be Nkanyezi Mazibuko but nothing much. 


***on the line*** 


Turmoil: “guys, any luck?” 


Tebogo: “I got his name, one of contents says he was last seen in Rosebank around mid night after the incident, but now he’s completely off the grid” 


Christin: “ I have been making rounds around here but no luck” 


Kabelo: “ yeah me too, so T what did you find out in there?” 


Turmoil: “ you guys were listening in mos, we have another problem,there was a girl there who was part of the cartel..also I think that madafucker is lying about not knowing where that 

Nkanyezi person, I felt there’s more to the story…I need to tail him and trace his call and home cells and wifi” 


Tebogo: “we are fucked right it the chocolate box okay give me a little time, I will get his information and heck into his home dec” 


Turmoil: “ sho boy” 


Tebego: “ I just sent you the info, can you make rounds over there, maybe you can find something, ekse kabelo phonela majita” 


Kabelo: “ eish, that’s not a good idea, you know how messy those are…” 


Turmoil: “ plus we don’t want dead bodies on our asses guys” 


They made rounds until Saturday morning with no luck they found nothing, the tracing and hacking of calls did them no good. The cartel drug lord is Shaun Mazibuko and hes been making calls looking for Nkhanyezi but with no luck also he failed to find him and hes guys failed to find him.. he decided to make a call to tell them to lay low for a little while. The G had sold the product for about 70 million and shared 40 mil amongst the boys even though he wasn’t happy with them and kept 30 mil to himself using offshore accounts. 


***on the phone*** 


The G: “ you madafuckers better find everything about this nkanyezi boy, find him and eliminate him from this game like the plan. Don’t fuck this up for yourselves you will go to prison for a long time or better yet if this leads to me your all dead including your families.. I hope I made myself clear” 


Turmoil: “ we heard you ta’G” 


The G: “ so I paid you 10 mil in your offshore accounts, use that money wisely alright?” 


The boys : “ thank you sir” 


They all hanged up except Tebogo. 


Tebogo: “ sir I have something to tell you” 


The G: “ yes junior what seems to be the problem now?” 


Tebogo: “ what yesterday’s fuck up was an inside job?” 


The G: “ how do you mean” 


Tebogo: “ you had initially said we should leave our phones here yesterday but T had his” 


The G: “ I told him to have incase you needed to call me” 


Tebogo: “ okay, but sir he received a strange call just before we went about the mission, and I think he sabotaged us on purpose” 


The G: “ thank you for this information, he apparently didn’t tell me anything about receiving a call, I need to pay him a visit tonight…” 


Tebogo: “ I just thought you should know” 


The G: “ thanks junior” 


***in campus*** 


A beautiful day, the sun is shining and it looks like a day you could play some Jill Scott or miss Lauren 

Hill or the Erykah Oblogatah. It was a beautiful day regardless. Nompendulo id doing laundry, her 

two boyfriends somehow have not spoken to her since Thursday night, they phones are both off, texts not returned, mad as hell but she goes on about her day. 


Nompendulo: “ aowa nana, kante why didn’t you wash the dishes?” 


Nana: “attitude much?” 


Nompendulo: “ aowa dude, do the dishes I want to cook” 


Nana:” geezz okay” 


As she stands she hears a knock on the door 

( she opens the door, and a bloody man leans over on the door) 




Nompendulo: “ yin manje?” 


Nana: (she points) 


Nompendulo: “omg” 


Voice: “ hey sis” 





*******to be continued******* 



S1 EP9 



God work in mysterious ways but I think the devil always wins, don’t you sometimes wonder why 

bad things happen to good people. The question we need to be asking is how good is good? How do 

we measure good? What is actually pertained as good? Who is good? But those questions might only be answered by a celestial rather than a mortal being like me and you. 


( the general paid Turmoil a visit, he came back from gym and he found the apartment door open, got in and..) 


The G: (holding a gun sitting on the couch) “ so you betray me now huh?” 


Turmoil: “ sir what are you>>>” 


The G: “ you received a call on Friday night just before the job and suddenly things went south..” 


Turmoil: “ ta’G you know me better than anyone, I can never do that to you” 


The G: “ how come you didn’t tell me about the call?” 


Turmoil: “ it might have slipped my mind” 


The G: “ bullshit” 


Turmoil: “ sir I can never betray you, I’d lay my life down for you. you know this” 


The G: “ tell me about the call and don’t dare lie to me” 


Turmoil: “ it was a call from SASS” 


The G: “ what?” 


Turmoil: “ yeah, apparently they’re re-investigating the shooting case, some new developments 

came up and the guy that called me sent me a massage this morning about a location I should meet him at tonight” 


The G: “ shit, just find out what they know and let me know.. this isn’t good” 


Turmoil: “ I will do that” 


The G: “ hey look, I can’t trust anyone but you right now” 


Turmoil: “ I know, and you can trust me” 


The G: “ I don’t like whats going on right now, we have so many loose ends right now…and before I forget, I found out that this nkanyezi boy has a sister” 


Turmoil: “ owh really” 


The G: “ yeah a contact of mine said their mother died and the ass whole married again” 


Turmoil: “ so mazibuko has a daughter, let me see this photo” 



Back at the commune (after the bloody man had waved) 


Nompendulo: “omg, what the hell?”(shocked) 


Nonkanyezi: “are yall gonna offer me some water or what?” 


Nana: “ what the hell happened to you?” 


Nompendulo: “ wooah wait you know this guy?” 


Nana: “ yeah he's...” 


Nonkanyezi: “ brother,I need your help sis” 


Nana: “ dude I had made it clear I was done with this life,does dad know you’re here?” 


Nompendulo: “ the actual fuck” 


Nonkanyezi: “ no he doesn’t” 


(Nana takes the phone and tried to dial the old man) 


Nonkanyezi: “ no no, don’t do that he will kill me” 


Nana: “ what the fuck did you do now?” 


Nonkanyezi: “ there was a job at one of dad’s float, it didn’t go well and two of the guys were shot and they stole the shandis” 


Nana: “ so, its not your fault you got shot too” 


Nonkanyezi: “ dude he thinks I set him up, how come I survived” 


Nana: “ he hasn’t changed no wonder mom left him” 


Nonkanyezi: “ mom left him?” 


Nana: “ yeah, gogo said that after mom found out that he was the man he is, she left but 



Nonkanyezi: “ but dad what?” 


Nana: “ he had mom on drugs until she well you know committed suicide” 


Nonkanyezi: “ no, he’s a monster but he will never do that” 


Nana: “ you need to fucking wake up” 


Nompendulo: “wow,I thought you were an orphan nana?” 


Nana: “ I am, that man is nothing to me” 


Nonkanyezi: “ who is this?” 


Nana: “ she’s my roommate” 


Nompendulo: “ and friend, but I never even knew she had a brother.. what a wow” 


Nana: “dude so whats gonna happen to you, you can't stay here and you need hospital for that bleeding” 


Nonkanyezi: “you know that’s not an option, too many question” 


Nana: “ so manje?” 


Nonkanyezi: “just get me salt and water, some bandage and a knife” 


(nana got the stuff and also brought surgical spirit,) 


Nana: “ take” 


Nonkanyezi: “ okay I want you to cut here”(pointing on his shoulder blade) 


Nompendulo: “no ways, so you guys are gonna perform surgery in here?” 


Nana: “ please go to your room” 


(she walked away to her room, crapping her pants) 


Nonkanyezi: “ make sure you cut where the bullet went, I need you to take it out” 


Nana: “ okay bite on something” 


(he bit on his hand, she cut open just a little so she can grab the bullet, she took one of her nail set 

tools and grabbed the bullet out) 


Nonkanyezi: “ fuckkkkkkk, that hurt like bitch” 


Nana: “ okay let me wash up this a little, don’t be a baby” 


Nonkanyezi: “ fuck you dude, don’t forget I’m older than you" 


( they both shared a laughter and she washed up the wound and plastered him and he was good to 



Nana: “ so what now, whats the plan?” 


Nonkanyezi: “ to be honest, I don’t know..maybe I should go to mpumalanga for a bit and lay low off 

that grid” 


Nana: “ don’t you think that’s the first place he’s gonna go looking for you?” 


Nonkanyezi: “no I’m going to gran, I’m going to stay in kruger for at least two months…a friend of mine offered me a chalet over there” 


Nana: “ okay, do you have money to last you that long?” 


Nonkanyezi: “I do but if I run out..i will just go on the dark web and do some jobs to get by” 


Nana: “ you know that gets you in trouble with the law always, and this time there’s no daddy to bail 

you out” 


Nonkanyezi: “ I know wize ass” 


Nana: “look he still gives me money every month regardless so I can ask for more, whenever you 

need an injection you should tell me” 


Nonkanyezi: “ thank you sis” 


Nana: “ so you leaving today or” 


Nonkanyezi: “ there’s a few things I need but I don’t know how to get them, I’m gonna leave for 

Mpumalanga on Monday, I need a favour” 


Nana: “ what?” 


Nonkanyezi: “ I need you to book a place for me to sleep for the next two days” 


Nana: “ around here or?” 


Nonkanyezi: “make it in Pretoria north, I don’t want to be linked” 


Nana: “ cool,and a cellphone?” 


Nonkanyezi: “I’m gonna get one on Monday and I will call you” 


Nana: “ cool take care of yourself okay?” 


(While they were still busy,nompendulo is bored so she call turmoil) 


Turmoil: “ yow, I’m kind of busy right now, can I call you back later?” 


Nompendulo: “ can you come see me when you get time please?” 


Turmoil: “ yeah I will be there around six, pack an over night bag” 


Nompendulo: “okay” 


(hangs up) 


( having a meeting with the guy from SASS) 


Turmoil: “ I’m sorry about, that’s my girlfriend asking about our plans tonight, you know 



Welmar: “so as I was saying, do you remember anything about what happened that night” 


Turmoil: “ not really officer, when I was in hospital I just had night mares of those son of bitches 

killing me” 


Welmer: “ that’s all you can recall?” 


Turmoil: “unfortunately at this moment that’s all I can re-call, but I thought this case was closed” 


Welmar: “ there were new developments” 


Turmoil: “ okay, what kind?” 


Welmar: “ we got information that they were looking for something that you had, but we just don’t know what it is yet” 


Turmoil: “ I had something of theirs? I didn’t even know those fuckers” 


Welmar: “ apparently they knew you, are you sure your’re telling the whole truth?” 


Turmoil: “ I have nothing to hide” 


Welmar: “ but you protecting someone?” 


Turmoil: “I always protect the people I love, but I know nobody is above the law” 


Welmar: “ okay I hope you act, what you preach” 

Turmoil: “ ooh nah I hated church, anyway I have to be somewhere in an hour… are we done here 



Welmar: “ yes for now” 


Turmoil: “ great, excuse me then, have a fantastic Saturday officer” 


( and he left) 


(after the phone call) 


Nompendulo: “yes finally” (excited and jumping up and down on the bed) 


(Nana walks in) 


Nana: “ what the fuck?” 


Nompendulo: “ what ever happened to knock before you come in” 


Nana: “ yow sorry” 


Nompendulo: “ anyways, how come you never told me you have a brother?” 


Nana: “ dude its complicated” 


Nompendulo: “ I don’t understand, you know everything about me dude and I know nothing about you” 


Nana: “ well you choose to share” 


Nompendulo: “wow really?thats what we doing now?” 


Nana: “ okay, look dude the world we live in is not a fairy tale..” 


Nompendulo: “umh” 


Nana: “I keep people out of my life because of my past, I just don’t want you to get hurt” 


Nompendulo: “ really that’s all you going to say vele?” 


Nana: “listen, I have other sibling except they are half step brothers and sisters, after my mom passed away my dad got married again” 


Nompendulo: “ so the guy that was here, you share both parents with him?” 


Nana: “ yeah, he’s 2 years older than me” 


Nompendulo: “ I see” 

Nana: “yeah we couldn’t have been 3, but when my mom passed she was 3 months pregnant with 

another baby boy” 


Nompendulo: “ I’m so sorry friend” 


Nana: “ its cool I mean I’m way passed all of that, I just want to be a good person you know?” 


(shared a tear) 


Nompendulo: “ you’re a good person my friend” 


Nana: “ but I know everything is going to be okay one day hey..” 


Nompendulo: “ you know what? I’m going to stay in tonight and we can watch movies and have ice cream neh?” 


Nana: “ what, no don’t cancel your plans wena” 


Nompendulo: “ no way, I want to be a good friend, you need company today” 


( she texts Turmoil) 


Nompendulo: “hey, change of plans I cant come over tonight…something came up” 


Turmoil: “explain” 


Nompendulo: “nana is not feeling well” 


Turmoil: “I will be there in 10 minutes” 


Nompendulo: “ seriously, I just said I can’t do it tonight” 


Turmoil: *seen* 


Nompendulo: “ chomi yazi this guy onale some abusive tendencies” 


Nana: “ and yet you still seeing him” 


Nompendulo: “ like I’m just realising this now” 


Nana: well you know what to do, don’t let it get too far” 


Nompendulo: “ you are right, I’m not a toy” 


***10 minutes later*** 


Nompendulo: “ I told you my fried is sick and cannot be alone tonight” 

Turmoil: “you can’t just cancel our plans like that” 


Nompendulo: “ so what must happen now because I’m not going anywhere with you” 


Turmoil: “ can we fuck?” 


Nompendulo: “ seriously?” 


Turmoil: “ yeah well” 


Nompedulo: “ so you came all the way here to say that” 


Turmoil: “ to do” 


Nompendulo: “its not happening” 


( turmoil walked his hand across her thighs) 


Nompendulo: “ stop it” 


Turmoil: “ okay how about I buy you guys drinks and we chill together the three for us for a bit?” 


Nompendulo: “ well I’d have to ask her” 


(she calls) 


Nana: “ babe” 


Nompendulo: “ so Turmoil says he wants to chill, can we get some drinks and chill there?” 


Nana: “ do you wanna?” 


Nompendulo: “ yeah only if you down” 


Nana: “yeah I could use a drink” 


Nompendulo: “ okay cool then, we will be back just now” 


They drove out of the commune, went to tops and bought some bottles, hubbly flavours and some 

weed, pizza and some snacks. Drove back to the commune with the stuff. They ate and started drinking and smoking weed and hubbly. 


Turmoil: “ have you guys had these before?” 


Nana: “ what are those?” 


Turmoil: “eatables” 


Nompendulo: “ jelly tots?” 


Turmoil: “ no, the name is molly” 


Nompendulo: “ give me one” 


(she ate one) 


Nompendulo: “ they taste good, have one babe” 


( they ate a whole packet amongst the two of them, a couple of minutes later the drug started kicking in and they felt so hot and weird) 


Nompendulo: “ whats happening to me?” 


Nana: “ dude I feel breedy” 


(they laugh) 


Nana: “ omg its so hot in here” ( she started undressing) 


Nompendulo: “ damn babe your body is so yellow, we light skinned niggahs need to start sticking 

together hey” 


(they laughed again, even harder) 


Turmoil: “ nana come here” 


( he placed his hand over on her back, and ran his finger tips over her spine going down, and she was feeling chills and laughing) 


Nana: “ omg what is that, its so nice” 


Turmoil: “after effects” 


(nompendulo started singing they were super high, Turmoil saw an advantage to do what he does 

best. He started kissing nana, and she kissed him back and they started making out..) 


Nompendulo: “ hey, hey” 


Turmoil: “ come sit on daddy’s face” 



The rest is history folks them girls passed out, he cleaned the place and took away all the bottles 

and put them both in their beds in separate room. He took a shower in there and took his car keys and left. He had a job that night. 


(A few minutes later,in his car) 


Turmoil: “ yow Kb where you at?” 


Kabelo: “ I’m in midrand, whats up you got something?” 


Turmoil: “ I think I know where our guy is, tell Junior and Christin to meet me on the address I just texted you” 


Kabelo: “what, wait this is Pretoria north?” 


Turmoil: “ yeah, I’m in hatfield heading there” 




********to be continued******** 







The dangers of thinking you know people, is that people change on a daily bases. The person I was 

yesterday definitely is not the person I am today. I have learned through out that people sometimes change because they are forced by circumstances, sometimes people change because they see a need. Practising compassion is the best thing you can do for yourself, when people hurt you, try and forgive, give yourself an excuse to always forgive.. this isn’t for the next person but it is important and necessary for you. 




Turmoil got to the guest house first and waited for the boys. They eventually made it and they all 

went inside 


***at the reception** 


Turmoil: “good morning maam” 


Voice: “ good morning, how can I help you gentlemen?” 


Turmoil: “ we are looking for this man, do you know what room he is?” (shows her a picture from his phone) 


Voice: “ I’m sorry I can’t help you, we don’t give out our clients info.. company policy” 


Kabelo: “ arg for fuck sakes (take out a gun and points at the receptionist) room number now!” 


Voice: “umg room 305” (trembling in her voice) 


Kabelo: “ that wasn’t hard now was it?” 


Christin: “ what dumb is this anyway, no security..” 


Kabelo: “hey, is there security cameras in here?” 


Voice: “ yes sir” 


Kabelo: “ good cima cima and bring that phone, and disconnect your land line” 


(she did as told, kabelo and Turmoil head upstairs and christin and junior stayed down with the 



Turmoil: “ so what do we do with this kid?” 


Kabelo: “theres only one thing to do, you know what to do” 


Turmoil: “ nah man, killing a man in his sleep has never been my style..” 


Kabelo: “ don’t be a pussy tonight man” 


Turmoil: “ fuck my life” 


( they shot and kicked down the door) 


Nonkanyezi: “ shit, who the fuck are you?” 


Kabelo: “ you’re biggest night mare” 

Nonkanyezi: “my dad send you to kill me, I promise I had nothing to do with his coke being stolen” 


(turmoil shot him straight on the head while he was still trying to explain and apologise and they left 

the room and got down stairs) 


Kabelo: “ so what do we do with her, she saw our faces?” 


Turmoil: “no way man” 


Kabelo: “ she’s a witness” 


Voice: “please don’t hurt me, I will never tell anybody what happened” 


Kabelo: (shot her on the head) “we can’t risk that” 


Turmoil: “ wtf is wrong with you?” 


Kabelo: “ you had a better idea? 


Turmoil: “ since when do we kill innocent people bro?” 


Kabelo: “ you call it killing, I call it eliminating a threat” 


Turmoil: “ you know what? Fuck you!” 


Kabelo: “you’re thinking with emotions these days, and you sound like a hoe” 


Turmoil: “ fuck this, I’m out’here” 


Tebogo: “ yow…lets go” 


They left the primises, they took the cctv cameras, left two dead bodies and a mess that looked like it was a break in, christin took money in the register. 


***the following morning on campus*** 


Nompendulo and nana eventually wake up but have not a clue of the events from the previous day. 


Nana: “ hey girl you awake?” 


Nompendulo: “ yeah, my head hurts” 


Nana: “ did you clean lastnight” 


Nompendulo: “no I don’t think so why?” 

Nana: “ the place is spotless bra” 


Nompendulo: “ hebanna kante what happened last night, I barely remember anything” 


Nana: “ I remember your boyfriend being here with food and after that, ke lights off” 


Nompendulo: “ that’s weird bro” 


Nana: “ I feel so tired mani, also my body isn’t good” 


Nompendulo: “ I feel like throwing up” 


Nana: “its Sunday bro, we need to go to church..we need serious cleansing" 



Nompendulo: “we do girl, especially me” 


Nana: “I’m kinda worried about my brother you know, he said he will call me” 


Nompendulo: “on Monday when he gets a phone, that’s what he said” 


Nana: “ where you ears dropping on us?” 


Nompendulo: “ yoh, I felt like my life was in danger so I had to” 


Nana: “ okay whatever, what are we going to have for breakfast…this house has nothing in the 



***text bib*** 


Turmoil: “hey, kb is having a braai you girls wanna come?” 


Nompendulo: “girl I just got a text from T saying kb has a braai and asking if we wanna come?” 


Nana: “ that’s weird, did kb tell you?” 


Nompendulo: “ no” 


Nana: “ so” 


Nompendulo: “ what?” 


Nana: “ are we going?” 


Nompendulo: “ofcos not, how we gonna explain we knew about that?” 


***text bib*** 

Turmoil: “????” 


Nana: “ is that kb?” 


Nompendulo: “ no T” 


Nana: “ dude!” 


*** nompendulo texts back**** 


Nompendulo: “ hey T, umh I don’t know” 


Turmoil: “ scared of Kb?” 


Nomoendulo: “ its gonna be weird when I show up with you, whislt he didn’t even tell me he had a 



Turmoil: “ he said I should text you, hes still at work” 


Nompendulo: “owh is that so?” 


Turmoil: “ yeah, so you guys coming or not?” 


Nompendulo: “yeah its cool we can come” 


Turmoil: “ cool, pick you guys in an hour” 


(Back to her best friend) 


Nompendulo: “ he says Kb couldn’t text he’s at work” 


Nana: “ who cares bro, I want some meat and chakalaka ” 


Nompendulo: “alright, lets get ready pick up in an hour” 


They went about getting ready and looking fly, turmoil got ready, came to pick them up. Passed by a liquor store bought a few bottles, passed by a dealer and got a few eatables and they were on their way to Kb’s place. On arrival it was packed and people already eating meat. 


Nana: “ yoh, I hope the food is not finished” 


(Nompendulo and turmoil laughed) 


Turmoil: “ don’t worry” 


Nompendulo: “ if they are, I guess we going back home” 


Got off the car with the things they had bought from the store, greeted all the people outside and entered the house, and an ugly turn of events happened after they just entered the crib. 


Nompendulo: “ what the hell?” 


Nana: “ woooah” 


Kabelo: “ baby I can explain” 


Nompendulo: “ wow you can?" 


( she ran out the door) 


Kabelo: “ hey wait” (running after her) 


Tebogo: “what are you guys even doing here?” 


Nana: “ well your friend T thought it was a good idea that we came” 


Tebogo: “owhhh, did he now?” 


Nana: " wait a minute he didn't invite us did he T?" 


Turmoil: “what??i thought it will be a nice surprise” 


Tebego: “ right” 


Nana: “ lemme go check on my friend” 


( she went outside to look for nompendulo) 


Turmoil: “ why did kabza not invite her bro, I thought she was feeling this girl?” 


Tebogo: “ dude you know kb is a ladies man” 


Turmoil: “I know that but I just thought this one was special” 


Tebogo: “ yeah it was, and you just ruined it bro” 


Turmoil: “ shit” 


Tebogo: “ whatchu got them here for anyways?” 


Turmoil: “I just saw noni’s post about being bored so I asked if she was coming to the party, and she 

said she’d like to tag along” 


Tebogo: “so you fetched your bro’s girl man” 


Turmoil: “ whats wrong with that?” 


Tebogo: “seriously?” 


Turmoil: : oh no no I can never do that to Kb and you know it” 


Tebogo: “mmh owh well, all I’m saying is that is just too close of a relationship you have with her” 


**Outside with kb and nompendulo** 


Kabelo: “ look I’m sorry you had to see that, but honestly that’s no what it looked like" 


Nompendulo: “seriously? What did it look like?” 


Kabelo: “look babe, I’m sorry okay.. you know I love you right?” 


Nompendulo: “ you love me enough to share saliva with somebody else, great” 


Kabelo: “ I don’t even know her babe” 


Nompendulo: “is that supposed to make me feel better?” 


Kabelo: “ no, nothing can make you feel better right now, I just need you to know how sorry I am” 


Nompendulo: “ I really don’t care, coming here was just a bad idea” 


Kabelo: “ anyway how did you know I was hosting?” 


Nompendulo: “ and you actually didn’t tell me because you knew you were bringing somebody else” 


Kabelo: “ no no, this was gonna be an only guy thing” 


Nompendulo: “right, but I saw a lot of skirts in there” 


Kabelo: “ I personally didn’t invite them, please don’t cry babe I’m sorry” 


Nompendulo: “ this conversation is over, nana please come here” 


Nana: “ wassup, you okay” 


Nompendulo: “ is not a big deal, I will be fine” 


Nana: “ cool lets get out of this place, I called a cab a while ago and the guys has been calling” 


Nompendulo: “ thank you babe” 


On their way home nompendulo kept on thinking to herself, life is just a cycle. The things you do unto others might be also happening to you but you don’t notice. She somehow felt a sense of relieve considering what she been doing behind kb’s back. This to her felt like the universe taking him out of her hands so she could finally be with someone she thinks she was meant to be with. The mind is an evil place, thoughts will play you like chess and dominos except in that game you never knew if you actually won or failed, you just have to trust your instinct. 


Kabelo: “ why did you bring her here man? You wanted to sabotage us on purpose so you can have 

her to yourself right?” 


Turmoil: “seriously” 


Kabelo: “ why else would you invite her, when I didn’t “ 


turmoil: “ look that girl loves you, the sooner you see that the better” 


Kabelo: “ and you know this how?” 


Turmoil: “ are you serious, everybody can see that bro” 


Kabelo: “ why did you get her here?” 


Turmoil: “she had a status on facebook about how bored she was man, I thought she knew about 

the party and she had no transportation so I offered to pick them up..i thought it will be a nice surprise” 


Kabelo: “ owh wow, clearly I am surprised…. As a matter of fact, everybody get the fuck out of my house” 


Tebego: “c’mon man, just go apologise” 


Kabelo: “ I said, get the fuck out of my house” 


Kabelo: “ now!” 


(Everybody packed up their shit and headed out) 


Turmoil: “ look bro I’m sorry okay?” 


Kabelo: “ get the fuck out man” 


Later in the day kb tried to call as many times as he could, left texts and messages, voice mails and got no response. Drove over to the campus and knocked and she refused to speak with him. Lets just say sometimes betrayal hurts a little less when you had expected nothing good anyways, but it hurts like a bitch when you expected a whole lot more. Living a life full of expectation is a life full of disappointments especially when it involves human beings. 


Turmoil: “ hey you wanna come over?” 


Nompendulo: “ you’re kidding me” 


Turmoil: “I thought this was a break you needed so we can finally be together” 


Nompendulo: “ I was gonna do that on my own, thank you very much” 


Turmoil: “ really when? You been saying that for weeks” 


Nompendulo: “ owh so you saw it fit to sabotage the relationship and end it like that?” 


Turmoil: “ wait a minute, how did you imagine this ending?him finding out about us first?” 


Nompendulo: “ right, I never thought of it like that” 


Turmoil: “ how long did you wanna string both of us along?” 


Nompendulo: “ I was gonna break up with him” 


Turmoil: “ no you wasn’t “ 


Nompendulo: “ I’m done talking about this” 


Turmoil: “ so can I come? I really miss you and you could use some great company right now” 


Nompendulo: “ fuck, okay come get me then” 


(hangs up) 


Nana: “ no way, are you serious right now?” 


Nompendulo: “ what?” 


Nana: “ are you actually going?” 


Nompendulo: “ why not, I have nothing to be afraid of right now… considering me and kb are no longer together” 


Nana: “ does kb no that, I never had you tell him that” 


Nompendulo: “ I really don’t need you to judge me right now” 


Nana: “ I am not judging, is that even a good idea going over there.. considering you have school in 

the morning” 


Nompendulo: “ I will be back before class, or better yet let me pack clothes for tomorrow” 


Nana: “ I just don’t think it’s a great idea to just jump ship” 


Nompendulo: “your opinion” 


Nana: “ so you’re not hurt by the break up at all” 


Nompendulo: “ like I said, I will be fine” 


Nana: “ you actually believe that?” 


Nompendulo: “ actually yeah, I’m tired of being a good person… infact let me schedule some dated I have been ignoring for months now” 


Nana: “ that will only hurt you babes” 


Nompendulo: “ fuck me right?” 


Nana: “ I just don’t think it’s the right time to start your hoe phase now, don’t you need some time 

to heal?” 


Nompendulo: “ oh nah babes, I read somewhere and they say hoeing is healing” 


Nana: “ let me guess, twitter?” 


Nompendulo: “ yup” 


Nana: “ you aware people just write shit and dont actually live like that?” 


Nompendulo: “ owh that’s too bad” 


Nana: “ okay I tried, shap I’m going to sleep” 


Nompendulo: “ don’t forget to masturbate, you will asleep quickly” 


Nana: “ fuck you” 


Later her ride came by, turmoil had called a cab for her. He planned a romantic indoor picnic for her 

with roses and petals, sauvignon blanc being the order of the night, it all looked beautiful very much perfect, ofcos every woman would appreciate this but ke how many people actually get such treats. 

If your girlfriend or boyfriend has never done this for you, a small picnic nyana, just run away you’re 

in a wrong relationship….anyways I’m just fucking with you. Everybody has a love language, we all 

show affection in different ways and all of those are beautiful when its genuine and comes from the heart, okay I sound like a love puppy arg makes me wanna puke. 


Nompendulo: “wow” 


Turmoil: “ you like?” 


Nompendulo: “ its beautiful” 


Turmoil: “ okay I will take that as a yes” 


Nompendulo: “this explains why you didn’t come and get me” 


Turmoil: “ I had bought these things a while back, but I just never had a chance to invite you over and have this special moment you know” 


Nompendulo: “ really, thank you… and you cooked?” 


Turmoil: “ well considering you left, without eating I just assumed you might be hungry” 


Nompendulo: “ this looks great, I didn’t know you was a cook” 


Turmoil: “ yeah, well I had little help” 


Nompendulo: “ little help?” 


Turmoil: “ I sort of hired a catering company” 


Nompendulo: “ owh, they did the set up as well?” 


Turmoil: “ nah, this I did myself ofcos with the help of goggle and youtube “ 


Nompendulo: “owh okay” (smiles) 


Turmoil: “ so I got some bubbles and some wine” 


Nompendulo: “ lets go with bubbles tonight” 


Turmoil: “ great choice my lady, have a sit and I will be at your service tonight” 


Nompendulo: “ how about we skip all this and head straight to dessert” 


Turmoil: “I thought we could just talk” 


Nompendulo: “you saying no to sex?” 


Turmoil: “ no, we have got a life time of that but I’d really like to know you” 


Nompendulo: “ that’s the first, that never seemed to impress you?” 


Turmoil: “ look I know I have been a jack-ass but I’d like to do better” 


Nompendulo: “ okay great, today thing will be different I’m not the only one sharing… we are” 


Turmoil: “you know how I feel about that” 


Nompendulo: “ for this to work, we need transparency” 


Turmoil: “ okay, I’m willing to try” 


Nompendulo: “that’s a good place to start” 


They start talking and sharing in their childhood memories, what they had went through in life, sharing ideas of how each of them see the world, sharing what they liked and did not like. The evening was going pretty good and sparks sparkling all over the place. 


***phone rings*** 


Turmoil: “excuse me, hello” 


Tebogo: “general”s house now” 


Turmoil: “ what? Now? 


Tebogo: “ you think I will call you to schedule an appointment?” 


Turmoil: “ alright I’m on my way” 


(Hangs up) 


Turmoil: “ umh babe” 


Nompendulo: “its work, its cool” 


Turmoil: “I promise I will make it up to you” 


Nompendulo: “right, anyway be safe I’m going to take a shower” 


Turmoil: “I recommend a bubble bath” 


(she walked up stairs) 


Turmoil: “ I love you……………..i will be back soon okay?”(he yelled from the living room as grabbed his kids and heading out, she didn’t reply) shit fuck me right” 


***the general’s house*** 


Christin: “ about damn time “ 


Turmoil: “what the fuck” 


Christin: “ we have been waiting for you and come in here strolling” 


Turmoil: “whats he talking about?” 


Kabelo: “dude we were supposed to meet here at 10pm like we discussed last night” 


Turmoil: “shit, I’m sorry it slipped my mind” 


The G: “ okay, since we all here..update me” 


Tebego: “we found our guy and wiped him out of the equation” 


The G: “ no slip ups this time” 


Turmoil: “ except this idiot shot an innocent receptionist” 


Kabelo: “ she was a witness” 


The G: “ okay good, we need to stay for atleast 6 months, the SASS is sniffing around and you know 

how they get” 


Turmoil: “we have enough money to keep us out of trouble for that period” 


The G: “ I cant believe I’m saying this but don’t make purchases and withdrawals above your pay 



Turmoil: “ okay are we done?” 


Tebogo: “ you show up late and you’re in a hurry to leave, you’re such a clown” 


Turmoil: “please don’t start with me” 


The G: “junior please, anyways that all get the fuck out’here, the old man has got to get some sleep” 


Kabelo: “ T, can I crush at your place?” 


Turmoil: “ not tonight boy” 


Kabelo: “ c’mon man, after what happened today I don’t wanna be alone” 


Turmoil: “ boy seriously, as much as I want to I can’t.. today kena le stocko” 


Tebogo: “ wow, we not masturbating tonight, way to go T” 


Turmoil: “niggah fuck you.. I’m sorry kb but “ 


Kabelo: “is cool boy, I understand” 


Tebogo: “is cool you can come crush at my place, akena stocko” 


Turmoil: “sho gents, I’m out” 


(He left and hurried back home to find nompendulo already in bed and the lights off, he quickly took 

a shower and joint her in bed, cuddled her and kissed her neck from behind) 


Nompendulo: “ hey,how did it go? Everything okay?” 


Turmoil: “don’t worry about it, are you okay?” 


Nompendulo: “yeah I’m okay, just a little cold” 


Turmoil: “I’m sorry for leaving you alone” 


Nompendulo: “its okay, work is always gonna be there I guess” 


Turmoil: “I will make it up to you I promise” 


Nompendulo: “ okay” 


They both fell asleep, turmoil’s night mares started that night. It was like he was haunted by the 

devil himself. He woke up and went into the living room, poured himself a glass of whisky and sat on 

the couch watching tv. At some point nompendulo noticed he was out of bed, she woke up and went down stairs to find him watching tv. 


Nompendulo: “ hey you okay?” 


Turmoil: “yeah why you up” 


Nompendulo: “ I realised you were not in bed, so I came to check up on you” 


Turmoil: “okay come here” 


They cuddled up on the couch, spoke for a little while but she feel back to sleep, he scoped her back 

to bed, it was already almost morning. He took a shower and prepared himself for work and left 

money for a cab, with a note and money for breakfast. She woke up to the note and the money. 


*** phone rings*** 


Nompendulo: “hey babe” 


Nana: “ my brother”(hysterically crying) 


Nompendulo: “calm down, what happened?” 

Nana: “I don’t know….” 


Nompendulo: “ okay stay calm, i'm coming” 


Sometimes God does things in our lives we don’t understand or rather we don’t even know, sometimes we might think its coincidence but we can deny the fact that there’s a higher force at 

work in our lives. You might believe it because well the evidence is not visible to our immortal eye 

but sometimes the irony is pseudoscience. We live our lives every day thinking tomorrow is always going to be there, but what happens when you don’t wake up tomorrow?? 


Nompendulo rushed off to campus to find her best friend devastated and very much in pain, in hurt. 

It is never easy to lose the people you cherish and love the most. 


Nompendulo: “ hey baby, are you okay?” 


Nana: “ I can’t believe he’s gone, I mean we just found each other again, how can God do this?” 


Nompendulo: “I’m soooo sorry babe”(she hugged her) 


Nana: “ I mean he was trying to put back his life together and trying to change” 


Nompendulo: “ look babe, the man upstairs has a plan of his own” 


Nana: “ a plan to bring people pain? Is that it?” 

Nompendulo: “I know you’re hurting right now and I don’t know what you’re going through” 


Nana: “its just not fair you know, I had hoped we would start afresh and build our relationship, but I guess the man upstairs didn’t want that huh?” 


Nompendulo: “ all I know is things happen for a reason, sometimes we can never understand the 



Nana: “ how am I supposed to live after this?i know we were not close but I knew that one day we will change all of that” 


(she couldn’t stop crying and it was just heart breaking) 


Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and do that one thing you always been wanted to do. It might be scary but that the whole point, nothing worth having and cherishing take balls. 

never got why balls was used, I mean balls are weak and sensitive but that not the point, the point is life comes around only once. Is there someone you appreciate so much but never had the 

opportunity to let them know how you feel? Well this is the time to express that. Its time to grab life 

by the balls, its time to strive but also a time to live like you have never, time to take those scary steps. 







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