Good afternoon, good morning

welcome back to Turmoil s2, most of you did read this but we put some tweaks in so we can continue on to season 3 that will be uploaded on sunday. This season only had about 6 episodes, forgive the gramma.

for first time readers of the block, welcome and i recommend reading the intro or the season 1 of the blog.

Turmoil season2 
episode 1

When days are dark, we turn to say friends are few but in actual fact, maybe its night time, maybe 
you’re in the dark. Losing things or people that gave you the strength and motivation to go forward can really ruin your life. Life is temporary, the breath we take is temporary, you and I are here on 
this earth temporarily. You might believe in the existence of God, but looking at the beauty of nature and all its binary patterns I can’t help but say there’s a bigger force at work.


(back in campus, nana is still going through the pain of her brother’s loss, trying to mend things with her father and getting to know her other half sisters and brothers. Nompendulo has been spending time with Turmoil and things are looking up for the twl week”

Nana: “I know, I just have this family thing with my dad”

Tebogo: “ look I know family is important but please fit me in your schedule”

Nana: “I’m sorry, I promise I will make it up to you”

Tebogo: “okay you better”

Nana: “ okay I love you, talk later”

Tebogo: “I love you, later then”

(hangs up)

Nompendulo: “ mmh loving each other already?”

Nana: “ yeah I mean you know I really like him and besides he’s really been good destruction since 
the funeral and he’s really supportive”

Nompendulo: “ that’s good, as long as you guys are solid”

Nana: “ yeah but he can be very needy”

Nompendulo: “ c’mon, the poor guy feels neglected like me” (rolls eyes)

Nana: “what the fvck is you talking about now?”

Nompendulo: “you spend way too much at your dads than you do at school or even here, and you’re about to leave right now”

Nana: “c’mon babe, I’m just trying to make things work with my dad and get to know my siblings 

Nompendulo: “I know, and that’s really important to you”

Nana: “ and those kids be really spoiled, I cant deal sometimes”

Nompendulo: “that’s what happens when you grow up swimming in them rendelas”

Nana: “and my step mom is being really nice, I fear she might poison me”

(they both laughed)

Nana: “ yeah girl, I got to bounce I will see you tomorrow”

Nompendulo: “ ahhhh, you sleeping over, thought you coming back mara??”

Nana: “ well apparently we gonna be playing board games and bonding, so I doubt I will come back”

Nompendulo: “you seriously got to take me with next time”

Nana: “yeah will do,bye I love you”

Nompendulo: “okay I love you, drive safe”

(after a few minutes Turmoil came by to pick Nompendulo up and they went out to a date night)

Turmoil: “ you look beautiful, I missed you”

Nompendulo: “thank you, you’re not too bad yourself”

Turmoil: “owhh, okay.. nah I will take that”

Nompendulo: “ that’s a compliment, big head”

Turmoil: “ that’s body shaming”

Nompendulo: “seriously?”

Turmoil: “I mean body shaming is practically mocking features of my body shape or size,and that’s what you just did right now”

Nompendulo: “ was that an urban dictionary definition?”

Turmoil: “nah it wasn’t but that’s body shaming is, is it not?”

Nompendulo: “ yeah I guess so, I thought you liked it”

Turmoil: “ I do, considering my head isn’t that big. It is not about whether I like it or not the fact 
remains is body shaming”

Nompendulo: “ first of all you need to look in the mirror, second I think calling you big head is cute”

Turmoil: “ can I call you little ass?”

Nompendulo: “mxm you’re trifling right now”

Turmoil: “ see, double standards..”

Nompendulo: “no its not, saying small ass is more of objectifying me”

Turmoil: “and calling me big head isn’t objectifying me babe?”

Nompendulo: “I mean yeah, but it doesn’t take anything away from you, considering you do have a big head babe”

Voice: “hey, guys ready to order?”

Turmoil: “I’m hurt babe, umh hey I would have your smoked sermon, baked potatos and steamed 

Voice: “what source would you like for your sermon? Cheese creamy mushroom?”

Turmoil: “ I think I will go with thee’am cheese”

Nompendulo: “ can I have the medium rare steak, cheesy onion rings and steamed veges and cheese 

Voice: “ very well”

(he left)

Turmoil: “men get hurt too my love”

Nompendulo: “ I know fragile ego’s”

Turmoil: “its wrong to think men don’t have emotions, ofcos we were thought not to show 
emotions but that is men injustice babe”

Nompendulo: “ is that you being all sweet on me right now?”

Turmoil: “no, I’m just a guy in touch with his feelings today”

Nompendulo: “ I’m glad you said today, because you have never said these things before”

Turmoil: “letting people in my life is hard, when they find out certain things about my life they look 
at me different and it never ends well, with you I really like you and I really want to see how the next 20 years plus will look like with you in it”

Nompendulo: “ so you’re thinking that far?”

Turmoil: “ its weird that my friends don’t know about us yet, but that doesn’t change the fact that I 
think you might be the one I’ve been looking for Noni, regardless I don’t expect you to reciprocate 
the same feelings but I do want you in my life now, tomorrow and the day after..”

Nompendulo: “wow babe, I actually don’t know what to say”

Turmoil: “you don’t have to say anything but just promise me that you’re willing to be in this one 
hundred to try and make it work”

Nompendulo: “ I’m willing to make it work, but you have to promise me something in return”

Turmoil: “ okay, what?”

Nompendulo: “ that you will be open and transparent about everything, how you feel especially per time”

Turmoil: “ I promise to try,its not going to be easy but I’m willing to try”

Nompendulo: “ thank you, I think I’m ready to go home now”

Turmoil: “I love you”

Nompendulo: “okay”

(they both left the restaurant in smiles, Nompendulo just got her first I love after a year of ups and down, if you have to love make sure you do it whole heartedly. It doesn’t make sense to withhold yourself from something that you want, I believe in the epiphany of finding love not so much in sold commercial and internet standards of love and relationships should look life. Don’t base your life based on other people’s experience, let things be.)

**the following morning***

Nompendulo: “ how did it go with your dad last night?”

Nana: “it was really great, we play some witch board game but something happened and dad had to go and I only saw him this morning when I was leaving the house”

Nompendulo: “owh, is everything okay?”

Nana: “ well he says everything is fine so”

Nompendulo: “okay so T said he loves me”

Nana: “like he said ‘I love you’ to you?”

Nompendulo: “yeah exactly that, and I said okay”
Nana: “woah that’s a boomer,whats wrong you don’t feel the same?”

Nompendulo: “I mean do, I just don’t know if I love him, I know like him a lot”

Nana: “but…”

Nompedulo: “ but I’m just terrified of a lot of things that might actually happen if I truly give myself 
to this man”

Nana: “why are thinking of the negative right now, what if it could actually work”

Nompendulo: “still, I was dating his friend, what happens when he finds out?”

Nana: “c’mon girl, guy will be mad for a couple of days but will get over it”

Nompendulo: “ or not, it could break their friendship and seriously do I wanna be the girl that separated high school friends”

Nana: “ look you’re just a little scared, but whatever happens you know you love him and you’re bot 
about to let this go because of Kb”

Nompendulo: “okay maybe you’re right”

Nana: “like always”

Nompendulo: “and it actually felt good that he had to say it first you know”

Nana: “don’t be that girl, doesn’t suit you”

Nompendulo: “ okay get the fuck’out here so whats with you and the other T?”

Nana: “I don’t feel him bro”

Nompendulo: “hau since when?”

Nana: “I don’t know mara I feel like it wont work out”

Nompendulo: “ bathong! Just yesterday you said that he’s supportive and all.. what changed 
overnight literally?”

Nana: “I know what I said, yes he is supportive but I just don’t feel like its working, I tried talking to 
him last night and he actually dumped me and I don’t feel a thing”

Nompendulo: “he what?”

Nana: “ he dumped me”

Nompendulo: “ and you’re okay?”

Nana: “is not a tragedy, so I’m actually fine and I’m not really surprised to be honest”

Nompendulo: “ you’re hearless” (laughs)

Nana: “ aowa, it was working..i just felt like we were forcing thing to work”

Nompendulo: “okay girl, got to get to class see you later”

Nana: “ alright love ya”

**over at turmoil’s apartment**

(randomly at his place, on a day off lazing around watching the teli)

**knock on the door**

Turmoil: “what the hell, can a mdf rest just for a day”

(opens the door)

Turmoil: “ owh good day officer what a pleasant surprise”

Officer: “hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time”

Turmoil: “not a problem please come in”

Officer: “thank you, I went to the office and they told me you got a day of”

Turmoil: “ owh, well my boss is in new York for a couple of days…can I offer you anything to drink?”
Officer: “ no thank you, I was hoping we could talk”

Turmoil: “ owkay, I’m all ears”

Officer: “well I actually made a recent discovery about you”

Turmoil: “ okay”

Officer: “ where were you on September 20th, that night and during the day”

Turmoil: “ you realise you asking about events from the past year”

Officer: “ try and recall I will wait”

Turmoil: “ okay to save everybody why don’t you just tell me what the f**k is going on here”

Officer: “great, I was tailing you after you accident so.. I made a discovery that you pretended to be 
an officer on duty from Pretoria that night”

Turmoil: “well you have proof for all this rubbish”

Officer: “infact I do, I have video footage of you and your boys carrying out images from a gallery 
and later on you come back and pretend to be an officer on duty.. Interesting don’t you think?”

Turmoil: “I have nothing to say to you until you show me solid evidence that I’m actually directly 
involved in all these things”

Officer: “okay take a look at this footage”

( he looks at the footage and sees himself and the crew and later on when he came alone)

Turmoil: “this still doesn’t prove that was me on holding those gigantic pictures and yes being at the 
scene I only lied because they wouldn’t let me in”

Officer: “ what did you want inside and how did you know about the crime scene”

Turmoil: “I have friends in the department that knew about the scene”

Officer: “ and the interview you did with Mr Mazibuko, what was that about?”

Turmoil: “ I just wanted to know what happened”

Officer: “ofcos you did”

Turmoil: “ if you have nothing else to say to me, I think its best you leave”

Officer: “well there’s a reason I came here, I have files on you and the boys that night, car that you 
hired in one of you’s name checks out, you stole the paintings because they had coke inside, and you 
sold it and split the money which is by the way untraceable but with my sources I can find it.. also 
you murdered Mazibuko’s son, and I bet if he finds out it was you,you will be in deep sh*t”

Turmoil: “ now that you have narrated this tragedy to me, what is it that you want?”

Officer: “ very simple, I want in”

Turmoil: “excuse me?”

Officer: “you heard me, in your next job I want in..i know that the last job you did, wasn’t your last or 
was it the first”

Turmoil: “are you kidding me? You cant just want in and we automatically bring you in”

Officer: “ you have 24hours to talk to your boss and the crew, or this files are going inside the SASS 
data base, and I don’t need to explain what will happen to you”

Turmoil: “ you wouldn’t dare”

Officer: “well try me, owh and if you try kill me just know.. the files will go in and on top of your 
crimes a murder of an officer of the law will be added to your charges”

Turmoil: “ get out”

Officer: “ remember 24 hours”

Turmoil: “I said out!!”

(he left and imminently request a conference call with the crew but the general was not available)

**on the call**

Kabelo: “ dude I was about to enjoy my lunch wassup”

Turmoil: “guys we have a huge problem, yall need to come to my house right now”

Tebogo: “ we are actually working, a real job driver”

Turmoil: “yall wanna go to jail or what?”

Kabelo: “ohh sh*t”

Turmoil: “ you better be here in the next 20 minutes”

( they all had to give in excuses and run away from work and they drove over to Turmoil’s apartment)

Christin: “dude what was so urgent”

Turmoil: “ yall remember that guy from SASS?”

Kabelo: “ which one is that?”

Turmoil: “oh yall don’t know, but junior know knows because he snitched on me”

Tebogo: “ I said I was sorry”

Turmoil: “ mxm, anyway so this guy was investigating us from the time of my accident and he practically found everything, from the night we stole the cook from the gallery and about the 
murdering of the nkanyezi kid”

Christin: “what the, so SASS knows about our operations now?”

Kabelo: “this is bad”

Turmoil: “real bad”

Tebogo: “can we just eliminate the officer”

Turmoil: “well he game me specific instructions, if anything happens to him we probably gonna get 
life sentence”

Kabelo: “ what is the general saying?”

Turmoil: “I cant get a hold of him at this moment”

Christin: “we are screwed”

Tebogo: “this week just couldn’t get worse, I got dumped now this”

Turmoil: “ are you serious?"

Tebogo: “let me be, so what do we do, we cant just sit here?”

Turmoil: “ he wants in our next job and we have 24hours to give him an answer, which is yes”

Kabelo: “ but that’s in possible”

Tebogo: “ dude what other choice do we have?”

Turmoil: “look, as soon as I get a hold of the G, I will let you guys know..just act cool and go on by 
your day like everything is good”

(they left and went back to work and a couple of hours later, the general called turmoil back)

The G: “ you say what??”

Turmoil: “yes sir that’s the story and this boy has given me 24 hours to get back to him”

The G: “you know what? Tell him I said he’s in on the next job until we figure out how to solve this 
problem, we can have a cop sniffing around our business”

Turmoil: “yes sir, I will call him right away”

The G: “in the meantime, can you tell junior to find everything there is to find about him, his family, 
friends and every dirt he can find I want it”

Turmoil: “on it sir”

The G: “ I have got to go, I have a meeting..keep me posted”

**later that day,on the call**

Tebogo: “yow wassup any updates from the G”

Turmoil: “ he said I should tell him hes in on the next job, until we figure something out”

Tebogo: “ are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Turmoil: “ what can we do at this point? Nobody here wants to go to jail”

Tebogo: “yeah you right”

Turmoil: “look, the G wants you look this up, find anything and everything about him,find out if he 
had kids, wife anything that can be of valuable information”

Tebogo: “the boss is the office today and hes been watching me the whole time, I will start doing 
that when I get home”

Turmoil: “ sho boy,update the others”

Tebogo: “sho”

(Tebogo updated the boys and Turmoil made a call to Mr Welmar to tell him that he was part of team for the next job)

Officer: “so when is the next job”

Turmoil: “ well we don’t know yet”

Officer: “well it better be soon, I’m not a patient man”

Turmoil: “ you’re pushing it”

Officer: “its sad because there’s really nothing you can do”

Turmoil: “okay”

Officer: “ and I have another request, tell your boss that I need 10mil in cash by Monday”

Turmoil: “ are you out of mind?”

Officer: “remember Monday”

Turmoil: “you think withdrawal of 10mil will not raise suspicions?”

Officer: “obviously not to me, so I really don’t give a damn”

Turmoil: “ listen if you want to be part of this team, you need to be a team player man”

Officer: “ohw, no don’t be fooled I’m trying to be one of you and serve loyalty to you..i just want 

Turmoil: “right, so how can we trust you wont sell us out?”

Officer: “you will just have to learn to trust me”

Turmoil: “you’re such a self-righteous bustard”

Officer: “ I wouldn’t be too comfortable on that high horse, considering you were sleeping with your bestfriend’s girl… so me and you aren’t so different my friend”

Turmoil: “ she was…”

Officer: “ yeah yeah I know, yours before his? I wonder if he knew… I don’t think he’d share the same sentiments”

Turmoil: “you wouldn’t dare”

Officer: “ don’t try me”

One day you will be accountable for the life you had. It was given to you for you not to compare with you moms, your friend, your neighbour, co-worker or friend. Be greatful today for the gift of life.



(at the general’s house discussing matters concerning how to deal with the new arrival)

The G: “ I don’t like being taken for a poes, the officer thinks he’s top of us all”

Tebogo: “ I hate him so much, the idea of putting a bullet on the back of his skull is almost my daily thought”

Turmoil: “he’s too smart, we need to find a way to penetrate through all the wall of protection he thinks he has”

The G: “ now tell me, how do we get 10m within 24 hours”

Turmoil: “we can all get 2m from each offshore account and hope the traces can be wiped out”

The G: “ sounds like a plan, junior can you be able to wipe the trails?”

Tebogo: “yes sir, I think I can do it”

The G: “I just need a solid yes, I’m tired of the slip ups we been having lately”

Tebogo: “I can do it sir”

The G: “ hows the information fishing on this bastard coming along?”

Tebogo: “ so far I got nothing on him, he’s never been married or never had any kids by the looks of things but I’m still looking for more trails on him”

The G: “ find anything and everything you can, this son of b**** can’t play us like this”

Tebogo: “ on it sir”

Kabelo: “ so in the mean time what do we do?”

The G: “ just make sure he feels like he’s part of the team, I need to call him and deliver the news and tell him the money is ready for collection”

Turmoil: “ this boy is going to mess us up”

The G: “we just need to stay vigilant and ready people like him, for action at any day”

Turmoil: “but he must be dating someone, having some sort of connection somewhere, parents or sisters, a brother something..”

The G: “ I have seen people like him, even if he has family he’s probably cut all ties with them and its just him now”

Turmoil: “we are screwed really hard”

The G: “ junior make those transactions and get the money here by tomorrow”

Tebogo: “I will do”

  The G: “ and the rest of you ca you act normal, your schedule should go as usually, we don’t want to drag unnecessary attention please”  

Christin: “ I had taken leave for the next two weeks and had plans to go tour Africa a little bit so..”

Kabelo: “this niggah!”

Turmoil: “ get that stupid thought out of your skull, you’re aren’t going to any Africa, rather you take your leave as usual but you gonna be at a spa in the Gauteng province kappish?”

Christin: **sigh**

Kabelo: “ I hope you understand, we not gonna be calling anyone we can’t find”

The G: “ not only that, you need to be careful of the people you associate yourself from now on”


(later the G sends a massage to talk to officer Welmar, he drove to his house to negotiate terms)

The G: “ officer come in”

Officer: “ thank you”

The G : “ umh have a sit, everyone this is Mr welmar”

Officer: “ I assume they already know me”

Tebogo: “you’re damn right we know you”

Officer: “ great, without wasting more time..why did you call me over here?”

The G: “we got the money you sked for, we also consider you now part of the team”

Officer: “ good, when is the next job?”

The G: “ we follow some protocols, we don’t have anything lined up yet.. we trying to stay low for now”

Officer: “ you better make it snappy, I don’t have all year”

The G: “if I may ask, why do you desperately need money?”

Officer: “desperate? No that’s not the reason why I want money, I want money for the same reason all of you here do”

Turmoil: “ f#*k off”

Officer: “ you watch your mouth”

Turmoil: “ or what?”

The G: “okay okay, lets not get rowdy now”

Officer: “ you people shouldn’t mistaken me as a friend or trying to building a brotherhood with you, I’m here for the money and that’s all”

Kabelo: “we clearly don’t need a snitch in this brotherhood”

Officer: “ooh no please, I don’t want a brotherhood like this”

The G: “ clearly, so besides the fact that you don’t want to be part of the group what else should we know?”

Officer: “the fact that I wont be participating in the acts you will be doing boys, but I need 20% of everything you make”

Tebogo: “ you must be out you f#*king mind”

Turmoil: “this as*whole”

The G: “who do you think you are?”

Officer: “ first of all I don’t want to be an accomplice to all your dirty work an…”

Turmoil: “matter of fact, shut the fu** up, you come here and make demands and them you want to be our dictator too?”

Officer: “ I think I made it clear that I don’t give a rats a*s about any of you, so..”

The G: “ well that not happening”

Officer: “may I remind you the information I have about this little charade you have here general, you will go to prison for a long time my friend, and you’re old so its no looking good for you”

Kabelo: “madaf**#”

Officer: “ you guys keep thinking this is a child’s play right??”

The G: “ you know what?, get the fuck out of house.. realise that information you have and be dead by morning your choice”

Officer: “ okay well, we all gonna die in life at some point right so why not now”

Turmoil: “ this piece of sh*t is arrogant”

Officer: “don’t worry about me, I’m on my way but the moment I walk out that door I’m releasing some pretty great information about every one of you, and I bet you…you wont look at one another the same”

Turmoil: “do your worst”

Officer: “speak of the devil.. hey you blue shirt do you know he’s f**king your girlfriend, ooh my bad I meant your ex girlfriend”

Tebogo: “oh sh*t”

(Kb looking at Turmoil so is everybody else)

Kabelo: “is it true?”

Turmoil: “ I can explain”

Kabelo: “ are you f**king her or not, it’s a simple yes or no T”

Turmoil: “well look you know, how I was telling you about..”

Kabelo: “ answer the damn question T”

Turmoil: “yes”

Kabelo: “ how long has this been going on?”

Turmoil: “I met her before my accident, but I swear..”

Kabelo: “ so you mean while I was dating Noni you also smashing there?”

Turmoil: “no bro like..”

Kabelo: “ f**k you, I’m not your bro”

Officer: “ how wonderful”

Christin: “f**k off”

Officer: “ I will see myself out, general consider my offer and get back to me, I don’t want to release anything about you, these boys will kill you”

The G: “get out”

Kabelo: “ actually wait a minute, so all this while I was telling how much that girl meant to me you’re were just laughing at me?”

Turmoil: “ no man, I would never do that… I wanted to tell you but it was just hard”

Kabelo: “ okay I get it, you took it upon yourself to break us up and then have her all to yourself right?”

Turmoil: “ c’mon man it was never like that man”

Tebogo: “ you practically brought her to the party she was never invited to man, sh*t is adding up real good right now?”

Turmoil: “ you shut that hole”

Kabelo: “ no he’s right that’s exactly what you did, you did it on purpose.. you know what, I never want to talk to you ever again, don’t even f**en look my way”

Turmoil: “ c’mon bro, im sorry let me explain”

The G: “ when you two f**ken grow up, give me a call, get out of my house”

Turmoil: “sir I can…”

The G: “I don’t want to hear it, get out”

(Turmoil and Kabelo walked out and the two stayed behind)

The G: “this day couldn’t get any worse”

Tebogo: “yoh, I just can’t believe this”

Christin: “why would T do this?”

The G: “when I tell you not be involved or attached to people, you always think I’m crazy don’t you?”

Tebogo: “now I see why”

The G: “T meet this girl first and I knew he was getting attached before his accident and I thought that was over, and now this”

Christin: “I guess I understand why he didn’t Kb”

Tebogo: “ nah I don’t understand, Kb is his bro and he broke the code”

The G: “ okay wrap it up, this discussion is over I never want to hear about it any more, junior you gonna be staying here for a while..”

Christin: “ okay I will see you at work bro”

Tebogo: “ alright cool man, let me get to work”


(Tebogo and the G started working and looking over files and any information they could find, calling in favours and by far failing to get solid information they could use to blackmail Welmar)


***over in campus***

(phone rings)

Nompendulo: “hey babe”

Turmoil: “hi”

Nompendulo: “ wooah you okay?”

Turmoil: “no, Kb knows about me and you?”

Nompendulo: “wow, you told him?”

Turmoil: “ no he found out”

Nompendulo: “what do you mean?”

Turmoil: “someone at work found out about us and the niggah sort of hates me so he told him”

Nompendulo: “ askies babe, want me to come over tonight?”

Turmoil: “yeah, plus I miss you”

Nompendulo: “I miss you too, I will see you later okay?”

Turmoil: “okay I love you okay?”

Nompendulo: “I know”

Turmoil: “owh okay, we still not saying it back”

Nompendulo: (laughs) “ see you later, be good”

Turmoil: “ okay laters baby”

(hangs up)

Nana: “T?”

Nompendulo: “yeah, guess what?”

Nana: “what?”

Nompendulo: “Kb knows about me and T”

Nana: “ damn,he finally told him”

Nompendulo: “apparently one of their co-worker told him”

Nana: “njani?”

Nompendulo: “I’m just as confused as you are babe”

Nana: “yoh, ku tense babes”

Nompendulo: “look I’m just sort of glad he found out, I was tired of hiding that we dating”

Nana: “ it is not that deep, its only been 7 months”

Nompendulo: “I know but that’s a lot of time”

Nana: “ I don’t know babe, I just feel like this whole thing is just wrong”

Nompendulo: “really? You have never told me you don’t approve of our relationship before”

Nana: “dude, as much as I’m your friend and all, I want everything nice for you but what does this thing of a girl between friends make you?”

Nompendulo: “haibo wena and then?”

Nana: “no seriously, is not a good look on you mtase”

Nompendulo: “ but I liked T from the beginning, and I like him more now and theres nothing I can do to change that”

Nana: “so you rather break a friendship?”

Nompendulo: “no, I mean if a real friend loves you they will understand that you actually really love the person”

Nana: “so you love him?”

Nompendulo: “ all I know is I care for him deeply and he makes me happy”

Nana: “I pray to God that it doesn’t end in tears”

Nompendulo: “seriously what’s the story with you today?”

Nana: “ what if T and Kb are just playing you?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t think so”

Nana: “you’re not so bright then”

Nompendulo: “ okay whatever, I don’t really give a f**k what anyone thinks from now on, the truth is  I think I have a good thing going and I’m not letting it go”

Nana: “fine, don’t come crying to me… outhere trifling”

Nompendulo: “right, bye”


(they went their separate ways, Nompendulo couldn’t rap her head around what her friend had said and noticing that she was a bit off but couldn’t figure out what the reason could be. She went about with her day and later went to pack an overnight back and head straight to turmoil’s place)

Nompendulo: (kiss) “hey babe”

Turmoil: “hey beautiful”

Nompendulo: “ ncaww you look horrible, did you eat?”

Turmoil: “ to be honest, I can’t do anything since lastnight, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t concentrate… its like all the flashbacks of everything I’ve ever done are coming back to haunt me”

Nompendulo: “ askies babe, but you have to eat”

Turmoil: “well I have nothing in the fridge so should we order something?”

Nompendulo: “ you don’t have groceries?”

Turmoil: “well I’m a man”

Nompendulo: “ typical”

Turmoil: “well??”

Nompendulo: “ get dressed we going shopping then?”

Turmoil: “ooh no baby not today, I’m not in the mood”

Nompendulo: “c’mon this will cheer you up”

Turmoil: “naah, I know something that will cheer me up” (winks)

Nompendulo: “ahh babe”(laughs)

Turmoil: “decide what you want to eat and will order in and while we wait…I’m gonna do that thing you like”

Nompendulo: “owh really?”

Turmoil: “I’ve been fantasizing all day”

Nompendulo: “you’re disgusting”

Turmoil: “you’re disgusting, why you blushing so much.. girl put your D away”

Nompendulo: (scrolling through the phone)”so I thing some pasta will be okay neh?”

Turmoil: “I don’t really care, I’m just waiting for you order”

Nompendulo: “c’mon seriously what are you in the mood to eat?”

Turmoil: “you”

Nompendulo: “perv”

Turmoil: “for you? All day”

Nompendulo: “okay umh I got sticky wings, chicken pasta with mushrooms and a greek salad”

Turmoil: (holding her from the back) “are you done?”

Nompendulo: (giggles) “baby wait, let me process the order”

Turmoil: (kissing her neck) “I’m not in a rush mos mina)

Nompendulo: “give me your card”

Turmoil: “okay, get my wallet there on the kitchen counter”

Nompendulo: “which card should I use?”

Turmoil: “use the FnB card, I think I have some point to earn there when I buy food from Mr D”

Nompendulo: “babe I used ubereats”

Turmoil: “ahh you suck”

Nompendulo: “thank you”

Turmoil: “what restaurant did you use on there?”

Nompendulo: “well it has an Italian name and the food looks good”

Turmoil: “you’re a clown my girl”

Nompendulo: “your clown at least, so the delivery will be here in an hour”

Turmoil: (running towards her) “ so we can squeeze in about 2 rounds in that hour neh?”

Nompendulo: (hugging him with her hand behind his neck) “well that doesn’t sound like a bad idea”

( turmoil scooped her up bridal style and took her upstairs, and they were kissing with giggles and smiles in between)

Turmoil: “ you make me happy”

Nompendulo: “I always wanted to hear you say that”

Turmoil: “ I want you to know that, no matter what happens I will always be here for you”

Nompendulo: “thank you, I’m just not happy that you are about to lose your best friend because of me”

Turmoil: “its not your fault”

Nompendulo: “I don’t feel so good”

Turmoil: “yeah me too, I just wish things we different but here we are”

Nompendulo: “I don’t want you to lose him, please try and fix the relationship you guys have”

Turmoil: “I wish he could just answer my calls, its killing me that I can’t even call him bro anymore.. he literally blocked me everywhere”

Nompendulo: “ give it sometime he’s still pretty upset”

Turmoil: “I can’t blame him, I’d also be pretty furious to find out my baby is being screwed by my bestfriend”

Nompendulo: “lucky for you thats not gonna happen”

Turmoil: “or any man for that matter, I’d literally kill the both of you”

Nompendulo: “wow okay”

Turmoil: “I want you to promise me something”

Nompendulo: “okay?”

Turmoil: “I want you tell me that you’re mine and mine alone”

Nompendulo: “ you know I am”

Turmoil: “and this cake is mine and mine alone?”

Nompendulo: “of course is yours”

Turmoil: “you promise?”

Nompendulo: “I do”

Turmoil: “you do what?”

Nompendulo: (giggles)

Turmoil: “noni”

Nompendulo: “yes I promise, its yours and I’m all yours”

Turmoil: “ no say T this kitty is yours and yours alone”

Nompendulo: “really”

Turmoil: “yes, it’s a verbal agreement we doing right now”

Nompendulo: “okay, I Nompendulo today stand on this bed and declare that this vagina belongs to T and T alone”

Turmoil: “thank you baby”

Nompendulo: “happy now?”

Turmoil: “so happy, come here”

**phone rings**

Nompendulo: “ snap the food is here”

Turmoil: “what I didn’t get to… ahhh man!”

Nompendulo: “well you were outhere going all softy on me”

Turmoil: “ cant a man express how he feels damn woman!”

Nompendulo: “I’m not complaining”

Turmoil: “aright lets go”

(they went downstairs, while going down they heard a knock on the door)

Turmoil: “babe I want to use the bathroom can you sign for the food”

Nompendulo: “ okay”

(she opens the door only to find Kb at the door)

Kb: “ boy I signed for…”

Kb: “ nompendulo”

Nompendulo: “umh hey”

Kb: “so this is really happening? You know what here...”(handed her the food)

Nompendulo: “Kb wait”

Turmoil: “hey babe the food here”

Nompendulo: “kb just left”

Turmoil: “ sh**”


Turmoil: “what did he say to you?”

Nompendulo: “he didn’t say anything,I think he just got upset seeing that we actually are together"

Turmoil: “this is f**ked up, like really screwed”

Nompendulo: “okay I’m sorry”

Turmoil: “its okay, its not your fault babe”

Nompendulo: “I’m not even hungry anymore, I didn’t think this would be so hard”

Turmoil: “yeah well, it is what it is now. I just need to figure out a way to talk to this boy”

Nompendulo: “or I could”

Turmoil: “really?”

Nompendulo: “I kind of played the two of you, it’s only fair he actually hears the story from me too”

Turmoil: “I don’t think that’s a good idea”

Nompendulo: “I wasn’t asking your permission T”

Turmoil: “what if you get there and make things worse?”

Nompendulo: “make things worse? Are you kidding me? This is already a sh*t show as it is..”

Turmoil: “ okay fine, but just make sure his tears don't weigh on you”

Nompendulo: “you mean fall for him again?”

Turmoil: “ you know what I mean wise a**”

Nompendulo: “actually I don’t, explain”

Turmoil: “look you guys have a history, so I don’t want you to,.... you know..”

Nompendulo: (smiles) “to what??”

Turmoil: “to umh,just make It in a public place. I actually have an idea tell him to meet you at the square”

Nompendulo: “you want the poor boy to cry in public, have some decency”

Turmoil: “okay look, I just don’t want you to.... you know, that’s why…”

Nompendulo: “to what use your words”(laughing)

Turmoil: “you think this is funny right?”

Nompendulo: “no you’re being weird right now”

Turmoil: “I’m just trying to look out for my investments here”

Nompendulo: “so what exactly is it that you have invested in me?”

Turmoil: “my time, money,emotions,love,..”

Nompendulo: “mmmh,you can scratch emotions”

Turmoil: “umh why?”

Nompendulo: “you don’t have those”

Turmoil: “no way, I’m always emotional with you”

Nompendulo: “ we clearly have different interpretations of emotions”

Turmoil: “you know what? That’s not the point..”

Nompendulo: “right”

Turmoil: “yeah babe honestly,just make sure you don’t f**k him”

Nompendulo: “wow, so that’s how interesting you think I am?”

Turmoil: “no babe I’m actually very serious here”

Nompendulo: “great, I will make sure, with great certainty that he doesn’t happen to penetrate me”

Turmoil: “cool, can we talk about something else now please”


Sometimes we hurt the people we claim to care about the most, why is that? So gentlemen don’t feel attached or do.. I still don’t understand the narrative of cheating on the person you love and want to build with, with someone you don’t even begin to wish to see a sun set with?? What you love, you support, you consider, you protect, you go a mile for. Its absolute nonsense to think people are perfect, but I have come to a realisation that people know that you aren’t perfect but when you start acting like you’re perfect, they will treat you as such, and its never pretty…perfect people don’t make mistakes and ‘he who never makes mistakes never learn’. Don’t let it be you.


**on the phone***

Kabelo: “what do you want?”

Nompendulo: “wait don’t hang up”

Kabelo: “what do you want!”

Nompendulo: “ look I want us to talk, can we meet somewhere?”

Kabelo: “are you out of your mind?”

Nompendulo: “please”

Kabelo: “you have got to be kidding me”

Nompendulo: “look I can even come over to your place, I just want to talk to you”

Kabelo: “I have nothing to say to you, you want to do my friends cool, but don’t for a minute think you can waste my time”

Nompendulo: “look I know you care for me, you care deeply and I just want to talk”

Kabelo: “I used to care for you, and right now I don’t even want to see your face ever again”

Nompendulo: “so you just gonna ignore me like that?”

Kabelo: “you don’t talk to me for 6months and that's the crap you gonna say to me right now?”

Nompendulo: “I was just disappointed”

Kabelo: “that’s funny, disappointed while you sucked my friend’s d**k”

Nompendulo: “that’s not what happened”

Kabelo: “I don’t really care for the details, don’t ever call this number again”

Nompendulo: “hey wait….”

(hangs up)

Nompendulo: “snap! Okay so what do I do now?”


(Nompendulo walking from campus to her residence and trying to think what she can possibly so to get him to listen, she tries to call a couple of times and it rings with no answer and finally it goes on voicemail. She leaves plenty voice mails massages)

**texting Turmoil**

Nompendulo: “hey babe, so I spoke to kb but it didn’t go so well”

Turmoil: “I honestly feel its better to just let him breathe a little”

Nompendulo: “okay but he's really pissed off, its scary”

Turmoil: “ I tried speaking to him at work, he just looks at me like I’m used rubber”

Nompendulo: “eww that illustration is gross”

Turmoil: “what are talking about?”

Nompendulo: “used rubber,yin leyo?”

Turmoil: “seriously that’s all you got from the whole sentence?”

Nompendulo: “that’s what stood out”

Turmoil: “you’re suck a d**k”

Nompendulo: “come suck my balls then”

Turmoil: “I will be waiting for you to say all of that tonight, you little nandos!”

Nompendulo: “that joke was hysterical haha( straight face emoji)

Turmoil: “ain’t that the truth though”(laughing emojies)

Nompendulo: “okay screw you, you know I can make you go crazy”

Turmoil: “I will be pretending to go crazy”

Nompendulo: “wow really?”(sad face)                                                                                

Turmoil: “yeah sometimes I do, so that you don’t feel bad wabo?”

Nompendulo: “okay, wait are you serious or we still joking around?”

Turmoil: “love you babe, see you later”

Nompendulo: “don’t you dare”

Nompendulo: “babe??”

Nompendulo: “I’m mad at you”

Turmoil: “for what?”(laughing emoji)

Nompendulo: “so, am I that bad?”

Turmoil: “no you not, I was just joking”

Nompendulo: “tell me the truth”

Turmoil: “no baby, seriously I was just kidding”

Nompendulo: “really?”

Turmoil: “omg women”

Nompendulo: “so I’m women now?”

Turmoil: “hebanna! Mothwa modimo I said I was joking”

Nompendulo: “okay fine, just so you know I’m not coming tonight”

Turmoil: “but why?”

Nompendulo: “I have a lot of work to do”

Turmoil: “owh really?”

Nompendulo: “yes, not everything is about you, you know”

Turmoil: “owh, owkay.. so when are you gonna come over then?”

Nompendulo: “well I will let you know”

Turmoil: “seriously, wait, so you mad?”

Nompendulo: “ why would I be mad, did you do something to make me mad?”

Turmoil: “so you are mad?”

Nompedulo: “you what I don’t understand? Hurting someone you claim to care about”

Turmoil: “babe, I said I was joking”

Nompendulo: “clearly wasn’t a really funny joke now was it?”

Turmoil: “ just so we clear, you can joke around about me but I can't do the same?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t hurt you when I joke around”

Turmoil: “how do you know that?”

Nompendulo: “because we both laugh”

Turmoil: “no that’s because I know how to take jokes, I simply think of them as such,jokes!”

Nompendulo: “well whatever, I have to go will chat later”

Turmoil: “fine, I’m sorry then”

Nompendulo: “really?”

Turmoil: “oh god help me out here please”

Nompendulo: “if you don’t mean it, simply don’t say it”

Turmoil: “babe I’m sorry”

Nompendulo: “I don’t get you sometimes, is like you’re trying to distance me from you on purpose”

Turmoil: “really why would I do that?”

Nompendulo: “ I don’t know T, you tell me”

Turmoil: “you know what? I will never joke again, and again I’m sorry”

Nompendulo: “ its fine, will talk later”

Turmoil: “and I love you too”


***later that day in campus***

Nana: “are you okay?”

Nompendulo: “yeah just that, I feel like T isn’t feeling me anymore”

Nana: “well what makes you say that?”

Nompendulo: “no man is just a vibe I been getting”

Nana: “well you remember what I told you about these guys?”

Nompendulo: “no stop it, T actually is in love with me, hes just stressed about the fact that kb doesn’t wanna talk to him”

Nana: “you need to f**king wake up”

Nompendulo: “seriously? And the other day Kb came, I think he wanted T and him to talk and I was there, I actually opened the door”

Nana: “that’s hectic, what did he say?”

Nompendulo: “he didn’t say anything, he just turned around and left”

Nana: “ yoh that’s tense wethu”

Nompendulo: “I think I should go talk to him”

Nana: “and you think that’s a god idea because?”

Nompendulo: “maybe hearing my side of the story will make him understand why”

Nana: “are you kidding? You’re going to gloat to the man about how happy you are sucking his best friend’s D? don’t be ridiculous noni”

Nompendulo: “no I just want to make things right”

Nana: “going to see kb isn’t the right move still”

Nompendulo: “I won't listen to you, you got 0% experience about relationships”

Nana: “and what's that supposed to mean?”

Nompendulo: “don’t you see? You push away everyone from your life just because you think they will hurt you, your dad, Tebogo, your brother..”

Nana: “first of all don’t you dare talk about my brother, you know nothing about him”

Nompendulo: “I know that he loved you and wanted to make things right with you, he tried but you wouldn’t let him because you’re so self-centred and you think everyone is out to get you”

Nana: “at least I’m not looking for love and comfort from men by sucking their D to feel the void that my dad should have”

Nompendulo: “wow”

Nana: “ and so you know, maybe T figured out your daddy issues and he’s making a run for it.. because if it was me I’d also do the same”

Nompendulo: “some friend you are”

Nana: “f**k you noni, I don’t need you.. so go f**k Kb and T I don’t give a sh**”



(nompendulo left the room crying, she went into her bedroom and slept, in her sleep she received a text from kb, Kb wanted her to come over to the house to talk, he wanted some kind of closure. Nompendulo took a quick shower and wore track suits and requested a ride to take him over to kb’s house)

Nompendulo: “thank you for texting me”

  Kabelo: “sure, come in”

Nompendulo: “so, you know I just…”

(he grabbed her by the waist and look deep in her eyes and she looked at him back, with no words exchanged. One touch on the lips and more kisses followed one after the other. A pause in between, that inner voice that says this is wrong but your other inner voice is saying but why not? The kissing continued till she slayed on the couch on her back and him on top, clothes on the floor and the rest was history. Kb stood from the couch and went to the bathroom for a while and came back)

Nompendulo: “so, just wanted to tell you that…”

Kabelo: “I don’t care, you can go now”

Nompendulo: “seriously?”

Kabelo: “I don’t ever want to see you again, quit f**king calling me..your ride is outside”


(nompendulo took her tract pants, dressed up and took her little purse did the walk of shame out of the house, got into the ride home and cried all the way home)

Driver: “umh are you okay Ausi?”

Nompendulo: (cries lounder)

Driver: “woah, did he rape you or something I mean we can call the police right now”

Nompendulo: “I’m fine just take me to my place”


***phone rings***

Nompendulo: “ohh shit!!!!”

Driver: “whats wrong??”

Nompendulo: “shut the f**k up!......(clears throat) heey baby”

Turmoil: “hey sugar palms, I know you said you have a lot of work and stuff but I miss you”

 Nompendulo: “I miss you too babe”

Turmoil: “its okay, I was checking up on you”

Nompendulo: “thank you babe, I’m okay”

Turmoil: “are you outside?”

Nompendulo: “yeah umh we went to buy wings in town”

Turmoil: “owhh why town, is it not a bit late?”

Nompendulo: “we just craved wing kingdom babe”

Turmoil: “alright then be safe, text me when you get home okay?”

Nompendulo: “yeah I will do, love you”

Turmoil: “wow, what?”

Nompendulo: “I will text you”

Turmoil: “cool”

(hangs up)

Driver: “ya basadi!”

Nompendulo: “mind your business”

Driver: “alright we here”

Nompendulo: “how much is it?”

Driver: “owh the guy paid already”

Nompendulo: “thankx”

  (she left the car and ran upstairs, tears running on her face and she entered only to find her friend watching tv in the living room)

Nana: “yow are you crying?”

Nompendulo: *sigh*

Nana: “hey whats wrong?”(walking towards her)

Nompendulo: “I fucked up bra”

Nana: “what are you talking about?”

Nompendulo: “after our argument kb texted me”

Nana: “dude I’m sorry I didn’t mean what I said”

Nompendulo: “I know I’m sorry too, so went over there and shit happened”

Nana: “you f**ked him?”

Nompendulo: “yes”

Nana: “noni!”

Nompendulo: “chomi I know, I don’t know what happened”

Nana: “yoh dude,I don’t know what to say,why did you go?”

Nompendulo: “to be honest I don’t know why I went there, but when I got there he just opened the door and held me so tight and he looked at me straight in my eyes. He started kissing me and next thing I know my clothes are off and we did it”

Nana: “and then what?”

Nompendulo: “he went to the bathroom, came back and told me to leave”

Nana: “get out’here”

Nompendulo: “he couldn’t even look at me nana, it was like he was disgusted or something”

Nana: “okay so was he having sex with you or hate f**king you?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know, whats the difference?”

Nana: “wow really?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know”

Nana: “owkay, was he rough?”

Nompendulo: “yeah, I guess”

Nana: “you guess?”

Nompendulo: “okay, a little”

Nana: “were you having eye contact while…”

Nompendulo: “not really, no”

Nana: “did he look angry like he just cant wait to cum?”

Nompendulo: “well I don’t know but after he came he just stood up without saying anything, and I was there helpless”

Nana: “he hate f**ked you”

Nompendulo: “what the hell does that even mean?”

Nana: “ he totally doesn’t give a sh*t about you no more”

Nompendulo: “I don’t really  care about that”

Nana: “okay so why are you crying then?”

Nompendulo: “T”

Nana: “are you gonna do it again?”

Nompendulo: “what?no”

Nana: “okay then don’t tell him”

Nompendulo: “that’s his friend, what if he tells him”

Nana: “trust me he wont”

Nompendulo: “and how can you be so certain that he wont tell”

Nana: “I know guys like that”

Nompendulo: “I’m just so shaken I don’t wanna lie, I really like T”

Nana: “yoh realax, even if found out, you’d be fine someone better than those two”

Nompendulo: “you stay trifling, I don’t want anybody else”

Nana: “owkay, I’m just saying”

Nompendulo: “yeah well that wont work okay?”

Nana: “it doesn’t have to be a man”

Nompendulo: “what a girl? I will never”

Nana: “don’t be stuck up, you should try it, I’m not saying date a girl but you could just explore”

Nompendulo: “haha and where will I get a girl that wants to explore with me?”

Nana: “I mean, I can make a plan for you”

Nompendulo: “I always talk about sexual fluidity but naaaah”

Nana: “you probably not even straight”

Nompendulo: “what, no way I’m straight as f**k”

Nana: “can we make an experimental?”

Nompendulo: “what do you mean?”

(nana came closer and held her neck using both her hands and kissed her, it was so good her eyes automatically shut and later came to her senses)

Nompendulo: “what the f***”

Nana: “are you still straight”

Nompendulo: “it was just a kiss, that doesn’t change my sexuality, you’re my friend for f**k sakes”

Nana: “just weigh your options that’s all I’m saying”

Nompendulo: “do you have feelings for girls?”

Nana: “yeah”

Nompendulo: “do you have feelings for me?”



****To be continued****

(don't we all think we are good people, and yes we are and we make mistakes that's what makes us human. angels with broken wings we are.)

Nana: “no, not really...I'm not like in love”

Nompendulo: “not really?”

Nana: “look, you’ve been my friend for a couple of years now and its undeniable that we might have a soul tie”

Nompendulo: “dude”

Nana: “dude its not a big deal, yes I like you so what?”

Nompendulo: “ you’re my friend, the only friend I have for that matter”

Nana: “you don’t have to reciprocate the feelings dude”

Nompendulo: “this is now so weird I wish you didn’t even kiss me”

Nana: “why, now you gonna have to think if you actually like me back?” (laughs)

Nompendulo: “this is not a joke”

Nana: “well don’t think about it too much nawe”

Nompendulo: “owkay, you’re weird, I’m gonna go sleep”

Nana: “take a shower, you smell like sex”

Nompendulo: “f**k you”

Nana: “I’d like that very much”


Nompendulo went on to take a shower and got ready for bed, back of her head still thinking about the hell just happened with her best friend and she just slept with an ex. All this so confusing finally she caught some sleep.


 The morning after

 Nana: “ morning sleepy head, I made you breakfast.. did you sleep okay?”

Nompendulo: “you never make anything, is this safe to eat?”

Nana: “I mean the walk to macdonald was long but the least you could do is appreciate”

Nompendulo: (laughing) “I knew it”

Nana: “ and I’m sorry for what happened last night, I’m still your friend and I don’t want you to ever feel awks around me and I don’t want things to change between us”

Nompendulo: “its okay babe, I still love you and thank you for breakfast”

Nana: “it’s a pleasure”

Nompendulo: “wait did you buy the coffee too?”

Nana: “yeah I mean, we don’t have mocha in this house”

Nompendulo: “mmh okay, I still prefer my Lipton green tea in the morning”

Nana: “that nonsenses, I cant do it babes”

Nompendulo: “its healthy and less caffeine”

Nana: “I will drink water to dissolve the caffeine”

Nompendulo: “I believe you”

**phone rings**

Nana: “aren’t you gonna answer that”

Nompendulo: “nope”

Nana: “why not?”

Nompendulo: “I just feel weird after last night, what if kb already shared the news”

Nana: “I doubt he’d say anything”

Nompendulo: “you don’t know that, he could just do it.. out of spite”

Nana: “but theres only one way to find out, you can ignore him forever”

**phone rings**

Nana: “owh, and its kind of irritating so if you don’t answer I will”

Nompendulo: “you wouldn’t dare”

Nana: (grabs the phone from the table)“nana speaking hello”

Turmoil: “umh hey you”

(nompendulo fighting to get the phone, with nana running around the table)

Turmoil: “is nompendulo around, I’ve been trying to text and call but shes not picking up”

Nana: “well she left her phone in the living room last night and shes not up yet, I will tell her you called okay?”

Turmoil: “sure thank you, umh is everything okay.. just asking”

Nana: “umh, with her you mean?”

Turmoil: “yeah is she okay”

Nana: “yeah she’s doing great”

Turmoil: “owh great, I hope you doing great too..tell her I called,bye”

Nana: “bye”

Nana: “the man is just worried about you”

Nompendulo: “give me my phone”

Nana: “owh..look at that, you got a text from the devil and it says ‘I’m sorry about last night, please call me back’ what a d**k”

Nompendulo: “what the f**k? is that kb?”

Nana: “yeah I believe so, you saved him by devil?”(laughs)

Nompendulo: “I thought I block his number?”

Nana: “yeah that’s why he send you and Instagram inbox”

Nompendulo: “what a d**k,okay give me my phone now”

Nana: (hands it over) “but seriously,call T,he sounds very worried..he thinks that he did something that you’re now upset about”

Nompendulo: “life is a drag”

**dialing big daddy**

Turmoil: “hey baby”

Nompendulo: “ hey baby”

Turmoil: “are you okay, tried calling you”

Nompendulo: “I stayed up pretty late last night and I overslept this morning, just got of the shower”

Nana: “yeah your roomy told me”

Nompendulo: “okay I need to dress up, can we talk later,I have to go”

Turmoil: “owh okay sure”

(hangs up)

Nompendulo: “that was the hardest one minute talk of my entire existence”

Nana: “dude why you acting weird, the poor man thinks he did something now”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know how to act now”

Nana: “you said you would never do it again, so why you being weird about it?”

Nompendulo: “I cheated on someone I claim to love”

Nana: “its okay to feel guilty but don’t live in guilt, its not worth it and you might just ruin things with T”

Nompendulo: “yoh girl I never want that to happen”

Nana: “then get your sh** together and stop being a thwart”

Nompendulo: “arg, and what do I do about kb?”

Nana: “just send an I don’t care reply”

Nompendulo: “is that not rude?”

Nana: “you’ve got to decide what you want here”

Nompendulo: “I know what I want but I don’t want my ex to be bitter”

Nana: “dude really? I mean who cares?

Nompendulo: “I’m not you nana, I just cant cut people off”

Nana: “well you have got to learn that soon enough, life isn’t a movie.. you need to just make up your mind, see ya I’m last for class”


(in that moment nompendulo is question her decision and life choices, she then gets into the shower. Takes her bag and heads on over to campus as well)


**turmoil’s office**

The G: “hey do you have a minute?”

Turmoil: “sure”

The G: “alright meet me in the parking lot in five”


**five minutes later***

Turmoil: “everything okay??”

The G: “yeah I’m waiting for junior he has some news”

Turmoil: “okay”

The G: “we are going to western cape on Thursday for the next two weeks”

Turmoil: “I saw the bookings, I thought you’re going with Annabelle”

The G: “for two weeks with Anna, no way I’m going with you.. that girl will make me eat salads all the damn time, do you see how she limits my coffee intake”

Turmoil: “she's just looking out for her boss”

The G: “no way, I take her on short trips”

Turmoil: “now where is this boy, I have a lot of paper work to fail before our trip”

Tebogo: “relax lady, I’m here”

Turmoil: “about damn time”

Tebogo: “sir”

The G: “yes junior”

Tebogo: “sorry I’m late traffic”

The G: “nobody cares, please you said you have intel?”

Tebogo: “our mutual friend seems to have not hidden everything very well about himself”

Turmoil: “stop beating around the bushes”

Tebogo: “so he got a baby, just about 7 months old, I think after he discovered she was pregnant, she shipped her off to the uk”

The G: “okay is that it?”

Tebogo: “well the point is that this are the only two people he seems to care about, calls them regularly and he sends money”

The G: “how sure are you that, that is his baby?”

Tebogo: “well I did some little digging on the cheque receiver and check her social media and it shows that they are in a relationship, and an Instagram story showing both them together with the baby three months ago”

Turmoil: “the Instagram story doesn’t proof his the father”

Tebogo: “I think he is, the baby was born in the country and his signature is on the birth certificate”

The G: “great work junior, now we got something valuable that we can use against him so he can back off”

Turmoil: “he thought he was untouchable”

The G: “I should pay our mutual friend a visit tonight, just to deliver the good news”

Turmoil: “hysterical, I cant wait to see the look on his face”

The G: “nobody threatens me and get away with it, especially in my city”

Tebogo: “I bet he didn’t see this coming”

The G: “he better pray I stay in a good mood till late”

Tebogo: “alright I have to head back to work”

The G: “you’re free to leave”

Tebogo: “later boy” (fist bumbs)

The G: “listen T, I want you to put your contacts to work, find out where this baby and mother are exactly, have them followed, I want pictures of their every move”

Turmoil: “on it sir, I will make some phone calls”

The G: “make it snappy, I want some sort of evidence tonight”

Turmoil: “no worries, I will get you the info asap”

The G: “alright go back to work, I need a smoke”

Turmoil: “you see why you need Annabelle”

The G: “what I need is a glass of whisky”

Turmoil: “I'm out'here”

The G: “deadline son,dealine”

**on the phone**

Turmoil: “hey babe, I'm gonna be out of town for two weeks”

Nompendulo: “owh really, where to this time?”

Turmoil: “cape town”

Nompendulo: “really, with who?”

Turmoil: “it’s a work thing babe”

Nompendulo: “seriously we have been dating for a while now, you should be able to be transparent with me”

Turmoil: “no seriously, I will be working there for two weeks”

Nompendulo: “doing what exactly?”

Turmoil: “the usual”

Nompendulo: “whats usual?”

Turmoil: “what do you sound paranoid right now, its just another trip”

Nompendulo: “I just feel like you never let me in”

Turmoil: “is it because is for two weeks?”

Nompendulo: “sounds like a vacation on the beach”

Turmoil: “ooowh, so you think I’d be taking another girl to a beacation is that it?”

Nompendulo: “well..”

Turmoil: “I thought I made it clear how I feel about you babe”

Nompendulo: “the irony is, even when people say they love someone they still be cheating on them”

Turmoil: “I’m not other people though”

Nompendulo: “I know that, I just cant help but think sometimes… considering you’re a fine gentleman”

Turmoil: “look I know I’m fine..but I would never do that to you owkay?”

Nompendulo: “okay fine, so when are you leaving me?”

Turmoil: “never”

Nompendulo: (chuckles) “ I know wise a** I mean when are you going to the cape?”

Turmoil: “we leaving Thursday night babe, you should come over to the house tonight”

Nompendulo: “alright after my classes I will come over”

Turmoil: “great, see you later then..dadddy loves you”

Nompendulo: “laters daddy”


The greatest mysteries unsolved are those that pertain matters of the heart. The heart wants what it wants and sometimes that particular thing is not good for the heart but. The scenery of temptation is a matter of the heart I believe, the heart envies and convinces the mind.


**later the meeting with the G and Welmar**

(on the phone with junior while waiting for Welmar)

The G: “T, did you get the information and footage I requested?”

Turmoil: “I got them sir, I’m sending them on your spam phone”

The G: “good job, I waiting for this arrogant f**k to get here”

Turmoil: “you went over there by yourself?”

The G: “I’m an old man, I can take care of myself”

Turmoil: “no sir, its still not safe”

The G: “boy relax, we are the gold course where I play”

Turmoil: “let me know if you need anything”

(hangs up)

The genereral sits around for the officer but he's a no show, he tries to call him and his phone is off and 2 hours go by.

**phone rings**

Nompendulo: “babe your phone”

Turmoil: “helloo”

The G: “that bustard didn’t show face tonight”

Turmoil: “owh really, that’s strange”

The G: “maybe he found out, that we know about his daughter and wife”

Turmoil: “he looks like a smart man or someone watching over his child told him”

The G: “I hope your contacts were not sloppy, I cant afford another dirt on us”

Turmoil: “no sir, those man are military so they do a really clean job”

The G: “good, I’m gonna leave him a massage,he will call when he's ready”

Turmoil: “maybe he’s dead, he's a rat and might have pissed off the wrong people”

The G: “call junior and tell him to check his traces for the whole day today”

Turmoil: “great”

The G: “alright see you tomorrow son”

Turmoil: “good night sir”

The truth is troubles and sins have a way of catching up with us.


(in jhb, waterfalls estate)

 Officer: “please don’t kill me, I will do anything you want”

Voice: “ohh yes you will”

Officer: “who are you?”

Voice: “when its time to know, I will take that bag off your head and we will talk like normal human beings”

Officer: “what did I do?”

Voice: “you’ve been a good little cop until recently, you’ve put your nose in matters that don’t concern you”

Officer: “I’m really sorry, whatever I’ve done I’m sure we can fix it..please let me go”

Voice: “don’t worry officer all in good time”

Officer: “please I have..”

Voice: “don’t worry, see you in the morning sleep tight.. make sure you don’t fall from that chair”

Officer: “wait, please don’t leave me here”

Voice: “there are no bugs just some rats”

Officer: “no please no”

Voice: “c’mon boys lets go”


Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of out lives, as the shut the door,he felt so lonely in a very dark place. All the fears of the stories we hear about places in the dark came knocking in his memories.

 Officer: “let me out please” (crying)

Officer: “somebody help”

Officer: “help”

(screaming in the shadows of darkness where nobody can hear you, you just hear your own voice screaming back at you)



Officer: “please guys I will tell you everything you want to know just don’t hurt me”

Voice: “yes you will or your precious Chloe will suffer for your sins”

Officer: “no no, please don’t hurt her.. she has nothing to do with this”

Voice: “great, now you know what length I’d go”


(Sometimes the decision we go on to make in life doesn’t always only affect us but the ones we care about dearly. You may not see the immediate effect of that decision, but they say you’re a product of the decisions you’ve made throughout life.  As a people we are automatically flawed, we make mistakes and we learn, we are not perfect all we can do is our best.)


**in Cape Town**


The G: “you know that son of a b**ch didn’t get back to me since I arranged the meeting and he didn’t pitch?”

Turmoil: “that boy is actually disrespectful”

The G: “I help but wonder what he’s up to now?”

Turmoil: “I just hope he’s not somewhere snitching”

The G: “I just don’t like this feeling, being kept in the dark make me very anxious”

Turmoil: “we actually late for your first meeting sir, we need to go”

The G: “while I’m in the meeting, tell junior to look into this guy’s phone records and trace where he might be”

Turmoil: “will do sir”

(while driving)

Turmoil: “sir do you think he might have skipped the country and went to the UK?”

The G: “that will be a stupid thing to do”

Turmoil: “but it’s a possibility?”

The G: “if that’s the case, make sure your contacts let you know if anything changes”

Turmoil: “yeah I will call them right away”

The G: “don’t forget to tell junior about the job, see you in 3 hours”

Turmoil: “don’t fall asleep in there”

The G: “I will do my best”

Turmoil: “cheers”

**on the phone**

Turmoil: “yow, the G wants you to trace phone calls for Welmar that mole seems to have disappeared”

Tebogo: “do you guys realise I have a job?”

Turmoil: “aint no body give a rats a** about you little job”

Tebogo: “wow owkay”

Turmoil: “we don’t have time for games man, that man is a ticking time bomb for all of us”

Tebogo: “okay, I will look into it”

Turmoil: “do it now please”

Tebogo: “like I said, I will look into it”

Turmoil: “call me before 12, the G will want to know what you found out after his meeting”

Tebogo: “sure”

**on a video call**

Nompendulo: “hey baby”

Turmoil: “hey sugar plums”

Nompendulo: “mmh don’t you look sneezy?”

Turmoil: “don’t I always?”

Nompendulo: “naaaaaaaaaa, anyways how are you and how is the cape?”

Turmoil: “you know chilled weather, I’m doing okay my baby how are you?”

Nompendulo: “I’m doing alright too I guess”

Turmoil: “you guess? Whats wrong?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know, I’m feeling so exhausted”

Turmoil: “why is that? Do you sleep late?”

Nompendulo: “not really, I think its because I just joined gym”

Turmoil: “owh, we trying the I want to be sexy thing are we?”

Nompendulo: “lol yeah a little babe, I think I’m a little big and I want to reduce some fats”

Turmoil: “I think you’re perfect”

Nompendulo: “you’re kidding me right?”

Turmoil: “what??? But you not fat moes?”

Nompendulo: “that’s how I feel”

Turmoil: “its okay, as long it makes you happy”

Nompendulo: “yeah I’m happy to punch some sh**”

Turmoil: “woooah so you working out your anger issues?” (laughs)

Nompendulo: (looks at him with a frown)

Turmoil: “tough crowd, okay babe I was just joking”

Nompendulo: “its whatever, so whatchu doing?”

Turmoil: “I’m about to drive back to the hotel, I need to do some admin stuff while my boss is in the meeting”

Nompendulo: “I hope this man pays you what you deserve”

Turmoil: “yeah more than I deserve sometimes”

Nompendulo: “okay well great, I need to go to class, will talk later yeah?”

Turmoil: “okay text me later, I have a gala at 7pm”

Nompendulo: “how long does that take?”

Turmoil: “they take forever”

Nompendulo: “okay then I will text, if you can talk then we shall”

Turmoil: “okay, I love you”

Nompendulo: “I love you too”


**at Res**

Nana: “why did you lie to him?”

Nompendulo: “I’m not feeling well but that’s not a big deal now is it?”

Nana: “why didn’t you just tell him you home sick? Gym??? That’s ridiculous even for you”

Nompendulo: “I don’t want him to worry”

Nana: “this has been going on for a week now”

Nompendulo: “so?”

Nana: “maybe it’s a bit serious than you think”

Nompendulo: “I will be fine, I don’t think I need a doctor”

Nana: “well you collapsed the other day, that should say something to you?”

Nompendulo: “dude you need to relax though what the f**k??”

Nana: “I’m just worried about you babe”

Nompendulo: “theres no need, do I look sick to you?”

Nana: “does it matter what I think?”

Nompendulo: “well yeah, if I look sick that means I need the dr, so in the meantime I’m just fine”

Nana: “you’re skipping school because you’re sicl bro”

Nompendulo: “you can be a pest though”

Nana: “because I love you”

Nompendulo: “okay whatever”

Nana: “anyways, have considered buying a pregnancy test?”

Nompendulo: “for what?”

Nana: “I mean your symptoms are consistent with morning sickness”

Nompendulo: “what?? You kidding me?”

Nana: “dude it’s a possibility, are you on contraceptives?”

Nompendulo: “yeah the pill”

Nana: “okay but I’m just saying… consider buying the thing”

Nompendulo: “no, I’m not pregnant nana”

Nana: “okay cool”

Nompendulo: “sh**!”

Nana: “what?”

Nompendulo: “pregnant, this can’t be happening to me”

Nana: “its best to know, rather than living in suspense”

Nompendulo: “okay now I’m scared, I didn’t want to think I was pregnant”

Nana: “I know babe, but you have to know so that you can know what to do”

Nompendulo: “that’s not what I’m worried about”

Nana: “then whats the problem”

Nompendulo: “the baby father?”

Nana: “what do you mean?? No no no no way Noni, you cant possibly be that reckless”

Nompensulo: “look to be honest that day, things happened so fast and I don’t remember what is what?”

Nana: “sh**, now that’s some confusing sh*t right here”

Nompendulo: “dude what if I am and Kb is the father, I mean I don’t want him to be”

Nana: “you know what? We just need to buy that test and know.. then we will take it from there”

Nompendulo: “can you go buy it for me”

Nana: “yeah I’m on my way”

Nompendulo: “okay, so do you think I should tell T?”

Nana: “no wait, lets find out if you’re pregnant or not”

Nompendulo: “I know I am, I can feel it nana”

Nana: “okay, well I will buy clear blue, at least it shows how long and we can do some calculations and see whats what”

Nompendulo: “okay, hey thank you”

Nana: “anytime”


( I just figured sometimes that the truth you think you know, might not be the truth. Its true that a woman chooses who her baby’s father is and the truth is what she tell and the baby and the proclaimed baby father get to hear that truth, but that’s not true now is it? So what if you were in her shoes what will you do???????

As a side piece remember this: ‘bravery is not about never being afraid, its about feeling that fear and walking through it no matter what’. Also while you at it doing what is right no matter how painful, embarrassing it might be.)


**after the meeting**


Turmoil: “so how was the meeting?”

The G: “arg, I should have had made a call in sick but I couldn’t”

Turmoil: “okay, I will take that as awful”

The G: “I just sit and listen to a 60year old talk rubbish and has no idea what hes also talking about, its quite annoying to be honest”

Turmoil: (laughs)

The G: “I wish I could resign and just continue to focus on this side hustle, I make more money that my salary combined per year”

Turmoil: “I’m afraid you can’t do that, especially now that our behinds are on the line”

The G: “talking about that, did you call junior?”

Turmoil: “I did, he said he will get back to me with what he finds”

The G: “it better be quick, I don’t want this to drag any longer we need to find him before he does some critical damages we can’t clean-up”

Turmoil: “I will send him another text when we get to the hotel”

The G: “okay, we are not going to the hotel, I thought we could book into a quite restaurant and have lunch”

Turmoil: “okay let me make a search”

The G: “don’t worry about that, I know a hotel restaurant just near the beach”

Turmoil: “you do?”

The G: “yes a friend of mine is the owner”

Turmoil: “owhhhh talk about friends in high places”

The G: “stick with me son, and you will learn a lot “

Turmoil: “let call this boy”

**on the phone**

Turmoil: “boy, you got something?”

Tebogo: “I traced an IP address to his last call but that’s like 2weeks ago, the same day he was supposed to meet with the G”

Turmoil: “anything else you can find?”

Tebogo: “I send Christin to go check his place but it seems like he has not been there ever since that day, but everything of his is there and it doesn’t look like he ran away”

Turmoil: “okay thankx boy”

Tebogo: “I don’t know if I made a mistake but I told Christin to take his laptop”

The G: “that’s a good call junior”

Tebogo: “thank you sir, I didn’t know you were there”

The G: “we going to have lunch some really expensive lunch with a bottle of great whisky, it’s a pitty you working I’d fly you guys over here just for lunch”

Tebogo: “it sucks being a slave sir”

The G: “well, try get into that computer and lets see what this man is up to”

Tebogo: “I already cracked his password but all the documents that seem to be important they have a very difficult inscription code to crack it might take some time to open them”

The G: “I trust you son, just get your head in the right space and you will crack it”

Tebogo: “yeah I will continue working on it when I get home”

The G: “remember be careful, if the SASS notice anything fishy they will come for us all”

Tebogo: “yes sir, I will be very careful”

The G: “keep us updated if anything comes up, see you later this week..maybe Friday night if we land early”

Tebogo: “okay, see you then”

Turmoil: “cheers boy”

(hangs up)

Turmoil: “sir what if someone else kidnapped and killed that little retard?”

The G: “that’s good, but I hope he didn’t run his mouth”

Turmoil: “I mean the boy clearly got some enemies, the way he demands thing.. he might have touched the wrong crowd”

The G: “well that will be very sad for him”

Turmoil: “well that will be very sad, I wanted to kill him myself but then again we don’t always get what we wish for, am I right?”

The G: “be careful what you wish for”

Turmoil: (laughs)

The G: “I been meaning to tell you, I have a job for you and Junior”

Turmoil: “just the two of us?”

The G: “yeah, its an easy task it just needs the two of you to do it”

Turmoil: “what kind of a job is that?”

The G: “smuggling some drugs for a friend of mine”

Turmoil: “really, when is this happening”

The G: “its happening on Friday, here in cape town”

Turmoil: “ owkay, how my role in all of this?”

The G: “all you have to do is attend the gala with me on Thursday night, take the drugs and going back home you gonna have to drive back, junior will have to drive here on Thursday morning”

Turmoil: “what about the booked flights?”

The G: “don’t worry about that”

Turmoil: “and whats junior’s role in this?”

The G: “apart from bringing the car nothing much really..and orginise a ride for me from O.R to get me home”

Turmoil: “what drugs are we smuggling?”

The G: “coke and its worth 26million rand so nothing can go wrong in this process or my life will be over”

Turmoil: “okay I understand”

The G: “so on Thursday you going to meet this guy, he will give you the product, you drive and drop it off at the hotel, then drive back to pick me up. You will then drive with junior later in the evening on Friday, so by Saturday morning you both should be in Pretoria”

Turmoil: “it doesn’t sound like a difficult task at all”

The G: “junior should make sure that the car is on of ours so you wont be stopped on the road”

Turmoil: “yellow sticker nation wild”

The G: “is that what your girlfriends call you?”(laughs)

Turmoil: (smiles) “no sir, that just popped in my head”

The G: “so you think you boys can pull this job off?”

Turmoil: “yeah small waters”

The G: “great”



**later in campus***


Nana: “so what does it say?”

Nompendulo: “positive, 5 weeks”

Nana: “wooah, are you smilling?”

Nompendulo: “I mean, I thought it was gonna be weird, but atleast I know T, is the dad”

Nana: “owkkkay, so you keeping the baby?”

Nompendulo: “yeah off course I am”

Nana: “is that a good idea?”

Nompendulo: “what do you mean by that?”

Nana: “like are you ready to be a mom?”

Nompendulo: “well I don’t really think I have a choice..i will be ready when time comes”

Nana: “alright if you say so”

Nompendulo: “I’m so scared yet a little excited”

Nana: “owkay, so I guess congratulations and celebrations are in order”

Nompendulo: “and that face?”

Nana: “I just don’t think having the baby is a good idea”

Nompendulo: “are you kidding me?? What other choice do I have? I’m not having this baby aborted in any way”

Nana: “you still in school Noni”

Nompendulo: “so what?? I can be a mother and still graduate and be whoever I want to be”

Nana: “owkay, your life”

Nompendulo: “I know the timing is off but theres really nothing I can do, I can’t go through with an abortion, and my morality will not allow me”

Nana: “you?? The one that always preaches that decisions shouldn’t be made based on sexual hereditary stereotypes..”

Nompendulo: “I know, but this is different or maybe I’m just being a hypocrite but this baby I’m keeping”

Nana: “only if its something you truly want, then I support your decision to keep it”

Nompendulo: “thank you babe”

Nana: “so whats gonna happen?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know, my parents will be so disappointed”

Nana: “well it is what it is”

Nompendulo: “yeah but for time being I will be around and doing things as usual”

Nana: “we have to graduate, that baby isn’t stopping us from achieving that goal”

Nompendulo: “true, that’s why you’re my best friend”

Nana: “always, so when are you telling him?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know, I think I must go to the Dr for confirmation”

Nana: “clear blue is a Dr’s confirmation, stop wasting money”

Nompendulo: (laughs) “okay then I think I will tell him this weekend”

Nana: “will he back from Cape Town”

Nompendulo: “he comes back on Friday, so I hope to see him Saturday”

Nana: “alright cool”

Nompendulo: “I think I should buy, unisex socks and give him as a present”

Nana: “you’re too excited”

Nompendulo: “why not, I’m having a first born baby”

Nana: “I think you might just be disappointed by his reaction, so please as a friend I want you to reserve your excitement and tell him like how a normal person would”

Nompendulo: “what could possibly be the worst reaction?”

Nana: “what if hes not ready to have another baby?”

Nompendulo: “well I don’t know, I’m still keeping it, with or without him”

Nana: “I hope later in life the baby is not affected”

Nompendulo: “why are you being so negative about this?”

Nana: “look friend, I don’t want you to force him to commit into something he doesn’t want to”

Nompendulo: “so it okay for him not to want me to keep the baby?”

Nana: “yes it is”

Nompendulo: “but that’s his responsibility, what do you expect when you have sex without using protection, that means you’re ready for whatever may come out of that deed”

Nana: “that’s where you have it wrong, he should be given a choice. You guys were simply having sex, he didn’t sign up for being a father. Equally as you,both of you had the responsibility to protect yourselves from anything that might have happened”

Nompendulo: “and your point is?”

Nana: “if T says he doesn’t want you to keep the baby, and you keep it don’t expect him to do anything or provide for the baby”

Nompendulo: “but that’s his chils?”

Nana: “right now, the pregnancy is hardly a baby.. all I’m saying is men should be given the opportunity to want to be dads or not”

Nompendulo: “I don’t even understand how this came about, but I’m not going to entertain it”

Nana: “I’m just saying.. if woman are allowed to choose if they want to be mothers or not, why cant men be given the privilege?”

Nompendulo: “that doesn’t even make any sense”

Nana: “I know”

Nompendulo: “you so weird about this”

Nana: “not really just excising what I believe, and letting you know what is in my head since you’re pro-women”

Nompendulo: “right…”

Nana: “anywho,I’m happy for my love”

Nompendulo: “thank you, I think I should have something to eat but I can’t stop puking”

Nana: “try eating yogurt”

Nompendulo: “I tried, but the strawberry smell puts me off”

Nana: “well but you should have something, try a class of milk and I will make pasta quick”

Nompendulo: “yeah thank you, let me go take a shower”


***phone rings**

Nompendulo: “hey baby”

Turmoil: “hey sugar, how are you doing?”

Nompendulo: “I’m good, how are you?”

Turmoil: “I’m good babe, just back to the hotel, thought I should check up on you before the gala”

Nompendulo: “thank you, I’m alright”

Turmoil: “had a good day?”

Nompendulo: “yea sort of, I want to tell you something but please promise me you won’t freak out?”

Turmoil: “okay”

Nompendulo: “so I’ve been sick for like a week now, fatigued and always having headeches”

Turmoil: “owkay, did you go to the Dr?”

Nompendulo: “no but I got a pregnancy test and I’m pregnant”

Turmoil: “what?”

Nompendulo: “5 weeks”

Turmoil: “really?”

Nompendulo: “yes really”

Turmoil: “wow”

Nompendulo: “so?”

Turmoil: “wow, that just took me by surprise I don’t know what to say”

Nompendulo: “I’m sorry”

Turmoil: “owh no there’s no need for you to apologise, so what now?”

Nompendulo: “I know that the timing is off but I’d really like to keep the baby”

Turmoil: “are you really sure about that, is having a baby something you want?”

Nompendulo: “I don’t know, but I want to keep it”

Turmoil: “okay we will figure this out together, I’m excited”

Nompendulo: “okay so we keeping it?”

Turmoil: “yes I guesss we are”

Nompendulo: “really?”

Turmoil: “look I don’t have a problem with this, i’m just a little worried about your studies and how you going to tell your parents but overall I’m happy for us”

Nompendulo: “well it is what it is, my parents will have to understand and school can’t be that affected, its my last year anyway”

Turmoil: “okay great, I’m going to be a dad again”

Nompendulo: “yep it seems that way”

Turmoil: “best news I had all week, now I cant wait to see you and my little bun”

Nompendulo: “you realise there’s nothing to show right?”

Turmoil: “I don’t care”

Nompendulo: “owh and no sex from now on?”

Turmoil: “what? Why?”

Nompendulo: “its not healthy for the baby”

Turmoil: “what? No who said that, that’s when you gonna have lots of cravings for it and we gonna do it every day”

Nompendulo: “its not a good idea”

Turmoil: “it’s a perfect idea, and it will induce your labour pains”

Nompendulo: “so how that good?”

Turmoil: “listen babe, all I know is, sex is good for the baby”

Nompendulo: “I can’t believe this, I’m going to be fat”

Turmoil: “relax, you just have to watch what you eat and I will find a yoga studio and some birth and parenting classes”

Nompendulo: “are those necessary”

Turmoil: “yeah the yoga will help you with stretching”

Nompendulo: “damn okay, someone is literally more excited than I am”

Turmoil: “I know that I want to build a home with you and this is a start”

Nompendulo: “ncaaaw babe”

Turmoil: “I’m not saying its going to be easy but just know, I’m gonna have your back every step of the way, and I love you more now than I did before”

season 2 Episode 6

Honesty is the monster that sets you free, he is very scary but once you do the necessary your life becomes a complete beauty. Something that just been bugging the past few days is, why are we so afraid to commit? Why are we so afraid to love and be loved? You rather leave that commit, you rather be on your own that love whole heartedly??


Tebogo: “hey man, I didn’t know who else to call so can we talk?”

Turmoil: “okay go ahead”

Tebogo: “I cant stop thinking that we made money and the guys didn’t, doesn’t sit right with me”

Turmoil: “yeah I know it feels really weird”

Tebogo: “so you think he excluded them because he doesn’t trust them or?”

Turmoil: “I think it was about the cut more than anything else”

Tebogo: “I thought we were a family, money aside”

Turmoil: “hey man, that’s really hard to separate but to be honest, he will always choose money over any of us”

Tebogo: “you think so?”

Turmoil: “I know so, the man values money over his own kids and wife”

Tebogo: “I’m so confused”

Turmoil: “just get your cut and keep quiet”

Tebogo: “so that means you and him do gigs all the time that exclude the rest of us?”

Turmoil: “nope, sometimes I do him favours with people and I get paid for it but gigs, this was my first without all of us”

Tebogo: “yeah right, no wonder the two of you are so close”

Turmoil: “what the actual f**k does that mean?”

Tebogo: “the way you just said I should take my cut and keep quiet, that’s what you do right?”

Turmoil: “you don’t know what you are talking about, me more than any of you, I want to quit”

Tebogo: “wait what?”

Turmoil: “yes, I’m going to be a father again and I don’t want this family I’m about to have to be shipped to another country”

Tebogo: “noni is pregnant?”

Turmoil: “yeah she is”

Tebogo: “wow, congrats bro”

Turmoil: “thank you”

Tebogo: “you know he wont let you go right?”

Turmoil: “I know that, but that’s not a right that he has over me, I’m doing this because I’m really tired of this life man”

Tebogo: “yeah man, I wish you the best of luck to be honest”

Turmoil: “so what should I do, I don’t want my child to experience this life”

Tebogo: “whats so special about her bro, you couldn’t do the same thing for my sister but you ready to risk it all with her?”

Turmoil: “nothing specific that I could point out, and besides I was really young when I was dating Charlotte bruh and you know that”

Tebogo: “but still she has your son”

Turmoil: “I know and maybe after I left this life, she will let me see my son more and we can we one big family”

Tebogo: “you realise she’s married now?”

Turmoil: “I know, but if we move to the uk, I can also see my son more and also have a family”

Tebogo: “I don’t know what to tell you bro, but if that’s what you want go for it by all means”

Turmoil: “I just have to tell the general soon that I quit”

Tebogo: “that’s gonna be a tough one bro”

Turmoil: “it has to be done, i have a kid on the way and I don’t want them to live in hiding, I cant repeat the same mistake I did with charlotte”

Tebogo: “I feel you bro, I’m just tired of this life man, we can do better you know.. I cant even let someone in because I know as soon as they fall for me their lives are automatically in danger”

Turmoil: “yeah honestly its not worth it”

Tebogo: “and I also met someone, she really makes me very happy.. its still very new and all but I just cant risk her leaving because she is in danger”

Turmoil: looks you deserve to be happy, you deserve to find love and if you have don’t let it go”

Tebogo: “yeah man she makes me believe in stars and I want to be cheesy all day long, I know I sound like a retard right now but I really like this girl”

Turmoil: “listen love is a beautiful thing my friend, and if you think you’ve got that in her its worth risking everything just to be with her”

Tebogo: “a new life is what I want, if I cant have it with her then I don’t want it at all”

Turmoil: “I know exactly how you’re feeling right now”

Tebogo: “yeah man, good talk hey.. I need to get going”

Turmoil: “thanks for stopping by hey”

(Fist bumped and Tebogo went back to his place)


We walk around like we have answers for everything but in real essence we don’t know jack. The thing which may be truth to you depending on the perception you looking at it with, will only make sense to you, don’t expect it to be the same for someone else. Most often times I have the belief that find something that you really love and let it kill you. Its better to love and stand for something rather than falling for everything and being broken in the process. Pain is part of life but sometimes we inflict pain upon ourselves and turn to think it was meant to be. Maybe but also maybe not.




Officer: “please please its been a month and I have been locked up in here”

Voice: “once your information proves to be useful we will think about letting you go free”

Officer: “but I have told you everything I know and answered all your question”

Voice: “except you now the one calling the shots here, we went to your place to go get the laptop and we didn’t find it so its either you have a death wish or very stupid”

Officer: “that means those boys got to it first”

Voice: “what, why would they take your laptop?”

Officer: “theres a lot of information incriminating them and I kind of black mailed them”

Voice: “you stupid f**k, now we need to retrieve that laptop”

Officer: “I have an idea who might have it and try to crack it to get inside the file”

Voice: “do you know where he stays?”

Officer: “yeah as far as I’m concerned his still at Thaba Tshwane”

 Voice: “ good we have to pay these boys a visit, games over!”

Officer: “you understand that’s a military side right so”

Voice: “we know wise a**”


He organised all his thugs, they got guns mostly automatic rifles and they were ready to tear the place down. They left and went to Thaba Tshwane

(at the gate)

Security: “evening gents”

Voice: “sho, renyakana le Tebza”

Security: “omofeng?”

Voice: “wa nerd nyana so”

Security: “ai nna akimitsi, leya complex number mang?”

Voice: *shows him a picture* “renyakana le di man”

Security: “owh, ene kona tsena waitsi, ledi chomi?”

Voice: “ya ke mfanaka”

Security: “owh onna ko complex 6, ko nampa 23..mara swantse ke phone ale bulele”

Voice: “dankie boss”

Boom boom (two shoots on the head)

They kicked the door at Tebogo’s place and he had just finished warming up his dinner

Tebogo: “what the F, who are you?”

Voice: “ya Tebza”

Tebogo: “get out”

Voice: “that’s rude, you should never treat a guest like that ever”

Tebogo: “what do yall want from me?”

Voice: “you need to ask nicely” (pointing a gun on his forehead)

Tebogo: “please man grootman”

Voice: “I believe you have something that we want”

Tebogo: “what is that?”

Voice: “welmer’s laptop”

Tebogo: “wait what?? Why would I have that scumbag’s laptop?”

Voice: “you think we have time for games?”

 Tebogo: “gents c’mon that son of a b**ch lied to you guys, I don’t have his things”

Voice: “gents search the place, any laptop you find bring it here”

Tebogo: “ don’t break anything asomblief”

Voice: “ tsek wena san”

Tebogo: “please man, I’m begging you, I don’t know what you guys want”

Voice: “you know exactly what we want, and you going to give us what we want”

Tebogo: “and if I don’t?”

Voice: “your mom will be singing amagugu this weekend”

Tebogo: *sigh*

Voice: “look we know that madafckr had dirt on you and your crew including your boss, we want to know everything, especially in connection with the cocaine robbery and my boss’s son dying”

Tebogo: “look man, you got me confused with someone else, and whos your boss?”

Voice: “boys, anything??”

Voice2: “we found 2 laptops here”

Voice: “bring them here”

Tebogo: “that’s just my work and person laptop”

Voice: “okay, open them both”

Tebogo: “woah, why that’s invasion of privacy”

Voice: “open the damn thing, I don’t have to tell you twice”

Tebogo: “okay okay damn”

He opened them both, and the guy started going through them

Tebogo: “theres really nothing to see there man”

Voice: “some files aren’t opening on this one why?”

Tebogo: “that’s my work laptop, and those files contain codes that we are working at work so only one person has access to open for all of us and they shut down as soon as we leave the office”

Voice: “you think I was born yesterday huh?”  

Tebogo: “the hell are you talking about man, I swear to god”

Voice: “that’s unfortunate God is not gonna save you today”


***in campus**

(on the phone)


Nompendulo: “hey baby, I’m done for the day where are you?”

Turmoil: “I will be there in a few minutes, do you want me to get you anything on my way there?”

Nompendulo: “I’m just hungry can we grab something on the way to the house?”

Turmoil: “okay, I love you”

(a few minutes later)

Nompendulo: “hey you” (kisses)

Turmoil: “I missed you”

Nompendulo: “missed you too”

Turmoil: “so what do you want to eat?”

Nompendulo: “can we get wings and ribs and maybe a salad, I’m trying to watch my weight?”

Turmoil: “owh with the Nutella in your hand, that’s how you trying to watch your weight?”

Nompendulo: “don’t be jacka** your baby is giving me cravings?”

Turmoil: “owkay then”

Nompendulo: “and theres something else”

Turmoil: “owh, whats that?”

Nompendulo: “can I get some D too?”

Turmoil: “whats that?”

Nompendulo: “you know what I mean?”

Turmoil: “no I don’t”

Nompendulo: “is that a smirk on your face?”

Turmoil: “what are you talking about?”

Nompendulo: “stop play playing mara baby, I’m really horny”

Turmoil: “then ask nicely”

Nompendulo: “baby wam’omuhle, o dark and sweet ncela wi’fake yoke tonight”

Turmoil: “aww, you done?”

Nompendulo: “ahh, kante what should I say?”

Turmoil: “naah try again”

Nompendulo: “owhhh okay”


(she leaned over and unzipped his pants)

Turmoil: “woah, what are you doing..we cant die today”

Nompendulo: “can you keeps your eyes on the road then, and keep us from being dead”

Turmoil: *groans* “oh my god, babe!”

(he just hard instantly, she grabbed it and started licking it, and gagging on it while he moans and groans)

Turmoil: “babe, babe, please stop or I’m going to cause an accident”

Nompendulo: “eyes on the damn road”

Turmoil: “shit!”

(he indicated and moved to the side of the road, she stopped and stop up straight”

Turmoil: “wow, what was that?”

Nompendulo: “what was what?”

Turmoil: “can we get home please?”

Nompendulo: “sure, does this mean you convinced of how much I want it?”

Turmoil: “you don’t have to say it twice”

(he went back to the road, they drove to get food and took a drive home. Nompendulo was already eating in the car before they got home)

Turmoil: “really?” **laughing**

Nompendulo: “what?”

Turmoil: “stain my sits, and you walking back”

Nompendulo: “go away”

Turmoil: “but seriously babe, couldn’t you wait till we get home?”

Nompendulo: “but the smell”

Turmoil: “don’t puppy eyes me”

Nompendulo: *sigh* “okay I will put them away after this last bite”

Turmoil: “where will I be 6 months from now?”

Nompendulo: “are you already tired of me?”

Turmoil: “I didn’t say that”

Nompendulo: “well you didn’t have to say it out loud”

Turmoil: “I’m sorry”

Nompendulo: “its funny how you think all this is my fault, I didn’t want this you know and I hate it when you make me feel that way”

Turmoil: “wait what?”

Nompendulo: “you know what, screw this take me back to res”

Turmoil: “wait what just happened? Babe, you need to calm down I was just joking c’mon”

Nompendulo: “haha”

Turmoil: “owwwkay”

Nompendulo: “just drive, quit looking at me”

(they got home)

Turmoil: “which juice do you want?”

Nompendulo: “I’m going to bed”

Turmoil: “you’re not eating, I thought you hungry?? Babe?”

(she walked upstairs and got in the shower and got out and found him sitting on the bed with a   plate on the pedestal next to the bed)

Turmoil: “babe whats wrong?”

Nompendulo: “can I sleep?”

Turmoil: “are you mad at me, look I’m sorry”

Nompendulo: “T, just move”

(she got in the covers and looked the other way, and he was there wondering whats happening and he left the room and went to take a shower too, switch off the light in the house and came back to the room and heard her cry, he got in the cover and held her from behind and whispered to her ear how sorry he was, how he will try to be understanding and was willing to do better)

Nompendulo: “babe”

Turmoil: “yes babe”

Nompendulo: “do you really love me?”

Turmoil: “a lot babe”

Nompendulo: “so you remember what I said earlier in the car?”

Turmoil: “you said a lot which part?”

Nompendulo: “touch my boob”

(from there he moved his hand across her chest, touching her and massaging, nibbling on her neck while she lets a little moan escape, and let his hand between her thighs and started rubbing on it.)



****to be continued***

Thank you for reading, this was the end of s2.

one love stay blessed.

















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